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Jack giggle a little and look at Mark. "Love you my teddy bear." Mark chuckles and pick up Jack bride style.

Jack rest his head on Mark chest. Jack look Up at Mark. "My love I don't really want to see Movie."

Mark look down at Jack and smiles "Me neither my angel." Jack smiles "Let go in my house, ok my love?"

Mark smiles and carry Jack into his house. And place Jack on the ground. Jack got up and look at Mark.

Jack look at Mark and smiles "My love we could sit on the couch, and maybe... play so video Game?"

Mark smiles "Yea, I will love that." Mark went to Jack couch and took a seat. Jack went to turn on the video game system.

Jack toss a video game controller to Mark, and he caught it. Jack turn in the TV and put a game in.

Jack and Mark start to playful cruse and yelled at each other. "Watch Out Mario! Here a blue shell!" Jack yelled

Mark look at the screen and the blue shell hit him making him in 4th place. "Fuck you Luigi!" Mark yelled.

Jack giggle "Aww! Don't be mad my teddy bear!" Jack and Mark continue the game until Jack won first and Mark second. "I win!" Jack yelled like a little kid

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