Chapter 9

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Oak woke up the next morning and found that Nicole still hasn't woken up yet. He checked his phone, it was 6am. Oak then began to look around Nicole's room. He saw that their were pictures all around her dresser mirror, most of them were pictures of her with Diane and Rachel, some were with him and her, and some were her with some people he didn't recognize. "I wonder who these people are?" he asked himself. He then found her computer and their was a window still opened on it. "My Diary-Now digital :) - it said. "She still has it, wow she told me about this a few weeks after we became friends" he whispered to himself. Nicole would usually let him read some of her entries so he took a look at the entire. "Thursday, October 29th, 2001" "Dear Diary, Today I made a new friend, his name is Oak, he's tall, has dark hair, looks very muscular, and is the sweetest guy I have met! He's in my Ceramics class, he makes me feel so happy when Im around him. He also stood up for me today at lunch when Brad was almost going to hit me again (I still have a large bruise on my cheek from when he hit me the first time :( but no one knows that its their, thanks to all the concealer I put on today.) I invited him to Rachels Halloween party on Saturday and he said that he would love to come :D He's also really cute, his smile is so perfect, so is his laugh, just everything about him is perfect. He probably only likes me as a friend though :/ Today I was helping him make a mug in class and he messed up so I helped him by putting my hands on his and showing him how to do it. When our hands touched I felt a little spark, I didn't want to let go of his hands, they are so big compared to mine! Then Brad threw a piece of clay right at my face, Oak saw the clay hit my face and turned around and found out that it was Brad that had done it. Oak looked really mad at him, he really cares about me. Well time to help mom with dinner, ill finish this later after I finish my homework, Why do teachers have to give us so much homework!!???!!" Oak smiled, the smile dropped a little when he remembered what Brad had done to her, not just last night but back in high school too, he used her as his personal punching bag, calling her fat, ugly, and stupid. He told her that she would never succeed in life, Brad was so wrong, Nicole had become successful in life, she had become a Youtube celebrity, she had put what she loved to do (Playing Video Games) and made it into her career. She had over 10 million subscribers, and she did videos with Diane and Rachel, allowing them to use her as an easel for makeup videos and cosplay makeup tutorials. Nicole showed Oak her part of their Youtube channel a few days ago. She showed him some of the "Lets Plays" she has done so far. She showed him her playlist of her playing all of the "Five Nights At Freddie's" games. Which was just her getting scared by the jump scares a lot and her doing a small happy dance every time she bet a night, and a little cursing when she died in the game. After that Oak subscribed to the channel and watched a bit more of her "Lets Plays" mostly the ones of her playing horror games, in those she was mostly screaming to the camera "WHY DO I PLAY THESE GAMES!?!?! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HORROR GAMES!!!!"


Nicole then began to wake up "Oh my head, why does my head hurt?" she asked out loud. Nicole looked around and saw that Oak was in her room smiling at her. "Oak two questions, one: what are you doing in my room and two: why does my head hurt?" she asked him. "Do you remember what happened last night" Oak asked her. "Yeah, I remember now, Brad punched me in my face and I blacked out" She told him. "How do you feel?" he asked her. "I feel fine, I just need some pain killers" she told him. Nicole then opened the drawer of her bedside dresser and pulled out a bottle of pain killers. "I keep these close by mostly because ill sometimes get a huge headache after I record a video" she told him. She also had a bottle of water on her dresser, she then proceeded to take two pain killers and began to get up and walk over to Oak. "What are you looking at?" she asked him, she saw that he was looking at her Diary. "Oh you read my diary, Im not mad, most of the stuff I wrote in their was about school, my friends and mostly about you" she told him. "I want to show you one of my favorite entires" she told him, she when to her entire, the date was the day after prom. It read "Dear Diary, I had an amazing time with Oak at prom last night. We danced together the whole night. I felt like a princess and Oak was my prince. Then towards the end Brad came up to us and made another fat comment to me, I cried. Oak was furious, he picked up Brad by his shirt collar and told him that he should be thankful their were witnesses or he'd be a dead man. Oak and I went home after that and spent the night at my place, we watched movies and ate ice cream till 5am, that was more fun then prom actually, I got to spend more time with my prince." -End of entire-


"So you had more fun watching movies and eating ice cream with me then you did at prom?" he asked her. "It was 50/50" she told him. "I had such a wonderful time with you, but I wish Brad didn't have to ruin it" she added. "Yeah everything was great till Brad decided he was going to open his mouth and said something stupid" Oak told her. "Nicole, Im so sorry, I should have stayed with you the entire time like I promised you, this is all my fault" Oak told her. "Oak none of this is your fault, I left to go say hi to my old teachers, I left your side, its my fault" she told him. "No, its not your fault at all Nicole-he paused for a moment- its Brads fault for not being able to grow up and move on with his life" he told her with a bit of venom when he said Brads name.Oak then showed her the video of Brad punching her "Well at least this time theirs proof" she told him. Nicole then checked her phone "Oh wow my subscribers are going crazy, I should let them know Im ok" she said getting her video camera out and setting it up. "Oak hun do you want to be in the video too? you were there when Brad hit me and I did ya know blackout after he did" she said to him. "Sure" he told her. "Great come sit over here" she told him. They sat down at the edge of Nicole's bed and Nicole got ready to begin recording. "You ready?" she asked him. "Im ready" he told her.


"Ok lets start, 3.2.1..Hi guys Im GamerChick22 and Im sure you guys have heard about what happened to me and I just want to let you all know, Im fine, some jerk that bullied me back in High School decided that I was still his target and that we were all still in High School" she said to the camera. "Oh before I go any further I would like you guys to met Oak, my boyfriend" she said gesturing to Oak. Oak waved at the camera. "Oak basically saved my life last night, the guy -Nicole decided to use his name, she wasn't going to let him get away with this, people already knew someone had punched her but they didn't know the person's name- I mean Brad stopped me while I was going back to our table -she said gesturing to her and Oak- and grabbed my wrist and dragged me out into the hallway." she said "He then punched me in the face twice" she added. Oak can you continue?" she asked him beginning to cry a little. "Sure My Little Bunny" he told her. "I saw him drag her into the hallway and ran after them, when I reached them I found Nicole on the ground and Brad getting ready to hit her again" he said, "I then grabbed Brad and pulled him up so we were eye to eye and asked him- "Just what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?"- I then looked at Nicole and saw that she had a bruise on her cheek and her lip was bleeding, I then looked back at Brad and said to him- "Oh so you hurt her, after I gave you that warning freshman year, and the one I gave you every year after that?"- I was going to rip that man to pieces, but Nicole stopped me, she told me not to do something that I would regret later or something that was going to get me in trouble" He continued "Brad took notice to this and he kicked me in the shin and released his arm and let him fall to the floor, then he said something to Nicole and she fired back at him, Brad then proceeded to punch her in the face and let her fall to the floor" Oak said his hands clenching into tight fists. "Someone recorded Brad punching her, who ever did that I'd like to say thank you, thanks to you he won't get away with what he did" Oak said to the camera. "Brad left and went back into the gym, I then proceeded to pick Nicole up and bring her to the car where her two friends were their waiting for me, we then drove back here to Nicole's apartment and laid Nicole on her bed and I slept on the floor, I wanted to be here when she woke up'' Oak said. "And thats what happened, I just wanted to let you guys know what happened and that Im fine, so thank you all for checking this video out and stuff and ill see you all next time bye guys" Nicole said to the camera, "Bye" Oak said. Nicole then stopped the recording and began to upload the video. Their then was a knock at the door. "Who's at the door" Nicole asked, "I don't know but Im going to go find out" he said standing up and walking to the front door. He then opened the door only to find that it was......

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