Chapter 24

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Nicole walked over to Alice. "Hey congrats on the engagement" she told her. "Thanks, and I should be thanking you" Alice told her. "Me?" Nicole asked. "Yeah, if I had never ran into you that day, we would have never meet and you wouldn't have introduced me to Daveed, Thank you" She told Nicole.

-Time skip-

Nicole's phone rang. "Hello?" she said answering her phone. "Hey Nicole its Emma can you do me a huge favor?" Emma asked her. "What is it?" Nicole asked her. "I need you and Oak to look after our cousin Ariana" she told her. "Sure we'd love to" Nicole told her. "Great, Ill be over in like 2 hours." Emma told her. "Ok see you then, bye" Nicole told Emma. "Bye Nicole and Thank you again" Emma said hanging up. "Hey hun we're going to be watching my cousin Ariana for my older sister today, its that ok?" She asked Oak. "Thats fine" Oak told her. After two hours Emma brought over Ariana. "Nicole!" she screamed running over to her giving her a hug. "Ariana, its so good to see you" she said hugging her. "And you must be my new cousin in law Oak right?" she asked turning to him. "Yes I am nice to meet you Ariana" he told her. "Nice to meet you too" she told him. "Ok well Ill be back in a couple of hours, ill see you guys later bye" Emma said leaving. "Bye Emma" Nicole said. "Ok what do you want to do Ariana?" she asked her. "Can we watch Youtube? Can we watch The Game Grumps?" she asked. "Sure we can, I haven't watched The Game Grumps in so long" Nicole said beginning to set up Youtube on the Xbox. The three watched The Game Grumps "Shovel Knight" playlist laughing while watching each video. "Infinidagger!" Nicole screamed. "Wait, HELLO!" Ariana screamed. Oak just laughed "You two are hilarious!" he told them. "Why thank you" Ariana told him. Nicole's phone went off. "Oh hold on guys Ive got an email." Nicole told them. "Ok what is this? Dear GamerChick22 we would like to invite you to New York Comic Con on June 15-17th, you will be sharing a space with The Game Grumps and Markiplier due to this being kinda last minute. Please respond no later then by next week." From New York Comic Con." she said out loud. "Im invited to New York Comic Con!" Nicole screamed. "We got invited to New York Comic Con!" Rachel and Diane yelled from the other room. "So did I!" Nicole screamed back. "We are all so going!" the two screamed back. "I know!" Nicole screamed to them. "Lucky, you get to meet The Game Grumps" Ariana said. "Hey, would you like to come and be like my assistant, and Oak would you like to come too?" She asked them. "YES!!" Ariana screamed. "Why me?'' Oak asked. "Because Im going to be selling merchandise and stuff and theirs going to be a lot of heavy lifting and I want you to come" she told him. "Alright, Ill come" he told her. "Great, ill email them back right now" she said emailing them telling them that she would love to, and that her cousin who is also her assistant and her husband will be coming with her too. "Ok email is sent" she said.

-Time skip to New York Comic Con :D-

"Hey Nicole, Oak! Nice to see you two again and who's this?" Mark said pointing to Ariana. "This is my cousin Ariana, she's also my assistant" she told Mark. "Oh cool, nice to meet you Ariana" Mark told her. "Nice to meet you too Markilpier, Im a huge fan" she told him, hugging him. "Aw she is so cute how old is she?" Mark asked. "She's 17" she told Mark. "Ill be 18 in a week" Ariana spoke up. "Oh well happy early birthday!" Mark said giving her a hug. "Thank you" she told him. "Come on lets get the stuff setup" Nicole said. "Ill give you guys a hand, I'm already done with setting up my stuff anyway" Mark told them. The four began setting up their part of the booth. "Ok so t-shirts go here, and posters will go their" Nicole said putting some t-shirts and posters on the table. After they finished they still had about an hour and a half till the convention started. "What do you guys want to do?'' Mark asked. "I feel like singing" Ariana said. "I like that idea'' the three told her. "What do you want to sing?" Oak asked her. "Maybe something from Hamilton" Ariana said. "Ok, what song?" Nicole asked. "Can we do "Satisfied" she asked. "Ok" Nicole told her. The four sang "Satisfied." When they finished the song they heard clapping, it was Arin Hanson, Danny Avidan, and Suzy. "That was amazing" Danny told them. "Thank you Mr. Avivdan" Nicole told him. "Please call me Danny, Mr. Avidan makes me sound like an old man, which Im so not" Danny told her. "Alright" Nicole told him. "Oh Im Nicole Onaodowan, also known as GamerChick22 and this is my husband Oak and my cousin Ariana" she told them. "Nice to meet you all" They all said. Ariana was speechless, she couldn't believe that she was in the same room as Danny Avidan. "Hi, Im a hug fan and I love all go your videos!" she said hugging Danny. "Nice to meet you too" Danny said hugging Ariana. "She's a really big fan of you guys" Nicole told him. "She's also a bit of a hugger" she added. "Its ok, I don't mind" Danny told her.

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