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Sophomore year

-Oaks povOak was suspended for hitting Brad, after Brad hit Nicole-

"Oh Nicole, What happened to you?" I hear my mother ask. "Oh it's nothing Mrs. Onaodowan, is Oak upstairs?" I hear Nicole ask. "Yes, he is" My mother tells her. "Thank you" Nicole says walking up the stairs. She comes into my room. "Hey Oak, I got your homework" she says coming into my room. I look at her she has a blackeye and her arms are skinned and bloody. "Nicole what happened to you? Who did this to you?" I ask her. "I just tripped while I was walking over here" She tells me. I don't believe one word. "Nicole please don't lie to me, who did this to you?" I ask her. "Fine, it was Brad again, he stopped me while I was walking here and he punched me and pushed me down a small hill" she tells me. "When I go back to school tomorrow I'm going to kill him, he thinks he can do this to you while I'm not there, oh no not a chance" I growl almost punching a wall, Nicole stopped me by stepping in front of me. "She knows exactly what to do to calm me down, that and I would never hurt my little bunny, never" I say to myself.  "Oak please calm down, I don't want you to get suspended again please" she tells me. "Alright, but I'm going to get him one day for hurting you, I don't ever want to see you hurt" I tell her. "It's no picnic for me either, but I don't want you to get suspended again or worse" she tells me. "Alright my little bunny, now let's get you cleaned up, your arms are still kinda bloody" I tell her. "Alright" she tells me. I grab some rubbing alcohol and some towels. I then begin to clean her arms. Ever so often she would wince in pain from the rubbing alcohol. "She is so sweet and kind and just all around perfect, why is he hurting her?" I ask myself. "I'm going to find out tomorrow" I say.

-The next day- The end of the school day-

"Hey I forgot something in my locker, I'll be right back" I tell Nicole. "Alright, I'll wait here for you" she tells me. I felt so guilty lying to her but I needed to find Brad. I found him trying to force open Nicole's locker. Which was right next to mine. I began to get angry, I walk over to him just as he opened her locker and I slammed it shut before he could take anything. "Hey I need to talk to you" I tell him. "What about?" he asks me. "Why are treating Nicole like shit! She hasn't done anything to you! Why are you doing this to her?" I ask him. "Because I can, and she probably deserves everything I do to her, and she's such a little-" he says by I cut him off slamming him up against the lockers. "You don't ever talk about Nicole like that!" I growl. "Stay away from her or else you'll have to deal with me and I'll rip you limb from limb if I have to" I spat. "Whatever, sure, just let me go" he says. I let him go and he walks away. "I'm going to get you someday, no one hurts the woman I love, no one" I say to myself. I then open my locker and grab my history textbook, then I close my locker and start walking back to Nicole. When I get close I see her talking to someone, a guy. "So do you have a boyfriend, gorgeous?" He asks her. "He must have a death wish, asking her that" I say to myself. I then hear Nicole say "No, but I do have my eye on someone, he's really sweet and cute and he's just all around perfect" I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. "She likes someone, no, I'm not letting anyone take the love of my life away from me, I need to find out this guys name and where he lives, and I don't care if I get expelled, I will end him, or at least make sure he knows that I love Nicole and I'm not going to let anyone take her away from me" I say to myself. I hear the guy ask her another question "Really, tell me more about this Mr.Perfect

 "I think I'm going to be sick" I say to myself, trying to keep myself from crying. "Well he's tall, he's got these dreamy eyes, he's so kind and sweet and he has this smile that just so perfect" I hear Nicole say. "I can't take much more of this" I say walking over to them. "Hey Nicole, I'm back, who are you?" I ask the guy glaring at him. "I'm Chris, I was just keeping your girlfriend here company till you got back, and I should be leaving, bye" Chris says walking away. After he does Nicole and I start walking to my house. I muster up some courage and ask her "So who's this Mr.Perfect I heard you tell that guy Chris about?" "Oh you heard that, I was just making that up so he would leave me alone, thanks for saving me back their, he was really creepy, and he kept moving closer towards me and he kept giving me a weird look" she tells me. My heart that was a few minutes ago in a million pieces, was now put back together and relieved that their wasn't a guy that was going to take the love of my life away. "Anything for you My Little Bunny, and of that guy ever does anything like that to you again, tell me, I'll make sure that he'll stay far, far away from you" I tell her. "I will, thanks OakTree, hey do you want to get some ice cream or something before we get to your house?" She asks me. "Sure, lets go, and this is my treat" I tell her. She opens her mouth to try and argue but I stop her "Don't say anything, I'm treating you to ice cream, and that's final" I tell her smiling. "Ok fine, thanks Oak" she says to me. "Anything for you My Little Bunny" I tell her. We get some ice cream and then we go to my house. "Mom, Dad, we're home" I say as we enter the house. Nicole is basically family at this point and she calls my house her second home. "Okieriete, Nicole, did you two have a good Friday?" My mom asks us. "Yep, It was great" we tell her. "Really?" She asks us. "Well kinda, It was great up until gym, I almost got hit in the face by a volleyball a lot" Nicole tells her. "What are you alright, do you need to sit down?" My Mom asks her. "I'm fine, I didn't get hit, I almost got hit" Nicole says. "Ok, but please be careful, I know how rough those boys can be, don't forget this one used to play football" she tells her. I hear Nicole laugh a little, then we go up to my room to do our homework.

-End Of Oaks pov-

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