Chapter 21

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"Lin where are you!?!" Thayne yelled. "Thayne please, lets not bother Lin with this" Nicole said running towards Thayne. "Nope you aren't getting out of this that easily" he told her. "Hey Thayne, you called?" Lin said walking up to them. "Lin you have got to hear Nicole sing "Say No To This" she is like amazing, can she be Jazzy's understudy?" Thayne asked him. "First, I would love to hear Nicole sing and No she cant, I don't think she wants to be" Lin told him. The three walked to the stage. "Hey guys, "What's going on?" Daveed sang. "Nicole is going to sing for us, all of us" Lin told him. "Wait, what all of you?" Nicole asked. "Yep, ill sing with you, plus Im kinda in the song too" Lin told her. "Ok" she told him. Everyone minus Lin and Nicole took a seat in front of the stage. "You can do this Nicole" Lin told her. "I hope so" Nicole told him. "I got this, I can do this" she told herself. Nicole and Lin began to sing. Nicole got up to "If you pay You can stay" and she sang it as loud as she could, without hurting her voice. After they finished everyone cheered for them. Oak ran up to her and picked her up giving her a tight hug. "Im so proud of you babe" He told her. "Thanks hun" she told him.

-Time skip to....The Wedding!!!-

-May 22nd-

Nicole's mother finished doing her hair. "Oh my little girl is all grown up and is getting married" she told her. "Mom, Im always going to be your little girl, and thank you mom" she told her mom. "Are you two ladies ready?" her grandfather asked coming in. "Yes dad, we're ready" her mom told him. "Im ready grandpa" Nicole told him. The three walked out and Nicole walked over to her father. "You ready dad?'' she asked him. "Ready to give my daughter away? not really, but Oak is a good man so yes I am" he told her. "You ready?" he asked her. "Im ready dad" she told him. -Wedding march begins- Nicole walks down the isle, she sees Oak, "I can't believe Im marrying my high school crush/best friend" she thought to herself. She then saw her two cousins Ciaran and Ciara, she smiled at them. "Im so happy they could make it" she thought to herself.-Quick Oak's pov- "She looks so beautiful, her dress is so beautiful, Im so lucky to be marrying her, not just because she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but because she is my best friend, my heart, my soul and I love her" I thought to myself. -End of Oak's pov-

The wedding was perfect. "Do you okier-" the priest asked trying to pronounce Oak's name. "Just call me Oak" he told him. "Do you Oak take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" he asked Oak. "I do" he said smiling. "And do you Nicole take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" he asked Nicole. "I do" she said also smiling. "I now pronounce you Man and Wife, you may kiss the bride" the priest said. The two kissed, they were both so happy to be finally married. Oak then picked her up bridal style and walked out of the church.

-Time skip to the reception-

Everyone was having a wonderful time, dancing, eating and laughing. "Hey Nicole!" her three cousins Rachel, Ciaran and Ciara said walking up to her each giving her a hug. "Hey guys, Im so happy you could make it!" she told them. "We wouldn't miss it for the world!" they told her. After talking with her cousins Nicole walked over to her Husband who was staring at a couple on the dance floor. "Hey hun, who are you staring at?" she asked him. "Daveed and Alice, look at them, they're slow dancing to almost every song!" he told her. "They are so cute, Im so happy they found each other" Nicole told him. "Im happy I found you, again" Oak told her. "Im happy to have found you, again too hun" she said kissing him.

-Daveed's pov-

"Im so lucky to have found Alice, she is so amazing" Daveed thought to himself. Daveed then noticed one of Nicole's college friends looking directly at Alice, with a flirtatious look in his eyes. "Oh no, he is not taking MY Alice away from me" I thought angrily. We kept dancing, then that guy walked over to us and tried to take Alice away from me. "Hey cutie, why don't you come with me?" he asked Alice. Alice didn't answer him, she just held onto me tighter. "Hey Im talking to you!" The guy screamed, causing everyone to stop and look at what was going on. "Brian leave them alone" Nicole told him. "I just want a dance, come on just one" Brian said pulling Alice's arm and pulling her away from me. "Oh no, you don't get to do that man" I thought angrily. "Hey let go of me" I heard Alice say. "How about No" Brian told her. "Hey, let her go" I told him with a hint of venom in my voice. "Who are you?" Brian asked. "Im her boyfriend, now Im going to tell you just one more time, let my girlfriend go" I told him venom lacing my voice. "How about I don't and I take her home with me? I think ill do just that" Brian told him smirking. "Oh he's a dead man, I don't care if he's a friend of Nicole's, no one takes MY Alice away from ME!" I thought angrily. I grabbed Brian's arm tightly and pulled him away from her. "Why don't we talk about this outside?" I asked him not giving him time to answer pulling him outside. Oak, Chris and Javier followed us, Lin would have if he wasn't doing karaoke. "Daveed, don't do something you are going to regret, don't sink down to his level" Oak told me. I tightened my grip on Brian's arm. "You're right Oak, but still this guy needs to learn a lesson about not hitting on other people's girlfriends" I told him shooting daggers at Brian. Brian looked scared "Ill leave her alone, ill do it, just please let me go" he begged. "Alright, but you better stay away from her, if I ever catch you hitting on, or hurting Alice again I will end you and no one will be their to stop me, understand?" I asked him. "Y-yes sir" Brian said. I released his arm and he ran away. I calmed myself down and walked back to Alice. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Yeah Im fine, thank you Daveed" she told me. We went back to dancing, holding each other close as two people could possibly be. -End of David's pov-

The reception went perfectly. -Time skip because its late and Im tired- Nicole and Oak's bedroom- Oak and Nicole began to get ready for bed. "Do we have everything for our honeymoon my husband?'' she asked him. "Yes my wife we have everything we need for our honeymoon to London" he told her. "Good, now lets get some sleep, we have to be up by 7am to catch our flight" she told him. "Good night my lovely wife, I love you" he told her kissing her and pulling her close to him. "Good night my handsome husband, I love you too" she told him, kissing him. The two then fell asleep in each other arms.

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