I Don't Mind

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You walked into the BAU, balancing your bags and breakfast you brought for Garcia.  For the life of you, you could not figure out how that woman liked so much powdered sugar on her pancakes but you didn't question it after looking at your unhealthily large cup of coffee in your other hand. Since joining the BAU you have consumed more coffee than you have water since you were born.

You weaved in and out of people as you made your away to the Batcave so honorably named after you were hired as PG's right-hand woman. As you passed the other members of the BAU team, you heard a kind voice call out for your attention.

"(Y/n)? Did you need any help with that?"

You turn your head and watch as your genius friend quickly stepped forward, his hands reaching out a bit as if ready to catch anything that threatened to fall. You gave him a small smile, loving the way his hair moved around him.

"Thank you Spencer, but if I don't get this to Garcia then while it's still hot then the all mighty queen going to have my head." You winced playfully.

Spencer nodded and gave you a small smile, reaching for your bags that you refused to acknowledge were slipping off your shoulders. He grabbed them and gently pulled them away from you, careful to not knock the food out of your hands. You just stared at him, not fully understanding his sudden act of kindness. But you smiled a little bit, almost like a grimace, as you turned to walk as quickly as you could to the Batcave, trying your best to regulate your breathing that happened to act up at his closeness.

Spencer hoisted the bags onto his own shoulders as he took long strides after you. He watched your hair swing back and forth in your high ponytail. " You should be careful to not carry too much. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, 'women generally produce about two-thirds the amount of total strength and applied force that men produce. Women are also physically built so that they generally carry two-thirds as much muscle mass as men. This proves that there is, in fact, a difference in strength, that men are typically stronger, and that most of the difference is based on body size and muscle cross-sectional area alone.' The fact you came in with all of this is pretty impressive."

You smiled to yourself as you made it to the door, opening it and pointing where you want him to drop the bags. You let out a breath seeing that Garcia hadn't made it in yet. You set her stuff down on her desk then turned to Spencer. He gave you a little smile and you nodded to him, looking at the door. You didn't know exactly what to say, knowing that saying what was on your mind would not be a good idea. But you almost said it as you watch his face fall just a bit as he looked at you for a few more seconds before awkwardly walking out.

You turned and buried your face in your hands, letting out a groan. Why do I have to be so shy?  You thought to yourself. You were about to walk out of the room to go say...something to Spener but as you reached for the door handle, the door burst open and a barrage of color and perfume filled your senses as you stepped back to let the lady of the room step in.

"Now you have to tell me what all that groaning was about. It didn't happen to have anything to do with the sullen faced doctor I just passed on the way here?" Garcia let out a dramatic gasp. "You didn't turn him down did you?!"

You couldn't help but chuckle at that. "No Penelope, that would require for him to say something for me to reject, not that I would if he did. Or whatever." You let out a sigh as you spun your chair around and slumped in it.

"Oh no, you got it bad, honey," Garcia said in part awe, part worry. "Do you need me to clear some stuff up with boy genius for you?" She reached over and put a hand on your knee.

You shook your head and placed a hand on hers. "Nope, it's alright. I'm just going to need to figure this out myself. Thanks, though."

Before Garcia could answer back, JJ popped her head in and looked between the two of you. "Sorry girls, but we have a big one this time." She turns to you and looks almost apologetic. "Sorry (Y/n), you're home on this one. You think you can man the controls from here?"

Dr. Spencer Reid Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now