Chapter 28

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 Nicole woke up to her phone going off. "Who is texting me?" she asked herself. She checked her phone and saw that two people had messaged her on Twitter. It was 8-bitryan and Jackspeticeye.

8-bitryan- "Hello Nicole do you want to play some Minecraft with Jackspeticeye, Markiplier and myself?"

Jacksepticeye- "Hello lassie do you want to play Minecraft with myself, Mark and Ryan?"

Nicole messaged them both back- "I would love to"

Nicole started up the Xbox and grabbed her headset, she then started up Minecraft. "Hello!" Nicole said entering the game. "Hello Nicole" Ryan said. "Hey Nicole" Mark said. "Hello Nicole!" Jack screamed. "So what are we doing?" Nicole asked them as she began to drown a few trees in lava (they were playing in creative mode) "Ok first we are taking away your lava privileges" Mark told her laughing. "Aw but its fun to drown stuff in lava" she told him drowning another tree in lava. "I know it is but not so much when you're drowning just about everything in lava" Ryan told her. "Ok fine" she told them. "Ok now, we're going to be building a huge castle!" Jack told her. "Cool what are we going to make it out of?" she asked them. "Well we're all going to make our own floors and design them." Mark told her. "Do you want to make yours with Oak?" Mark asked her. "Sure Ill play" Oak said startling Nicole a little. "Good morning Oak" Nicole told him handing him a controller. After about 3-4 hours later they were finished. Marks floor ( well he made himself a fully furnished basement) had a pink carpet, with about 5 beds right in the center of the room, a bookshelf, a furnace, crafting table, a lot of chests and a lot of glowstone lamps. Jacks floor-The second floor- had a green carpet, a bed, a furnace, crafting table and he also had a lot of glowstone lamps. Ryan's floor- 3rd floor- had a red carpet, a double bed, a furnace, crafting table and like Mark and Jack also had glowstone lamps. Nicole and Oak's floor- top floor- had a half dark blue and a half grey carpet (Dark blue for Hercules Mulligans coat in the Battle of Yorktown, and grey for James Madison's coat Oak wears in act 2) a double bed, two crafting tables and two furnaces, a large bookshelf, and a mix of glowstone lamps and torches, they also had a sky light right above their beds. "Hey look I can have a framed picture of Tiny Box Tim!! I have a picture of my little biscuit!!!" Mark squealed. "I have a framed picture of my little septiceye Sam" Jack told them. "We have our dog "Hercules" Nicole told them. "You have a puppy!?!?!" Jack screamed. "Yep" Nicole told him. "In the game and in real life, say Hi "Hercules" Nicole said to the dog. "Hercules" barked. "Aw Hi "Hercules" Jack said. An hour or so later Nicole added Evan, Tyler, Craig, Marcel, Brian and David to the game. "Alright!" Evan screamed. "Alright!" Nicole screamed back. "Can we move into the castle or do we have to make our own?" Tyler asked. "You have to make your own" Mark told him. "Alright!" they all screamed. After about another 3-4 hours later they were finished. They all made one big castle and they each designed their own floor. (I would think of descriptions of each floor but I really need to finish this chapter so I can start studying for finals)

-Time skip-

Nicole was walking around Central park with Diane and Rachel. "So what do you guys want to do?" Diane asked them. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Rachel asked her. "I don't know" Diane told her. "Why don't we just sit and talk for a bit, we've all been so busy we haven't had the time to actually talk to each other" Nicole told them. "Ok" Diane and Rachel said. They then sat down on a bench and started to talk. About 5 minutes later a blonde haired guy walked up to Nicole. "Um hi can I help you?" Nicole asked him. She looked up and saw that the guy was Brad, Nicole was now terrified. "You can help me by telling everyone that its your fault that I punched you and I did nothing wrong and you are a fake and ugly and that you never loved Oak and-" Brad never got a chance to finished what he was saying because someone grabbed him and pulled him away from Nicole. "Just what do you think you're doing!?" Oak asked him. "She was just telling me how much she hates you and that she loves me" Brad told him smirking. "Oak thats not true, I hate Brad and I love you Oak" Nicole told him. "I know baby but Brad may need a bit of a reminder, let me help him with that" Oak said. "What are you going to do to me?" Brad asked him. "Im going to do what Ive been wanting to do for so long, give you a taste of what you did to Nicole in high school and at the reunion" Oak told him. "Oak please violence is never the answer" Nicole told him. "I know but he delivers it, but you're right violence is never the answer" Oak told her, but he was still angry with Brad. "How dare he talk to her and tell her that it was her fault that he hurt her, he must have a death wish because I know that he's going to do it again and if he does and Nicole isn't around to stop me, ill rip him apart and I wont think twice about it" Oak thought to himself angrily. "You heard her let me go" Brad told Oak. "She didn't tell me to let you go, she told me that violence isn't the answer and even though I want to kill you right here right now for the way you were speaking to my wife, Im not going to but be warned, If you step out of line again I won't even think twice about it, ill will rip you lim from lim with my bare hands, understand?" he told Brad. "Yeah sure whatever, let me go" Brad told him. "Remember what I said and stay away from my wife" Oak told him letting him go. "Whatever" Brad said walking away. "I hate him with a burning passion" Oak told Nicole. "I do too" Nicole told him. The two then walked over to Diane and Rachel and resumed talking with each other.

-Ok so I would right more but I have to go to sleep because I have to start studying for finals tomorrow

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