Chapter 6

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Flashback- (October 2001) "So Nicole, Diane you two are coming to my Halloween party Saturday right?" Rachel asked them "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Nicole told her. "I can't wait for Saturday! You are going to have a hard time topping last years party!" Diane told her. "Oh come on Diane, last year we ate candy till we all were on a sugar high and we watched scary movies till 6am" Nicole said to Diane. "I know, that was so much fun" Diane told her. "Well Im going to run to the Drama Room real quick before class, See you guys in Ceramics, Oh and don't forget we still have to finish our mugs today or we'll get an F on the assignment" She told them before walking away. "We won't forget, now go or else you're going to be late" They told her. Nicole then started walking to the Drama Room ( everyone calls the theater teachers classroom the Drama Room) "Ok Nicole you can do this, you are going to go in their and tell Mr. Jefferson that you want to do a scene for competition next month" she said to herself walking into Mr. Jeffersons classroom. "Ah Good morning Nicole, what brings you to my classroom?" Mr. Jefferson asked her. "Well Mr. Jefferson, I was hoping I could a scene for competition next month" she told him. "Of course you can!" He told her. "Thank you Mr. Jefferson" she told him. "No problem Nicole" he told her. "Now go on you are going to be late for your first class" He told her, "Oh right, thank you Mr. Jefferson" she said running out of the classroom.

Nicole made it to her first class on time, she sat down with her two best friends and began to get ready to finish her mug. "Ok all we need to do is put the handle on each of our mugs and we're done" she told them. "Ok lets get started" Diane said. They were about to get their mugs and some clay to make their mug handles when their teacher spoke up. "Hey guys before we start I want to all to met Okieriete Onaodowan, he just transferred into our class so he's going to need someone to help him catch up, who wants to volunteer?" she asked No one put their hand up or said anything. "Ill do it" Nicole said "Great Okieriete you can go sit with Nicole, she'll get you up to speed on what we're doing" The teacher told him. "Ok and please call me Oak its easier then trying to pronounce my actual name" he told her walking to where Nicole was sitting. Rachel and Diane just looked at her like she grew three heads, Nicole was always the shy one who never really spoke out or volunteered to do something like this. But Nicole decided that she was going to do something different, and be a little bit more outgoing so she decided to volunteer to help Oak catch up so he wouldn't fall to far behind. "Hi Im Nicole, these are my two friends Rachel and Diane" she said to Oak when he sat down at their table. "Hi Im Oak, nice to met you guys" Oak told them. "So Nicole do you want us to get your mug and clay while you're helping him?" Rachel asked her. "Sure, that would be great thanks Rachel" she told her. "Ok so today we're finishing our mugs we made last class, so do you want to start making yours now or do you want to start later?" she asked him shyly, (she was a little nervous) "Ill start now, but I may need some help" he told her. "Well thats what I'm here for" she told him smiling. "If you need any help just asked me or the teacher" she added. "Alright thanks" he told her also smiling. "Ok you're doing great Nicole, you can do this" Nicole thought to herself. "Ill get you some clay" Nicole told him getting up to get him the clay and the other supplies he was going to need. Since Nicole is usually a shy, quiet student she was often the target of bullies. "Hey Nicole, did you eat breakfast this morning?" some guy asked her. "Yeah, its the most important meal of the day" she told him. "Oh so thats why you look fatter then usual today" he said laughing. Nicole just stayed quiet and collected the clay and supplies Oak needed.

She began to walk back to her table, she sat down and began to cry, she was told that she was fat almost everyday, she was used to it but today she broke and began to cry. "What's wrong Nicole?" Her two friends asked her, "Yeah, why are you crying Nicole?" Oak asked her. "Its nothing don't worry about it" she told them. "Lets get started with your mug shall we" she said trying to smile but failing and starting to cry more. "Did someone say something to you?" Oak asked. Nicole nodded, "Who?" he asked her, "I think his name is Brad, the guy with blond hair and he has a red shirt on" she told him. "What did he say?" he asked her. "He asked me if I had eaten breakfast this morning and I said yes, and then he told me thats why I look fatter then usual" she told him still crying. Oak looked like he wanted to kill someone "Im going to murder him" he said furious. He began to get up but Nicole stopped him "No you don't have to say or do anything, they say stuff like that to me all the time, Im used to it" she told him. Oak's eyes widened "They do that to her everyday? why!?! do they get some sick pleasure making fun of her!?! She doesn't deserve that!" Oak thought to himself angrily. Nicole noticed the angry expression on Oak's face, "Lets just forget I said anything, lets get started on your mug" she told him. "Ok, lets start" Oak said still angry at that guy, he could stop thinking about how upset Nicole was and how she looked when he told her she was fat "She's not fat, she's perfect, she has the most adorable smile and such a nice friendly vibe, and she's so cute-wait what am I saying! I just met her and Im calling her cute, but she is! She looks like a Little Bunny!" Oak thought to himself

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