Chapter 40

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-Oaks Pov-

I sit on the couch and watch TV while I wait for Nicole to get home. "I wonder what she's going to bring me home, and I hope she comes home soon, I'm starving" I say to myself. Just then Nicole walks in the door, with a plastic bag with what I'm hoping is my breakfast. "Hey babe, I'm home and I hope you're hungry, I brought you home (Idk if this is true) your favorite, pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns" she says handing me the bag. "Thank you babe, and I am hungry, how was breakfast with the others?" I ask her. "It was great, we all talked and laughed and we all had a great time, thank you again Oak, for getting me the audition for the show" she tells me. "You're welcome babe" I say as I start to eat.

-Small Time Skip-

Nicole and I decide to go for a walk together. While we were on our walk I notice some guy following us. Since we were holding each others hands while we were walking, I pull Nicole closer to me and I start to walk a bit faster. The guy following us does the same. I then turn around and stand in front of Nicole. "Why are you following us?" I ask the guy. "Oak it's Jack, can we please just go, I don't want to be around him" Nicole says to me. I can hear the fear in her voice and she's shaking like a leaf. "What did he do to her to make her that scared, whatever he did to her, he's going to pay for it" I say to myself. "Oh look the little bitch is still scared of me, you haven't forgotten all the "little" things I would do to you if you disobeyed me, do you still have that scar I gave you on your arm, you know the one that goes from your shoulder to your elbow, you where such a bad girl, now be a good girl and come over here, now" Jack says to her. Out of the corner of my eye I see the scar he's talking about, my eyes widen, I then turn my attention back to Jack, anger and hatred fuelling me, I charge toward him. "You son of a bitch, you hurt my wife, you are a dead man" I say but before I could get close to him, Nicole stops me. "Oak, please, he's not worth it, let's just leave, please babe" she says to me. "Ok" I say to her. "Stay away from my wife" I say to Jack who doesn't say or do anything, he then just walks away. Nicole and I then walk home together, taking a different way, just incase Jack tries to follow us again. Once we get home I decided that I want to know what Jack did to her to make her that scared, we sit down on the couch and I ask her "Nicole babe, what did Jack do to you back in college, you were shaking like a leaf back their?" She doesn't say anything, she just looks away and I can see she's starting to cry. I gently grab her chin and I pick her face up (I'm sorry I don't know the right way to say that :P) so she's looking at me. I see that she's crying, I pull her into a hug. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I tell her. "No, I want to tell you, you deserve to know" she says to me. She moves over a little so she's look at me, she's still in my arms. She takes a deep breath "Jack and I dated for a year during my first year of college, he was really nice at first but one day, one of my classes ran a few minutes later then usual and he wasn't happy about it, he hit me, he hit me a lot, and at the end of my first semester I took some extra time on my finals, Jack wasn't happy he gave my this scar and he tried to" she says as she starts to sob. "He tried to what?" I ask her, hoping it's not what I think it is. -Trigger Warning- "He tried to rape me, Rachel, Diane, Ariana and Kevin stopped him, he had me on the floor in the guy's bathroom, he almost got my jeans off before they saved me" she says to me still sobbing. I pull her closer to me "It's ok, I'm here, and I'm going to protect you, he won't hurt you, I promise" I tell her. My anger was past the point of no return, "He tried to rape her, next time I see him, he's a dead man" I say to myself.

-The Next Day-

I walk Nicole to rehearsal, I see Jack, waiting for her. I call the police and they come and arrest him, I also make a mental note to file a restraining order against him later. I then go to The Richard Rogers which is like right across the street and go to my rehearsal.

-Small Time Skip-

I walk home alone, Nicole texted me saying that she got out of rehearsal early and went home, and that Jenn walked with her. I get to our apartment door and her laughter, a lot of laughter. I open the door and see Nicole and the rest of the cast of "Come From Away" all sitting and talking, eating and laughing in our living room. "This is the best idea we've had yet!" Jenn says. The rest of the cast cheers in agreement. Nicole notices that I'm home "Oak babe, you're home!" she says as she goes over to me and gives me a kiss. "Yeah, what's going on?" I ask her. "Well we all wanted to get to know each other better so we decided to all hang out and have dinner together, come on join us" she says to me. I smile "Alright, what's for dinner babe?" I ask her. "Well I made some lasagna, I made a lot, one with dairy free cheese, one with gluten free noodles, and Rachel and Diane made a vegan one too" she tells me. "Nicole this is the best lasagna I have ever had" Chad tells her. "I think that's the vegan one, are you vegan Chad?" she asks him. "No I'm not, and this is vegan, I can hardly taste the difference" Chad says to Nicole. "I know, I've had vegan lasagna before back in high school because my best friend and roommate Rachel, her family is vegan and I couldn't tell either" she tells him. "Oh and guys this is my husband Oak" Nicole says introducing me to everyone. "Hello" they all say to me. "Hello" I say to them. Then "Hercules" comes over to me, and so does "Zelda" "And these two little cuties are our dogs, well "Hercules" is mine and Oaks, this little cutie here is Diane's dog her name is "Zelda" Nicole says.

-Small Time Skip-

Everyone left and took home some food. Nicole and I were getting ready for bed. "That was a lot of fun" I say to Nicole. "It was" Nicole says to me. We then get in bed and Nicole snuggles close to me, I wrap my arms around her and she falls asleep in my arms, a few minutes later I fall asleep too.

-End Of Oaks Pov

Hey guys I wanted to ask you guys something, You all have probably have heard about what happened with Oak and The Great Comet, and the whole thing had nothing to do with race, it had to do with the fact that The Great Comet isn't doing to well financially and if they don't fix it, the show might close, now I'm going to see it on August 9th (My mom got me tickets as my 20th birthday present) and I'm worried that after Oak and Ingrid (I hope I spelled her name right) leave the show will be forced to close. Guys shows like The Great Comet need money so they can continue to go on, and if The Great Comet closes all of those people who spent months, probably years preparing for their rolls, will lose their jobs and then what do they do next, their isn't another big broadway show coming soon (not that I know of) that they can audition for. Guy please get #savethecomet #savethegreatcomet trending, please, help save The Great Comet!!!  

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