Chapter 17

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***One Month Later***

It was December. We had been touring non stop for three months. A break was needed. We were in Gatlinburg, Tennessee to do a show on Saturday night, After that we had a  full week off. Alan rented us a cabin up in the Smokey Mountains.

Our cabin was at the very top of the mountain in the most private area. It had six bedrooms with a game room, living room, and kitchen. It was late when we arrived because of the show so everyone decided to go to sleep pretty early.

***Next Morning***

I woke up at five o'clock that Sunday morning and went downstairs. I peeked into the girls room and saw Addison, Amelia, and Hannah sleeping peacefully, All the boys were too. Since it was December, The mountains were covered with a white blanket of snow. It was absolutely beautiful. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat on the couch and watched the news. After about an hour of sitting alone in the peace and quiet, Someone was coming down the steps. It was Yasmin's new boyfriend, Vic. She really wanted him to come and he had gotten close to all of us so we let him join us.

"Goodmorning" He says and sits beside me on the couch.

"Morning" I say.

"I was wondering if I could take out the kids today with the other guys. Emma doesn't mind but I figured I needed to ask you too" He says.

"Well, Yeah, You can take them out, Where do you want to take them?" I ask.

"Just around the little stores and arcades. Maybe the Dixie Stampede" He says.

"Sure, They'd like that" I say.

"I figured you and the girls could use a girls day" He says.

"We could" I say. "Thanks".

The boys and children had all left to go out so it was just the Girls and I.

We were all sitting in the game room. I was sitting on one couch next to Jenna and Yasmin and Emma were on the other couch.

"It's been so long since it was just all of us together" I say.

"The last time all of us were in the same place together aside from the bus and during shows, Yas and I got into a fist fight" Jenna says.

"You know, Now I know how you feel because Your friend is married to your ex boyfriend and now my friend is in a relationship with mine" Yasmin says.

"Sasha and I are so lucky" Emma says. "We don't have drama".

"You mean besides when He and Danielle kissed?" Jenna says.

"That was awful" I say. "Alan literally took off his wedding ring".

"Let's not talk about the bad stuff anymore, What about the good stuff?" Yasmin says.

"Well, Sasha and I are happier than ever" Emma says.

"So are Alan and I" I say.

"Well, I'm exhausted" Jenna says.

"Why?" Emma asks.

"Because, Val has a crazy se-".

"Ahhh" I say and put my hand in front of Jenna. "I know what you're going to say and I don't particularly want to hear you say it".

"I'm just saying" She says. "Yasmin can probably tell you about it too".

"Yeah, I have a kid with the guy, I know about it" She says.

"Oh, my god" Emma says.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you know something that's crazy" She says.


"Jenna has slept with both of your all's husband's" Emma answers.

"Emma! I don't like to think about that" I say.

"Sorry" She says.

"Atleast she didn't ask whose better" Yasmin says.

"Oh its definitely-".

"Ahhh" I say again.

"What?" Jenna asks.

"I don't want to know" I say.

"Fine, But it's Alan" She says.

"I figured" I say. "He does this thing-".

"Ahh, Now you have to stop" Emma says.

"We need something happy to talk about" I say.

"Okay, Emma, What's the most romantic thing Sasha has ever done for you?" I ask.

"On our first anniversary of being married, He took me back to the place he proposed to me at and we just stayed there for hours talking and being together, it was perfect" She says.

"What's the most romantic thing Alan has ever done for you?" Jenna asks.

"On our 10 year anniversary, he gave me another wedding ring. In the center, the color was the birthstone of February and around the stone was five little diamonds on one side then five more on the other side the represent our 10 years" I say. "And then he gave me a necklace that had triple 'A's' on it to represent Addison, Asher, and Amelia"

"Awe" Emma and Yasmin say in unison.

"Do you think you and Alan will have anymore kids?" Jenna asks.

"Probably Not" I say. "It was so hard for us to get Amelia".

"Sasha and I won't either" Emma says.

"Vic wants children, but I don't want anymore" Yasmin says.

"What about you, Jenna? Do you want a baby?" Emma asks.

"She technically had two children" I say.

"No, I mean a baby that she raises and calls her 'Mum'". Emma says.

"I-I dont know" She answers.

"Well, I know Val doesn't want any more" Yasmin says.

"I-I have to take this" Jenna says and holds up her phone before leaving the room. It was off because her phone wasn't ringing and she didn't have a text message.

"I'll be right back" I say and get up and follow her. When I walked it the kitchen she was leaving against the counter. "Hey, Your phone didn't ring". I say.

"I-I know" She says.

"Then why did you freak out when Yas said that Val didn't want anymore child- Oh My God". I say.

"Yeah" She says.

"Jenna" I say.

"I'm pregnant" She says.

A/N: Cliffhanger!! How do you think everyone else is going to react to this news? Especially Val? Comment below! QUESTION: What is your favorite name our of all the kids and why? Comment below! ❤ Love Yall!

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