Chapter 18

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Nicole and Oak woke up to a small barking sound. "Oh that must little "Hercules." Nicole said. "He must be hungry" she said, Nicole then took him out and fed him. "Good boy" she said to him. "Hercules" just barked as a response. "Good Morning sweetie" Oak said coming into the kitchen. "Good morning babe" she told him. "So what's for breakfast?" He asked her. "You're hungry? I'm still kinda full from last night" she asked him. "Yeah, I have a big appetite, we brought home some leftovers right?" He asked. "Yeah, but don't eat all of the mashed potatoes and the turkey!" She told him. "Alright, I won't" he told her.

-Time Skip to a few weeks before Christmas-

Nicole was singing Christmas carols, while Diane was volgging, "Come on Diane, help us decorate!" Nicole told her. "We can't start decorating till Oak gets back with the tree" Rachel told her. "He should be back any minute now" she told them. Their then was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Nicole said. Nicole opened the door and found Oak, Daveed, Lin and Chris holding the tree and the rest of the cast holding food and drinks (non-alcoholic drinks) "Hey guys" she said to them. "Hey"they said back. "Well come on being the tree in" she told them. They all entered the apartment. "Were do you want the tree?" Oaks asked. "Right their in the middle over their" she told him gesturing to the vacant spot in the living room. "Alright" Oak said placing the tree down. "Alright let's get to decorating!" Nicole said happily. Diane continued to vlog "Ok time to decorate, this is going to be fun" she said. They finished decorating, they then all sat down in the living room and watched Christmas movies. "Alright guys, I got to go, V needs me, Bye" Lin said. "Bye" they said to him. A little while later "Alright guys I have to get going, I promised Alice I would help her decorate her apartment" Daveed said. "Ok and say hi to Alice for me" she told Daveed. "I will" he told her. Later everyone else left and it was just Nicole and Oak, Rachel and Diane had already gone to bed. "I'm to tired to get up" Nicole said, "Do you want me to carry you?" Oak asked. "Would you?" She asked. Oak then picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

-Time Skip to Christmas-

Nicole and Oak were at Nicole's family's house and stayed over night. Later they were going to Oak's parents house.
"Wake up, Wake up, it's Christmas!!" Olivia screamed. "Olivia you are a 20 year old kind of adult, aren't you a little old for this?" Nicole asked her. "Nope, now come on everyone's waiting for you downstairs!" Olivia told her. Nicole got ready and went downstairs. "Good morning Nicole" Emma said to her. "Good morning Emma" Nicole said to her. They opened presents, then a little while later Nicole and Oak went to Oaks parents house.
-Oak's parents house-
"My parents are going to be so happy to see you again" Oak said. "I hope so, can we go inside it's really cold and it's snowing" she asked him. "Alright" Oak knocked on the door. Oak's mother answered the door "Oh my baby boy and my future daughter in law, I'm so happy you two are here, come on in." She told them. "I'll put the kettle on" his mother told them. "See I told you" Oak told her. "Come sit" his mother told them. "Hi son" Oak's father. "Hi dad" Oak said. "Hi Mr. Onaodowan" Nicole said. "Hello Nicole, my future daughter in law" he said. "Oh Nicole you have changed so much in 10 years" his father told her. "You must tell us everything that you have been doing after you and Oak lost touch" his mother told her. Nicole told them everything she has done, her Youtube channel, meeting Oak again and the engagement. "Oh Nicole, it sounds like you are very successful, you deserve that you were and still such a hard worker" His mom told her. "Thank you" Nicole told her. "Your welcome sweetie" she told her.

-Time Skip-

Nicole and Oak drove back to the apartment. "That was a wonderful night, your parents are so sweet" Nicole told Oak. "So are your parents" he told her. "Well Im tired, Im going to bed, good nigh Oak Tree" Nicole said giving him a kiss. "Ill be their in a sec hun, Im just going to put the leftovers in the fridge" he told her kissing her. After that Oak went into his and Nicole's room and went to bed.

-The next morning-

"GET UP!!" Nicole screamed. Oak woke up "Im up, Im up" he said noticing that Nicole wasn't with him. "Come On you stupid chicken! Get Up!!" she yelled again. "Evan what did you-you just got hit by the train!" she said laughing. "Marcel please stop, I cant breath! Mini Come on!" she yelled. "Hey hun whats going on?" Oak asked. "Hey babe, Im just playing Gang Beast with some friends" she told him "Oh cool can I play?" he asked. "Sure" she told him. "Guys Oak is going to play with us so go easy on him ok" Nicole told them. "Ok" they said. -About 3 rounds later- "Get Up you stupid Red Chicken!!! Get Up!!" Nicole yelled. "You are so cute when you're mad" Oak said. "Is it possible to get knocked out for this long?" she asked. "I don't think so" Mini said. "Is the game broke!!?!?! Why am I not getting up!!" she yelled. Oak just laughed. "This is so annoying!!" she yelled. "Ok Im up, Im up-Evan! Evan what are you-EVAN!!" She yelled. "Victory!!" Evan said "Oh thats it, its on" she told him.-8 rounds later-"Yeah, victory!!" Evan screamed. "You got lucky!" Nicole told him. "You guys want to keep playing?" Marcel asked. "Yeah" they all said. They spent the rest of the day playing Gang Beast and listing to Oak laugh while Nicole ranged about something in the game.

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