I got the idea for this last night :P

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Nicole sat at a table in a bar, by herself. She was with a friend but she left to go socialize with some men. Suddenly a blonde haired man walked over to her table, he was obviously drunk, he smelt strongly like vodka and wine. "Hey baby, I'm Anatole, what's your name?" he asked her. "My name is Nicole" she told him. "Nicole, beautiful name for a beautiful woman, how would you like to have a drink with me?" he asked her. "Oh no thank you, I don't really drink" she told him. "Ok why don't you come with me" he said pulling her outside. "Wait where are you taking me?" she asked him. Suddenly she was shoved against a wall. "What are you doing?" she asked him. He forcefully pressed his lips onto hers. She tried to pull away but he was to strong. She tried to scream but it was muffled. Suddenly a large figure appeared, he was tall, was wearing glasses and had a beard. The man pulled Anatole off of her and threw him to the ground. "You don't ever touch a woman like that!" the man screamed punching Anatole a few times. Anatole then ran off, the man who had saved her walked over to her. "Are you ok Miss?" he asked her. "Yes I'm ok, thank you for saving me" she told him. "May I please know the name of the man who saved me?" she asked him. "My name Pierre Bezukho" he told her. "My name is Nicole Ivanov" she told him. "Would you like me to walk you home?" Pierre asked her. "I would like that" Nicole told him. Nicole then saw her friend leaving with the guy she was talking to. As the two walked home it started to get colder (It's Russia it's always cold lol) Nicole shivered "Are you cold Nicole?" Pierre asked her. "A little" she told him. "Here take my jacket" he said taking his jacket off and putting it on her. "Pierre you don't have to give me your jacket, you need it more than me" she told him. "No you need it more then me, are you still cold?" Pierre asked her. "No I'm ok now thank you" she told him. They continued to walk, Pierre found himself staring at Nicole for most of the walk. "She's so beautiful, her long hair, beautiful blue eyes, everything about her is so beautiful and prefect" he thought to himself. The two got to Nicole's house. "Well this is my house, thank you again" Nicole told him. "You're welcome, and I hope to see you again, soon" Pierre told her. "I do too, good night Pierre" Nicole said walking to her front door and going inside. -Nicole and Pierre did see each other again, and again, they became good friends with each other, but that's all they were, Pierre could find the courage to tell Nicole how he felt about her, and Nicole who felt the same way, couldn't find the courage to tell Pierre how she felt about him-


"Nicole come on, I have to meet with Dave Malloy and I know I promised that you could come with me but you are taking way to long to get ready" Nicole's friend Oak said to her. "Oak I've been ready for about 30 minutes now, lets go" Nicole told him. The two walked to the theater. "You think we'll get to meet Josh Groban?" Nicole asked him. "I don't know, maybe" Oak told her. "I hope we do" Nicole told him. The two got to the theater and went inside. Oak laughed a little as he watched Nicole fangirl a little. "We're here, I'm so excited" Nicole said. "You look excited" Oak said to her. "Oak you're here and you brought someone" A voice said. "Hey Dave, this is my friend Nicole Madison, she wanted to come with me, she's a huge fan of the show" Oak told him. "Hi, I'm Nicole Madison" Nicole said. "Nice to meet you Nicole, if you two would please follow me, we can discuss everything" Dave said. "Ok, come on Nicole" Oak said as the three walked to a table and sat down. "Ok so you'll be starting on July 3rd, and your last show will be on September 4th" Dave told Oak. Oak and Dave talked, while Nicole listened and looked around, after about an hour the two men were done talking and Dave took them both backstage to meet the cast. "Lucas can you come here for a minute, oh Josh is with you, great" Dave said as Lucas and Josh walked over to them. "Hey Dave what do you need?" Lucas asked him. "I want you two to meet Oak and his friend Nicole, Oak here is going to be taking over Josh's roll after he leaves July 2nd" Dave told him. "Oh ok, nice to meet you both" Lucas and Josh said to the two of them. "Hi, ya know Josh, my friend Nicole here is a fan of you" Oak said. Nicole gave him a "What are you doing?" look. "She is, well it's nice to meet you then Nicole" Josh said laughing a little. "Nicole is a huge fan, she has a Youtube channel where she makes little animated videos for some of your songs, they are amazing, she pours her heart and soul into each video" Oak tells him. "It's also a gaming channel" Nicole says. "Her channel is really popular, she has over 14 million subscribers" Oak tells him. "I just hit 15 million this morning, I'm going to be making a sappy and cute video to celebrate, it will be little clips of most of my videos and a small part of it will be me trying not to cry in front of the camera and saying Thank you to all of my amazing subscribers" Nicole says. "How long does it take to make each video?" Josh asked her. "A few days" Nicole tells him. "I will work non-stop sometimes, Oak usually has to remind me to eat and go outside sometimes" Nicole says laughing a little. "Why don't we leave you and Josh alone so you two can talk and get to know each other and I'll take Oak to meet the rest of the cast" Dave says. "That's ok with me" Josh says. "That's ok with me too" Nicole says. "Ok, we'll be back later" Dave says as he and Oak walk away. Josh took Nicole to his dressing room. "Ok tell me about yourself Nicole" Josh says to her. "Ok, um I'm half Italian and half Polish, I love anything to do with theater, video games and cooking, and I'm currently living with my best friend because it's easier then getting an apartment by myself and its less expensive" Nicole tells him. "And I have a Youtube channel" she adds. They talked for what seemed like hours, but was really just 45 minutes. Before Nicole and Oak left Josh stopped Nicole, telling her, he wanted to ask her something. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?" he asked her. "I would love to" Nicole told him. The two exchanged numbers and then Oak and Nicole went back to their apartment. "Nicole's got a date, wow they grow up so fast" Oak said fake crying as they walked into the apartment. "Oak, he's just taking me out to dinner, it's not a date, and he probably doesn't even like me that way" Nicole tells him.

-A few days later-

Nicole is getting ready for her date with Josh. Their was a knock at the door, Oak answered it. "Hey Josh come on in, Nicole is still getting ready, she'll be out in a few minutes, in the meantime I want to talk to you" Oak said. "What about?" Josh asked him. The two walked into the kitchen, Oak turned to face Josh. "Nicole is my best friend, she has been for the past 10 years, and as her best friend I want to see her happy, so I swear if you hurt her, I will hunt you down and I will hurt you, trust me, you don't want to get on my bad side, so don't do anything stupid" Oak tells him sternly. "I would never hurt her, I promise Oak, I will never hurt her in any way, shape or form" Josh tells him. "You better not" Oak tells him. A few minutes later Nicole comes out of her room. "I'm ready to go" she says to Josh. She was wearing a red dress and black flats. "You look beautiful Nicole" Josh tells her. Nicole blushes "Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" Nicole tells him. The two then left, before Josh walked out the door behind Nicole, Oak grabbed his arm and whispered "Remember what I told you, and I'm not bluffing, don't do anything stupid" Oak then let go of Josh's arm. Josh nodded and walked over to Nicole. Josh took Nicole to a fancy restaurant. They both had a wonderful time. Afterwards they got ice cream and walked around central park. Suddenly it start to get cold (I forgot to mention that its the middle of February in this story) "Are you cold Nicole?" Josh asked her. "A little" she told him. "Here take my jacket" Josh said taking off his jacket and putting it on Nicole. "Josh you don't have to give me your jacket, I'm fine, you need it more than me" she told him. "No you need it more than me, are you still cold?" he asked her. "No I'm ok now, thank you" she told him. A few minutes later some guy walked up to Nicole and started flirting with her. Nicole politely told the guy that she wasn't interested and asked him to leave them alone, the guy then got angry at her and punched her so hard that Nicole fell to the ground and passed out. Josh was angry, he felt like their was 205 years of anger inside of him just waiting for the right time to be released. He felt something come over him, his eyes narrowed, his blood boiling, his hands clenched into tight fists. "You just made a huge mistake, you don't ever hit a woman, and you just hit the woman I love, now you are going to pay for it!" Josh growled. He lunged at the guy and began to punch him continuously. After about 5 minutes the guy ran away, Josh then walked over to Nicole and picked her up and carried her back to her apartment. He knocked on her apartment door. Oak answered it, he smiled, then he saw Nicole in his arms, his smile immediately left his face. He let Josh in, Josh laid Nicole down on her bed. Right after he did Oak grabbed his arm and pulled him out of Nicole's room. Oak then slammed Josh up against the wall. "What did I tell you, and after you do what I told you not to do you bring her here!?!" Oak growled at him. "Oak I didn't hurt her, we were walking around central park, when some guy came up to her and starting flirting with her, Nicole politely told the guy that she wasn't interested, then the guy got angry and punched her" Josh tells him. "You didn't protect her" Oak growls. "I know, but I did beat the guy into the ground, and right now I still want to go find him and end him because of what he did to Nicole" Josh tells him. Oak let go of Josh "You really care about her, don't you?" he asked Josh. "More than anything, I feel like I've known her all my life, theres something inside of me that feels like we've meet somewhere before, maybe in a past life or something, and I do love her and care about her, she's a wonderful woman and I'm sorry that I didn't protect her, if you want i'll stay away from her" Josh tells him. "No, I don't want you to do that, I can see you do care about her, and I'm not going to take her away from you and you away from her, just remember don't do anything stupid" Oak tells him. "Thank you Oak and I won't I promise I will never hurt her and I will always protect her with my life" Josh tells her. "Good, now go back into her room and you are going to stay their till she wakes up" Oak tells him. "I wasn't planing on just leaving her here, I want to make sure she's ok and to see if I have to go track down the guy and we'll you know" Josh tells him cracking his knuckles. Josh walked back into Nicole's room and sat down in a chair near the front of her bed. Nicole woke up a few hours later. "Nicole, you're alright!" Josh said hugging her. "Yeah, what happened, oh wait I remember now" Nicole says. "Nicole I have something to tell you" Josh tells her. "What is it Josh?" Nicole asks him. Josh kisses her, Nicole surprised but also happy, kisses him back. "I love you Nicole" he says to her. "Josh, I love you" Nicole tells him. The two smile and kiss each other again.

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