prequel part 3

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Senior year

-Nicole is showing Oak the dress she picked out for Prom-

"Ok Oak you ready to see the dress I picked for prom?" she asks him.

-Oaks pov-

"Im ready" I say. "Close your eyes" she tells me. "Ok" I say closing my eyes. I hear footsteps. "Ok you can open your eyes now" she tells me. I open my eyes, she was in the most beautiful red dress I had ever seen. I blush "You look amazing" I tell her. "Thanks" she says. She goes back into her room to get changed. "She looks so beautiful, I don't know if I can keep my feelings to myself for much longer" I say to myself.


I came by to pick up Nicole, we were taking my car, neither of us had enough money for a limo. I walk up to her front door and knock. Her mother opened the door. "Oh Oak you look so handsome, Nicole! Oak is here!" She yells. "Coming!" I hear Nicole say. She walks down the stairs. It was like time stood still. She looked so beautiful, her hair was curled and put up in a bun, and her makeup was perfect, it wasn't to much or too little, she looked like a goddess, not that she doesn't look like a goddess everyday, which she does. "You look beautiful" I tell her. "Thanks, you look pretty handsome yourself" she tells me.

-To the prom-

The night went by perfectly. We danced together the whole night, never leaving each other's side. But towards the end of the night Brad came up to us. "Wow, I didn't think you would actually come and you look like an over stuffed sausage or an over fed pig in that dress, just go home and-" he says but I cut him off grabbing his shirt collar. "You think it's funny to make fun of her!?! Do you!?! You are lucky there are witnesses or you'd be dead right now!" I spat at him. I let him go and I quickly take Nicole home. She asks me to stay with her. She gets into her pajamas and she give me a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "You left these here a few weeks ago" she tells me. I quickly get changed and she makes us both a small ice cream sunday. We eat our sundays and watch movies, after a while I start to fall asleep.

-Dream- Trigger Warning-

I'm with Nicole. "My little bunny I have something to tell you" I tell her. She doesn't respond. "Nicole?" I say nugging her shoulder. She collapses, I see blood coming from her arm. I fall to my knees next to her. "NO! NO! NICOLE! NO!" I scream sobbing loudly. "Who did this to you?" I ask. I hear laughter, I look up. I see Brad laughing and he was holding a blood stained knife in his hands. He then drops the knife, it lands not even an inch from Nicole's head. I stand up, my blood boils, my eyes narrow, my hands clench into tight fists, I'm ready to kill him. Suddenly Brad started to get smaller then I realized he wasn't getting smaller I was getting bigger, I looked at my hands they were green, I turned into the Hulk "This is going to be great, I'm going to destroy him" I say to myself. Brad looked up at me shaking in fear. "He should be scared, he killed the woman I love, now I'm going to let out 4 years of anger on him, this is going to be so satisfying, I've been waiting to do this since freshman year, prepare to die you disgusting excuse for a human being" I say. "YOU DID THIS TO HER! YOU KILLED THE WOMAN I LOVE! NOW I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I scream lunging at him punching him repeatedly. After about 5 minutes Brad was on the ground, he looked like he was dead, but he wasn't, not yet at least. I pick up the knife he used to kill the love of my life with and I get ready to stab him with it. "YOU KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! PREPARE TO DIE!" I yell.

-End Of Dream- End of trigger warning-

I wake up hyperventilating, I look at Nicole who was fast asleep right next to me. "Nicole, Nicole, wake up please" I say to her. She wakes up "Whats up Oak Tree?" she asks me. I engulf her into a hug. I tell her about my dream. "It wasn't real Oak, don't worry, I'm still here, alive, let's go back to sleep" she tells me. I don't release her from the hug. She falls asleep in my arms. I lay back down, I gently kiss her forehead "Good night my little bunny" I whisper. I then fall back to sleep.

-End Of Oaks pov-

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