Chapter 12: The Last Song

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"Ok what's the next movie?" I asked.

"INCEPTION 2!!!" screamed OG and Omar. "Heck to the no!" I screamed back. "Titanic!!" screamed Lizzie. "NO!!!!" screamed OG and Omar. "The Last Song?" I suggested. "Never heard of it" said Omar "Me neither" said OG. Lizzie and my mouths hung open because that's our favorite movie of all time. "You know who Miley Cyrus is?" I asked them. "Who doesn't" said Omar. "Yeah well she's the main actress and she's an amazing actress" Lizzie said. "Liam Hemsworth is also in it and might I say. WOAH!!!" I said and Lizzie laughed along with me and we looked at the guys faces to see them have their arms crossed and them pouting. "Guys, guys don't worry. He's WAY older than us, doesn't know we exist, and plus you guys are as cool and as good looking as him. They smiled and nodded. "LAST SONG IT IS!!!" Lizzie screamed. "Just a warning guys, we literally cry our eyes out during this movie." I said. OG and Omar laughed and I got up to put in the movie.

*Halfway into the movie- ANNE'S POINT OF VIEW:

I was already crying and I looked up at OG at the exact time he looked down at me.He put his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest as he placed a quick kiss on top of my head. I closed my eyes and smiled. I looked at Lizzie and Omar to see them in a similar position except instead of a kiss on the top of her head, Lizzie received a kiss on her lips from Omar. "AWWWWW!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and received a glare from Lizzie, a blush from Omar and a chuckle and a high-five from OG. I returned to my position and continued watching the heart-breaking movie. As it got to the part where Ronnie's father died when she was playing the piano I was literally crying my eyes out while OG held me close in a tight hug. "Thanks OG and sorry for crying just I cry all the time during this movie because d-dad d-d-d-died of c-c-c-c-c-cancer." I burst into tears again. Great now OG thinks I'm a weirdo. He hugged me tighter and I felt a tear escape his eye. I couldn't look up because OG was holding onto me for dear life and I was hugging him just as hard. He pulled me up from the couch and into the kitchen and placed me on the counter top. He wiped my tears and got me a paper towel. I thanked him and wiped away the tears he didn't wipe away already. "Hey OG sorry for crying like that I don't really know where that came from" I said."Hey, it's ok to cry. I mean its your dad." he calmed me down and hugged me. He pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine. His lips were coming closer to mine until they were so close I could feel his breath on my face. He leaned in even closer and our lips connected.

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