Chapter 1

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*****17 years later*****

Alot has happened over the years. Addison and Asher were seventeen now. Emma and Sasha got married and had a set of twins of their own. A boy and a girl, Hannah Elizabeth Farber and Michael James Farber They were 16. They were born not even a year after Addison and Asher. Val and Yasmin got married and had a son. His name was Jordan Luka Chmerkovskiy, He was 15. One major thing that  had happened was Alan and I had our own biological child, Our own miracle. Amelia Grace Bersten, She was 15 and born a couple months after Jordan. Alan, Jenna, Emma, Sasha, Val, Yasmin, and I were all pros and competing for the mirrorball. Addison, Asher, Amelia, Jordan, Hannah, and Michael were all the troupe members now. Jordan and Amelia were only 15 and had became the youngest troupe members ever on the show. We all still lived in the same place, We just added on a house by Emma and Sasha's for Val, Yasmin, and Jordan. We also built our own dance studio at the end our driveway for everyone to practice in that lived on our road which was only Alan, Jenna, Emma, Sasha, Val, Yasmin, and I plus all of our children. There were three rehersal studios and a workout room on the top floor. Also, One other major thing was the fact that Addison and Asher still didnt know that Jenna was their biological mother. Today was our first day at rehearsals before the new season started in a few weeks. Alan, Addison, Asher, Amelia, and I were all driving to the studio. This was the first season that all of our children were going to be on the show with us.

"Are you guys excited to see how your mother and I met?" Alan asked them.

"I'm excited to dance with all the girls" Asher said. He had grown into quite the ladies man.

"Girls, Girls, Girls, That's all you ever think about" Addison says.

"Addie, He's a teenage boy" I say.

"So, Michael is a teenage boy too and he doesn't talk about girls nearly as much" She says. She acted just like Jenna too. She was so headstrong and such a perfectionist. But, She always had a lot of love and cared about everyone. They had become super close throughout the years.

"That's because Mikey only has eyes for you" Asher says to her. Addison and Michael had developed an attraction to each other that was completely obvious.

"We're only dance partners" She said. Addison and Michael danced together. Asher and Hannah danced together, and Jordan and Amelia danced together.

"A lot of relationships develop from dance partnerships" Amelia says.

"She's right, Addie, Just look at your mother and I" Alan says.

"Michael and I just have little crushes, nothing more" She says.

"Yeah, Okay" Asher says and puts his headphones on. A few minutes later we pulled into the studio parking lot and went inside to the lounge. Jenna was already there.

"Addie B" She says as Addison and I walk into the lounge.

"Jenna J" She says and hugs her. We all lived right next to each other, I had no idea why they always hugged. Asher, Amelia, and Alan all came in next.

"Hey Guys" Jenna says. "Are you all ready to dance?" She asks Asher and Amelia.

"What girl do I get to dance with?" Asher asks.

"How about me?" Hayley asks as she walks into the lounge.

"I'm okay with that" He says. Hayley gives him her hands and he twirls her around.

"Hey, I'm his favorite dance partner" I say referring back to the onesie she got him when he was born.

"Hey everybody!" Emma says as She, Sasha, Hannah, and Michael walk in. Asher, Michael, Hannah, Addison, and Amelia all make their way to a corner to talk while Alan, Jenna, Emma, Sasha, Hayley, and all sat on the couches in the lounge.

"God, Their all grown up now" Hayley says.

"Yeah, My baby boy isn't a baby anymore" I say.

"And my baby girl isn't a baby anymore" Alan says.

"Han and Mikey are growing up so fast too" Emma says. "They already asked Sasha to buy them cars and they don't have their license yet".

"16 was a good age" I say. "It's when they become the most independent".

"Yeah, But, It's also when they don't need you as much anymore" Alan says.

"I can't believe they're joining us on the show we met on" I say and put my hand on Alan's leg.

"Seventeen years later" He says and wraps his arm around me. "And I'm still in love with you". He leans in and kisses me.

"Get a room" Addison and Asher yell in unison at us.

"How do you think they made you?" Hannah says.

"Hannah Elizabeth!" Emma says. None of the kids knew that I had a clotting disorder and couldn't have children, Or that Amelia was a miracle baby, Or that Addison and Asher were biologically Jenna's. "I'm sorry about her".

"She's fine" I say.

"She's just like her father" Emma says and hits Sasha's arm.

"Hey, That's not a bad thing" Sasha says. About that time, Val, Yasmin, and Jordan walk in. Jordan goes to talk with the kids and Val and Yasmin sit with the adults.

"New Season" Val says. "Whose excited?".

"Me!" Everyone shouts.

"Well, Let's get to practicing" Val says.

"I'll show the kids around and give them their bumpers" I say. I watch everyone else leave and go their separate ways. " Alright Everybody, Follow me".

"Do we finally get to start dancing?" Michael asks.

"Yes, and this will be where you and Addison rehearse" I say. We all walk into the rehersal studio and a thousand memories come back to me. It was the studio Alan and I used when we were both troupe members. Pictures of our old routines were on the walls. We also carved our names on the wooden steps where we used to sit. "It's still here". I say running my finger over the words 'Danielle and Alan Forever'. I took a picture and.l posted it.

"What is it?" Addison asked.

"Your father and I wrote this on our last rehersal day together on the first season I was on the show, It's still here" I said.

"Wow" Addison and Michael say in unison.

"Okay, Well, Here is your dance and routine for the first show" I say and hand them a card. They were doing a Quickstep to Great Ball Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis.

"Great" Michael says. I leave them in the studio and show everyone else to there's.


After long hours of practicing it was finally time it go back home. Addison, Hannah, and Amelia drove with Jenna and Asher and Jordan drove with Emma and Sasha to be with Michael. Alan and I were alone, which hasn't happened in a while.

"Can you believe that this is our life now?" I say.


"We have children that are teenagers" I say. "And they're dancing with us on the show we met on and started our lives on".

"It's crazy" He says.

"It's couldn't imagine this life with anyone else" I say.

"I wouldn't want to have this life with anyone else" He says.

"After all this time I still love you" I say. "After all the tragedy and heartbreak that we went through all those years ago, Here we are still going strong". He intertwines our fingers.

"Well, Babe, I'm in this with you for the long haul" I say.

"I'm in it with you too, Forever" He says.

Seventeen years later and I was still completely and utterly in love with Alan. Jenna was still my best friend. I still had the life I dreamed of, And, Three of the most perfect children in the entire world that I loved with all my heart. I couldn't wait to see where life took us.

A/N: SEQUEL! I know there was a huge time jump and a few surprises. So, Comment below what you thought of the first chapter and what you think might or should happen in this story! ❤❤

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