Chapter 34

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-Small mention of smut- (I don't write smut so this is the closes thing you guys are going to get) :P

-Nicole and Oak are making breakfast together-

-Oaks pov-

I smile while I helped my beautiful wife cook breakfast for the two of us. "Out of all the guys in the world she could have picked to be her husband, she picked me, I'm so lucky to have her in my life, we went from best friends to husband and wife" I say to myself. "We had so many wonderful memories in high school, well except for that one time back in our sophomore year" I say to myself.


Nicole and I were in our second year of high school, Brad was still giving her a hard time, it pissed me off so much, I wanted nothing more than to stuff him into his own locker and leave him their. But I promised Nicole that I wouldn't do anything that would possibly get me arrested. Then their was this jerk named Nate, who would constantly try to flirt with Nicole right in front of me. Everyday he would do it, and everyday I would feel jealousy surge through me. He was in only one class with Nicole and I. Nicole and I sat together near the back of the classroom, while Nate sat a few seats ahead of us. He would always turn around and stare at Nicole, earning a glare from me. He would always try to ask her out everyday, it went on of almost a month until Nicole said yes to him, and that she's only going on one date with him, just so he'll stop bothering her. I decided to give Nate a little "warning" before he takes My Little Bunny out on a "date". The day of their "date" I told Nate to meet me at my locker at the end of the school day so I could "talk" to him. 

-End of the school day-

"So Oak, what did you want to talk to me about?" Nate asks me. I'm silent for a moment then I slam him up against the lockers. "I want to talk to you about your "date" with Nicole, now you better listen and listen good because I'm not bluffing about anything I'm about to say to you" I growl him. "You will treat Nicole like she is a Queen, nothing less, you will not hurt her in any way, shape or form, and if I hear that you hurt her or stood her up, I will stuff you into your locker, do you understand me!?!" I spat at him. "Y-yes sir" he Nate says. "Good" I say as I let him go and watch him run away. 

-Time Skip to later in the evening-

"Ok this is not how I want to spend my Friday night, both of my parents when out for dinner at some restaurant and Nicole's on her "date" I say to myself as I flip through the channels trying to find something good to watch on TV. Suddenly the front door opened, "Hello, Oak are you home?" a soft voice said. "Nicole!" I say getting up and running over to her. I take a good look at her face, her eyes were red and puffy, and so was her face. I also see a bruise forming underneath her right eye. "That boy is dead, come Monday he's going to regret ever laying a hand on My Little Bunny!" I say to myself as I pick Nicole up bridal style and carry her over to the couch, I then sit down on the couch with her still in my arms. "My Little Bunny, what happened?" I ask her. "The date was horrible, he told me that he only asked me out because his friends dared him to and that I'm to ugly that no guy would ever want to date me, he then took me to a really crappy restaurant that took almost an hour to get there by car, and he made me pay for his food along with mine, he then proceeded to punch me in the face a few times, and then he just left me there, I walked home for about two or three hours, I'm so sorry that I bothered you coming here Oak, I just didn't want to go home looking like this" she tells me sobbing. My anger was through the roof, I wanted to go find Nate and make him pay for hurting My Little Bunny, but I decided that it would have to wait till Monday, Nicole needs me right now. "You never are a bother to me, you can stay here tonight, I'll get you some clothes that you can use as pajamas and I'll call your mom and tell her you're staying here for the night, alright?" I tell her. "Alright, thank you Oak" she says to me. "Anything for you My Little Bunny" I tell her as I get her one of my t-shirts. She goes into the bathroom to change. I call her mom, "Hello Oak, no Nicole isn't home yet, you want me to call her when she gets home?" her mom says. "No thank you Mrs.Madison, and Nicole is here with me, her date didn't go to well and she's staying here for the night, if that's ok with you, if not I'll drive her home" I tell her. "No don't do that, she can stay with you, I trust you Oak, and I knew that boy was no good when he showed up almost an hour late to pick Nicole up" she tells me. "He was almost an hour late?" I ask her. "Yes he was, Nicole said he was going to pick her up at 6pm but he showed up at almost 7pm" she tells me. "Thank you Oak for letting her stay with you, you are always so kind to her, she really is lucky to have a someone like you in her life" she tells me. I start to blush a little. "Thank you Mrs.Madison, and I'm so lucky to have someone as amazing and wonderful as her in my life" I tell her. "Good night Oak, than you again" she tells me. "Good night Mrs.Madison, and I would and will do anything for Nicole" I tell her as I hang up the phone just as Nicole was coming out of the bathroom wearing my t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, the shirt was too long on her, it went all the way down to her knees. "Oak your shirt is way too big on me" she says laughing a little. I start to laugh a little, I then pick her up bridal style again and bring her over to the couch and again sit down with her still in my arms. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I ask her. "A movie would be nice" she tells me. "What do you want to watch?" I ask her. "Jason Goes To Hell?" she asks me. "I thought you didn't like horror films?" I ask her. "I don't but I really like the Friday The 13th movies, they're not that scary" she tells me. "Alright, Jason Goes To Hell it is then" I tell her putting the movie on. After the movie I look down at Nicole only to find her asleep, in my arms. I then gently kiss her forehead and whisper "Good night beautiful" I then start to fall asleep.

-Monday-After school-

I find Nate, talking with Brad, I listen to their conversation. "So you actually took her out on a date? I'm so sorry for you man, she's such an ugly little thing, I never should have dared you" Brad says to him. I can feel rage flowing through my veins, I stalk over to them, sizing up to full height and my hands clenched into tight fists. "You two are so dead, prepare to die!" I yell. "You're not going to do a thing to us" Brad says smirking. "I'm not, please enlighten me to why I'm not going to beat you both into the ground right here right now!?!" I spat at him. "Because if you do you'll get suspended again or worse, then your precious little Nicole would be all alone with no one to protect her" he tells me still smirking. My eyes widen "I can't do that to My Little Bunny, I can't leave her, but I want to destroy those two assholes for hurting the woman I love, no I can't, I can't risk getting suspended again or worse getting expelled" I say to myself. "You two got lucky, but, if you ever do anything like that to Nicole ever again I might not be able to keep myself from beating the both of you into the ground" I growl walking away.

-Time Skip-Friday after school-

I was with Nicole, we were in my basement, that I had turned into my own little personal gym. I was punching the punching bag while Nicole was doing her homework. I then remember the conversation I had with Brad and Nate on Monday. I then screamed and punched the punching bag so hard that the chain holding it up broke and the bag flew across the room hitting the wall. I was breathing heavily, I looked like a crazed wild bull that had been released from his cage, ready to kill. Nicole walked over to me "Oak Tree, are you ok?" she asks me. "Yeah, I'm just still pissed at Nate for what he did to you, you don't ever deserve to be treated like that" I tell her. She then gives me a hug. "My Little Bunny, why are you hugging me? I'm all sweaty" I ask her. "Oak we've been friends for two years now, you being all sweaty doesn't bother me, and you are just so kind and sweet, you are truly the best person to ever come into my life" she tells me. I then hug her "Thank you My Little Bunny, and you are the best person to ever come into my life as well" I tell her.

-End Of Flashback-

"Oak, Oak, Oak Tree?" Nicole says to me. "Yes My Little Bunny?" I ask her. "You were kinda spacing out a bit, you ok?" she asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking about all of our wonderful high school memories and how much I love you" I tell her. "Aw babe, I love you too, now come on foods ready let's eat" she says to me, then kissing me. Before she could pull away I grab her and pull her closer to me, pulling her into a long and passionate kiss. After we break apart I look at her and smile "I love you so much" I tell her. "I love you too so much" she tells me. She kisses me again, I then pick her up, along with grabbing a condom (I'm not adding a baby to this story, sorry :/) and carry her to our bedroom, closing the door and locking it. Our breakfast we just finished making still sitting on the table, long forgotten.

-End Of Oaks pov

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