prequel part 2

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Junior year

-Oaks pov- It's the middle of May-

"Oak! Oak! I signed up for the talent show this year!" she tells me excitedly as we were walking home from school. "That's amazing my little bunny, what are you going to do?" I ask her smiling. "I'm going to sing!" she tells me smiling. "What are you going to sing?" I ask her. "I'm going to sing my grandfather's favorite song, The Prayer Andrea Bocelli, well the female parts of the song, I'm so excited!" she tells me. "I'm so excited too, I finally get to hear you sing" I tell her. "Can you help me practice?" she asks me. "Of course" I tell her. "Thank you!" she says hugging me. "Anything for you my little bunny" I tell her.

-The talent show-

"Hey Oak, you excited to hear Nicole sing?" Diane asks me as me, her and Rachel take a seat near the front of the stage. "Yep, she's going to do great, I know she will" I tell her, I put the bouquet of roses I got for her on the floor on top of my jacket so they would get dirty or damaged. Nicole's mother, father, sisters and grandfather come and take a seat next to us.

-Time skip to when Nicole is singing-

The music starts. Nicole begins to sing. "I pray you'll be our eyes and watch us where we go And help us to be wise in times when we don't know Let this be our prayer When we lose our way Lead us to a place Guide us with your grace To a place where we'll be safe" She continues to sing "La luce che tu hai (I pray we'll find your light) Nel cuore resterà (And hold it in our hearts) A ricordarci che (When stars go out each night) Eterna stella sei Nella mia preghiera (Let this be our prayer) Quanta fede c'è (When shadows fill our day) Lead us to a place Guide us with your grace Give us faith so we'll be safe, Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino Simbolo di pace, di fraternità La forza che ci dà (We ask that life be kind) È il desiderio che (And watch us from ) Ognuno trovi amor (We hope each soul will find) Intorno e dentro sé (Another soul to love)" She sings. I look over at her grandfather who was in tears (tears of joy)

-Time skip to the end of the talent show-

"Nicole you were amazing!" her grandfather says hugging her. "Thank you grandpa, and I'm so happy you liked the song I picked, I picked it because I know you love the song" she tells him. "You were perfect, I'm so proud of you" he tells her. I wait until the rest of her family congratulates her and stuff. I then walk up to her with the flowers I got her hidden behind my back. "You were absolutely amazing Nicole! I'm so proud of you" I tell her. "And I got you a little something" I say showing her the roses I got her. "Oh Oak thank you! I love them! You didn't have to get me anything" she tells me. "Yes I did, and I wanted to" I say handing her the flowers. "Thank you Oak" she tells me. We walk home alone together.

-End Of Oaks pov-

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