Chapter 2

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I was halfway to the door. The best option in this case seemed to run and so I did. I regained strength in my feet and ran to the door when suddenly two dark figures appeared in front of me. The candle was blown out.

One of the men grabbed my arm and smashed me against the wall. I felt an atrocious pain on my back and where he grabbed my arm too, they were powerful, really powerful. I tried to get up from the floor, but one of the men appeared mext to me, as if he teleported himself there.

"I'd quietly stay where you are if I were you." He calmly told me and then, he winked. He winked. Did this seem an appropriate situation to wink at me? I was dying from the pain, heck.

I didn't want to listen to him, so I slowly got up from the floor enduring the pain while I was staring at the demon.
"I am not going to stay still while you kill me or do what you want." I glared at him and before I could punch him on that beautiful face he had the other one grabbed my arm again.
"We're not here to kill you." He smirked.
"..but if you want, I'd be pleased to do it."

"What do you want then?" I retorted back, but I was ignored. The second demon, the one who was holding my arm, turned to the other one.
"Well, Kai would you please excuse us? I need to talk to the halfblood here... privately." He said.
"You always ruin the fun." and with that, the other demon, Kai, vanished away. I guess his power was teleportation, I had never heard a demon could have such a gift.

"Now," The demon was looking at me.
"I must say you're quite weak to be a demon. I'm truly disappointed. You don't even seem to have a power and your aura is really weak too. I think I get it now why half-demons are despised by true demons. You're not one of us." He told me with a disgusted look on his face.
"I don't want to be one of you. You're all wicked." I snapped.

"You should shut that mouth, you know?" He glared at me. I glared at him back.
He pulled back his hand, he was holding my arm in the air all this time, I felt weaker and weaker. I held the area where he grabbed me with the other hand, I was suffering from the pain.
"Don't try to do anything if you don't want to feel more pain." He was getting on my nerves now.

"What do you want then?" I asked him, only to be ignored again.
"So, what is your name?" The demon asked me.

"Good to know." He started to get closer to me with a smirk on his face.
"What's yours?" I shrugged.
"Sehun." He whispered in my ear. He gave me goosebumps, he was way too close now.
I put my hands in front of me, touching his chest to distance myself from him.

"Could you please move, Sehun?" I nervously asked.
"I could, but am I gonna?" He replied.

I glanced at his face. In the dark I couldn't see much, but having him this close to me, I noticed that he looked tired and...weak.
"You should light up that candle if you want to see me even better." He mentioned.

This demon was officially irritating me more than any other.
"I'm not interested." I retorted back.

He took the candle from my hand and finally got slightly away from me. Just slightly, because he was still dangerously in front of me, but it was a progress.

"I'm not going to burn you." He told me.
So, he really wanted to make me light up the candle, huh.
"How can I trust you?" I was still staring at him.

"You're a halfblood, do I have to remind you? Even if I burned you, you'd recover instantly, this is just a little candle, I'm not the one directly hurting you, your natural defense would work." He raised his hand impatiently.
I blew at the candle and a little flame formed. But then, a thought hit me.

"How do you know I can light it up? Didn't you just say I don't have any powers?" I caught him.
"I've observed you." He arrogantly raised his eyebrows.
"And lighting up a candle is not a real power, even a little Park baby can do it, but when they grow up they can burn an entire village. Something that you can't."

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