Chapter 27

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 -Later that day-

"Ok guys that was fun but I have to go" she told them. "Aw why?" Evan asked. "I have stuff to do" she told them. "Ok bye Nicole" they said to her. "Bye guys" she said to them. Nicole then decided to go for a walk. On her walk she decided to walk to the theater. Nicole walked to the stage door only to be pulled away and dragged into an ally. 

-Thayne's pov-

"Guys Im going out to get some coffee anyone else want anything?" I asked. "Hey Thayne we'll come with you, everyone probably wants coffee and you're going to need help carrying it all back" Leslie and Daveed told me. The three of us walked out the stage door, out of the conner of my eye I saw Nicole getting dragged into an ally. I ran over to where I saw her, Daveed and Leslie right behind me. "Thayne whats wrong?" Leslie asked me. We ran into the ally and saw Nicole getting beaten up by some guy. Anger surged through me, Nicole and I have become so close, we were almost like brother and sister to each other. Every time she would visit Oak at the theater she would always bring me coffee and cookies. "Someone should get Oak" Leslie said. I ran over to the Nicole and kicked the guy off of her. "Ill get Oak then" Leslie said running back into the theater. I on the other hand was having a full on fist fight with the guy. He tried to punch me but I quickly dodged it and I punched him right in the mouth and let him fall to the ground. I then ran over to Nicole. "Are you ok Nicole?" I asked her. "Yeah, that guy didn't really do much to me" she told me. "Nicole!" Oak yelled running toward us. "What happened?" he asked her. "I was walking to the theater and some guy grabbed me and pulled me into this ally, Thayne saved me" she told him. Oak turned to me. "Thank you Thayne" Oak told me. "Anything for my sister from another mister" I told him. "Thank you Thayne, I owe you a batch of cookies" Nicole told me.

-End of Thayne's pov-

They brought Nicole into the theater and into Oak's dressing room. They placed her on the couch and Thayne then left to get her an ice pack. Then the dressing room door opened. "Hey Oak did Thayne leave yet?, I wanted to asked him if he could get me something" A voice asked. "He was but something came up that was a bit more important Andrew" Oak told him. "What happened?" Andrew asked. Thayne walked back into the room with an ice pack. "Some jerk tried to hurt Nicole" Thayne said with a hint of anger in his voice. "Is she ok? where is she?" Andrew asked. "She's right here" Oak told him. "Oh you poor thing, do you need anything? can I get you something, coffee, food, anything?" Andrew asked her. Im ok, thank you Andrew" Nicole told him. "I got her an ice pack" Thayne told him placing the ice pack on Nicole's face.

-Time skip-

Nicole was feeling better and Lin walked into the dressing room. "Hey Nicole you ok?" he asked her. "Yeah, Im ok" Nicole told him. "Great, do you want to be in todays HAM4HAM?" he asked her. "Sure" Nicole told him. "Great, you'll be singing" he told her. "Uh ok sure" she told him. 

-Time skip to HAM4HAM!!!-

"Hello, Hello everyone!" Lin said to the crowd. The crowd cheered. "Ok well we have a little surprise for all of you, most of you probably now know that Oak has gotten married" Lin said. "And this lovely lady here is his wife, who is going to sing for us today" Lin told them. "I asked Nicole what song she wanted to sing and she told me she wants to sing "Anything Goes" from the musical "Anything Goes" Lin said handing Nicole the microphone. The music started Nicole began to sing "Times have changed And we've often rewound the clock Since the Puritans got a shock, When they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today, Any shock they should try to stem 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock would land on them." She continued to sing "In olden days, a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking. But now, God knows, Anything goes. Good authors too who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words Writing prose. Anything goes. If driving fast cars you like, If low bars you like, If old hymns you like, If bare limbs you like, If Mae West you like, Or me undressed you like, Why, nobody will oppose. When ev'ry night the set that's smart is in-Truding in nudist parties in Studios.Anything goes. When Missus Ned McLean Can get Russian reds to "yes" her, Then I suppose Anything goes. When Rockefeller still can hoard en- Ough money to let Max Gordon Produce his shows, Anything goes. The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today, And that gent today You gave a cent today Once had several chateaux. When folks who still can ride in jitneys Find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys Lack baby clo'es, Anything goes. If Sam Goldwyn can with great conviction Instruct Anna Sten in diction, Then Anna shows Anything goes. When you hear that Lady Mendl standing up Now turns a handspring landing up- On her toes, Anything goes. Just think of those shocks you've got And those knocks you've got And those blues you've got From that news you've got And those pains you've got From those little radios. So Missus R., with all her trimmin's, Can broadcast a bed from Simmons 'Cause Franklin knows Anything goes." she finished singing and everyone cheered for her. She bowed and handed Lin back the microphone. "Wow wasn't that amazing!?!" Lin asked the crowd. The crowd just cheered. "Ill take that as a yes then" Lin said. -End of HAM4HAM- "Nicole that was amazing!" Lin told her. "Really, I couldn't tell, I was so nervous" she told him. "You were amazing and I couldn't even tell that you were nervous" Lin told her. Nicole went back to Oak's dressing room "Hey hun" she said walking into the room. "Hey babe, say Hi to Snapchat" he told her. "Oh, uh Hi Snapchat" she said waving to Oak's phone. "My lovely wife, I love this woman so much" Oak said recording a quick video to post on his story. "Aw Oak, I love you too" Nicole said walking over to him and giving him a kiss. Oak then took a picture of her and him kiss and posted it to his story. "Oak did you just take a picture of me kissing you?" she asked him. "Yeah, is that ok?" he asked her. "Yeah its fine, I was just asking" she told him. 

-Time skip-

"Hey guys we're home!" Nicole yelled as they entered the apartment. "Ok we're in Diane's room, working on our next video!" Rachel yelled back. "Ok!" Nicole yelled to them. "Hi "Hercules" come here boy!" Nicole said as "Hercules" ran up to her and jumped up on her and began to lick her face. "Hey boy that tickles" Nicole said while laughing. After that they decided to make dinner, the two went into the kitchen and saw that they had no food in the fridge or in the cabinets. "Take out sound good hun" Oak asked her. "Sure" Nicole told him. Oak then ordered some Chinese food for the two of them and ordering something for Diane and Rachel. The two then sat down on the couch together and watched "Whose Line Is It Anyway" till their food arrived. They then ate their food together, Oak tried to do the noodle thing from "Lady and The Tramp" ( I loved that movie as a kid!) and succeeding ( If any of you have seen the movie you'll understand what I mean) ( I hope) Then a couple hours later they both fell asleep on the couch together, with "Hercules" right beside them. 

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