This is so bad lol

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Nicole was walking down the street in the evening. She walked passed a bar, when she did some drunk guy grabbed her arm. "Hey baby, you looking for a good time, I can show you a good time" the guy says. "No thank you, now please let go of my arm" Nicole says to him. "What if I don't want to, what are you going to do then sweetheart?" the guy asks her. "Then you'll have to deal with me" a voice says. "Who the heck are you?" the guy asked him. "I'm Okieriete Onaodowan, now let her go or else I'll have to make you, and if I have to, it's not going to be pretty" Oak says. "I don't have to listen to you, F off man, I'm taking her home" the guy says looking at Nicole like she was a prize that he just won. Oak then looked up at the moon. "Full moon, perfect" he says to himself.

-Oaks Pov-

I hear my clothes starting to rip and I feel my body start to grow fur all over, my eyes became sharper and a dark yellow, and I felt my claws and fangs grow. After I was full on wolf I let out a loud roar, I then notice that the guy was also a werewolf. For some reason I felt more powerfull then I would normally feel during a full moon. I then see that the guy has the woman on the ground, and she was screaming for help. "I'm coming!" I say as I run toward the guy. I grab the guy and throw him off of her. I then notice that she has fangs, "She's a vampire, and dam she's a hot vampire" I say to myself. I then find myself on the ground and the other guy was on top of me, trying to hit me. "Once I'm done with you, I'll go claim my prize" the guy says to me. "NO. YOU. WON'T!!" I scream as I kick the guy off of me, I send him flying. "Dam, what is up with me tonight, I'm not complaining, I like it, now to finish this jerk, and hopefully learn that vampires name and maybe get her phone number" I say to myself. I see the guy running towards me, I look at the vampire one more time and I see that the jerk cut her cheek, and she was bleeding. "YOU HURT HER, YOU'RE DEAD NOW!" I yell running toward him, full speed. I punch him right in his face and again he goes flying. I run after him, "He hurt her, HE hurt her, HE HURT HER!!!!!!!!" I say to myself over and over as I'm running after him. I let out another loud roar and I grab a street light and I rip it out of the ground. I get ready to swing and hit the jerk. I see him coming "Batter up" I say as I swing the street light and I hit him, he really goes flying, far, far, away. I run back to the vampire, she was still there, "She didn't leave, now's my chance" I say as I turn back to myself. I go over to her. "Are you ok, do you need anything?" I ask her. "No, I'm fine, thank you for saving me Mr.Onaodowan" she says to me. "Please just call me Oak, it's a lot easier then trying to pronounce my actual name" I tell her. "Ok, thank you Oak, I'm Nicole, Nicole Madison" she tells me. "Nicole, even her name is beautiful" I say to myself. "Hey I know this isn't the best time to ask this but, would you like to go out with me sometime, like on a date?" she asks me. I smile "I would love too, can I have your phone number?" I ask her. "Only if I can have yours" she tells me. I put my number in her phone and she puts hers in mine. "Would you like me to walk you home?" I ask her. "I would love that" she tells me. I walk her back to her apartment and when we get to her door, she thanks me. "Thank you again Oak, see ya later" she says giving me a quick kiss on my cheek, she then goes into her apartment. I then walk to my apartment, smiling. "She kissed me, on my cheek, but still she kissed me!" I say to myself. I suddenly hear a loud roar. I change to a werewolf and then I turn around to find that jerk I thought I got rid of standing a few feet behind me. "You didn't learn from earlier, why don't I make it clearer for you" I growl. "I still feel pretty powerful, I hope this stays and maybe gets better" I say to myself. Right after I say that I feel a surge of energy and power inside of me. "Wow, you ask and you receive, awesome" I say to myself. I felt 10 times stronger and 10 times faster then a normal werewolf, "Time to destroy this jerk, once and for all!" I say to myself. I let out a loud and fierce roar and I start running towards the guy, the guy then starts to run towards me. "Bad idea man, prepare to die" I say to myself. I punch him and again he goes flying, this time much further. I smirk "Lets see what else I can do" I say to myself. I start running after the guy, it felt like I was running at the speed of light. Once I stop and get myself ready to punch him again I feel my body get a bit bigger, my muscles were getting a bit bigger (If that's even possible!) (For Oak, I mean, he's built like a tank!). "I knew going to the gym everyday would pay off" I say to myself. I see the guy coming. "Here he comes" I say. I then I uppercut him and he goes way up into the sky. I then jump up and I reach him right before he starts to fall back down. I then punch him and he goes back towards the ground, fast. I let myself fall back down to the ground, safely. I see the guy has made a huge crater in the ground. I make my way over to him, I get to the edge of the crater and I jump and land right on him. "Now I'm only going to say this one more time, LEAVE HER ALONE OR I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!" I scream. The guy just nods his head, then he passes out, and he turns back into his disgusting human self. I then start to turn back to my human self. I then walk home.

-Time Skip-

Nicole and I are on our date. We go to a cafe that's only for vampires and werewolfs. Everything was going great. Until the jerk would tried to hurt Nicole showed up, drunker then the last time. "Hey baby, want to-" he starts to say but I cut him off grabbing his arm and pulling him away from Nicole. "I thought I told you to stay away from the love of my life, now I don't want to waste any time of my date making sure that you know to leave her alone so I'm going to give you a warning but only one, if you do anything to her again I will destroy you, GOT IT!?!" I growl at him. That sobered him up right away. "Y-yes sir" he says to me. "Good, now get out of my sight" I say letting go of him, and he runs away. I walk back to Nicole. "Are you ok, do you want to go-" I say but Nicole cuts me off, kissing me right on the lips, I kiss her back. "I love you Oak" Nicole says to me. "I love you Nicole" I say to her.

-10 Years Later-

We got married and ended up having some kids. Four to be exact, two boys and two girls. Our oldest son James, who was 8, was a werewolf, our oldest daughter Megan, who was 7, was a vampire, and same goes for our youngest son and daughter, Steven, who was 6, and Rebecca, who was 6. The girls looked so much like their mother, and the boys looked so much like me. "I'm so happy to be married to the most amazing and beautiful vampire in the world, I love you Nicole" I tell her kissing her. "And I'm so happy to be married to the most amazing and handsome werewolf in the world, I love you too Oak" she says kissing me. "Ew PDA!" the kids say all running into their rooms and closing the door. Nicole and I just laugh and kiss each other again.  

-End Of Oaks Pov

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