Chapter 22

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Nicole and Oak woke up at 5am. "We're up early" Nicole said. "Yeah we have 2 more hours till we have to get up" Oak said trying to fall back to sleep. "Come on hun lets get up, we can re-check our suitcases and have breakfast" she told him. "Alright, Im up, Im up" he said. The two got up, got dressed and re-check their suitcases (I do that every time I go on either a road trip or a plane with my family, you never know, you could forget something, its always good to double check) "Ok I have my clothes, shoes, toiletries, my notebook, pencils, my laptop, charger, phone charger, headphones, my copy of "The Cursed Child" and "Fantastic beasts and where to find them" (I love J.K. Rowling, and Harry Potter, Im a Hufflepuff :D ) my video camera ect." Nicole said. "Why are you bringing a notebook and pencils?" Oak asked. "In addition to my Youtube channel, I also write fan fiction in my spare time" she told him. "You write fan fiction?" he asked her. "Yep" she told him. "Cool, can I read some of your work?" he asked. "Sure" she told him. "Later though, go through your suitcase, make sure you have everything you need" she told him. "Yes dear" he told her. "Im going to make us breakfast and make a quick video, well volg" she told him walking out of their room and walking to the kitchen. "Oh is eggs ok hun?" she asked him. "Eggs is ok babe" he told her. "Alright" she said. Oak checked his suitcase. "Ok I have my clothes, shoes, toiletries, my laptop, charger, phone charger, headphones, ect." he said. He then heard Nicole singing. "She really loves to sing" he thought to himself. "Whenever I see someone Less fortunate than I, And let's face it - who isn't Less fortunate than I?" she sang. "She's singing Wicked" Oak said. Nicole continued to sing and dance around the kitchen. Diane and Rachel were deep sleepers so Nicole doesn't have to worry about waking them up. "You really like to sing don't you hun?" he asked her walking into the kitchen. Nicole didn't hear him walking in so she got startled. "Oh Oak, you scared me and yes I do" she told him. "Your voice is amazing, you should sing a lot more" he told her. "Maybe" she told him. 

-Time skip-

The two were on their plane and on their way to London. "This is going to be great, I've always wanted to go to London" she told him. "I remember you telling me that back in high school" he told her. "Hey do you want to read some of fan fictions now?" she asked him. "Sure, I would love to" he told her. "I have almost all of them written down, some I have on my laptop" she told him. She opened her notebook to her fan fiction of "Hamilton One shots" (I may do that, Im still deciding) here you go hun, their are a lot of them, I get a lot of request to do these" she told him she said handing her notebook to him. "Hamilton One shots" he said reading the title. "Yep, people love them, and about 95% ask me to do one with Daveed, Lin or Leslie." she told him. "No one asks for one with me?" he asked jokingly. "A few people do" she told him. "Really?" he asked her. "Yep, but its mostly Daveed Lin and Leslie and sometimes Ill get a request to do a modern Hamilton x reader or one with Lafayette, Burr, Jefferson, Mulligan, Madison, ect." she told him. "Wow thats a lot" he told her. "Yep" she said. About half way through the flight Nicole noticed the couple siting across from them had a streak of red hair in the front of his hair. "Were have I seen that before?" she asked herself. "Um excuse me?" she asked the man across from her. "Yes?" the man said turing to face her. "Oh my gosh, you're "Markiplier", I love your videos, you are so amazing, you were my inspiration to start my own Youtube channel." she told him. "Well it nice to met you and Im glad you enjoy my videos, even though some of them aren't any good but still Im glad you like them" he told her. "What do mean some of them aren't any good? all of them are amazing, I especially love the "MEOW" "WOOF" and your FNAF videos" she told him. "Oh and Im Nicole" she added. "Well thank you Nicole, you are so nice, how are you so nice, and can I have some of your niceness?" he asked her jokingly. "You don't need it, you're a super nice person already, you do all of these charity live streams and the amount you donate during the streams is amazing, I watch almost all of them, and I try to donate as much as I can without making myself bankrupt" she told him. "Whats your channels name?'' he asked her. "GamerChick22" she told him. "Oh, Ive heard of you, some of the fans would beg me profusely to watch your videos and I have, you're videos are amazing, I also saw the video you and your boyfriend did after the jerk hit you, are you ok?" he asked her. "Yeah Im fine, that was a while ago, and my boyfriend is actually now my husband, we got married yesterday" she told him. "And you watch my videos? I can't believe that you "Markiplier" watch my videos and you like them" she told him. "Yeah, me and Amy watch them almost all the time, when Im not recording my own videos, and congrats on getting married" he told her. "Thank you" she told him. "Were's your husband is he here with you?" he asked. "Yep, he's sitting next to me, we're on our honeymoon" she told him. "Thats great" he told her. "So why are you and Amy going to London?" she asked him. "Oh we're going on a little vacation to London" he told her. "That sounds nice" she told him. "Yep, we're going to have a week of just the two of us, no Youtube, just me and my girlfriend" he told her. "Aw thats so cute" Nicole told him. "What are you two going to be doing during your honeymoon?" Mark asked. "Well I really want to ride the London Eye, see Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Zoo" she told him. "Wow that sounds like a lot of fun, maybe ill take Amy to ride the London Eye, thats a Ferris Wheel right?" he asked her. "Yep" she told him. "Ok cool, Im defiantly taking Amy to ride that then" he told her. "Can I get a picture with you, if thats ok, I'm sorry for changing the subject and-" Nicole was cut off by Mark. "Of course you can, only if I can get one with you" he told her. "Sure" she told him happily. The two took a picture with each other. Just then a baby started to cry. "Will someone shut that baby up!" a passenger screamed. "Wow rude" Nicole said. "Yeah, people can be such jerks" Mark said. "Yeah, this guy needs to calm down" Oak said joining their conversation. "Hello, you must be Nicole's husband, Im Mark nice to meet you" Mark said shacking Oak's hand. "Im Oak, nice to meet you too" Oak said shacking Marks hand. The baby continued to cry. "Hey lady, shut your baby up, their are other people on this plane!" the guy screamed again. "This guy, whats wrong with him, yelling is going to make the baby cry more" Amy said also joining the conversation. "Hi, Im Amy, Marks girlfriend" she said to Nicole and Oak. "Hi, Im Nicole and this is my husband Oak, nice to meet you Amy" she told Amy. The guy continued to scream at the mother and her baby. "I have half a mind to go over their and punch him right in the gabba" Mark said. "Violence doesn't love anything hun" Amy told him. "I know but this guy needs to shut up" Mark told her. "I have an idea" Nicole said. "What is it?" Mark asked. "Sing to the baby, I used to sing to my cousins when they were little and that calmed them down" she told them. "That sounds like a good idea lets try it" they said. Nicole, Mark and Oak stood up and walked over to the mother and her child. "See your child is bothering these people too!" the guy yelled. "Sir the baby isn't bothering us, you are" Nicole told him. "Me!?!" the guy screamed. "Yes you, now shut up and go back to whatever you were doing and leave this mother and her child alone" Mark told him. "Yeah, your yelling is just making the baby cry more!" Amy said from her seat. The three turned to the mother, who was cradling her child. "Hi Im Nicole Onaodowan, this is my husband Oak and my friend Mark, we have a way to help calm your child down" Nicole told her. "Im Rebecca Jones and this is my daughter Jessica, she's only a year old, what are you guys going to do?'' she asked them. "Sing" Nicole told her. "Sing?'' Rebecca asked her. "Yep, I used to sing to my cousins when they were little and that calmed them down" she told Rebecca. "Ok lets try it" Rebecca told them. "What are you going to sing?" she asked. "A song my grandfather used to sing to me when I was little" she told her. Nicole began to sing "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray" "You never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away" Oak sang. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey" Mark and Nicole sang. "You never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away" The three sang. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey You never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away, Please don't take my sunshine away" the three sang, finishing the song. Little Jessica stopped crying and began to fall asleep. "It worked, thank you" Rebecca told them. "No problem Miss." Mark told them. The three walked back to their seats and sat down. "That was amazing guys" Amy told them. "Thanks" they all said to her. 

-Time skip-

The plane landed and the four went to retrieve their luggage. "So what hotel you guys staying at?" Amy asked them. "We're staying at the "Corinthia Hotel" Oak told them. "So are we" Mark said. "Awesome" Nicole and Amy said together.

 -Time Skip to the hotel-

"Wow this place is amazing" Nicole said. "Its so beautiful" Amy added. Mark and Oak went to the front desk so they could check in. After they did they walked back over to the girls. "Ok so are rooms are apparently right next to each other" Oak said. "You two didn't go for the honeymoon room thing" Amy said laughing a little. "No, we looked at it, neither of us really liked it" Oak told her. The four went to the elevator. "What floor are our rooms on hun?" Nicole asked Oak. "We are on the 8th floor" Oak told her. They arrived at the 8th floor and got out of the elevator and walked to their rooms. "Here we are hun room 203" Mark told Amy. "And heres our room sweetie, room 204" Oak told Nicole. The four then separated and went into their own hotel rooms. They unpacked their belongings and laid down on the beds, they were all so tired from the jet lag they fell asleep as soon as they laid down.  

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