Chapter 24

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We were in Dallas, Texas for our March 1st show. Everyone was so excited to be in Texas because none of us had been there before. We were going to be here for the next week  because we had shows in Dallas, Austin, and two in Houston.

Today we were going to have to switch up out schedule because of another event that was taking place this afternoon so we were doing the show first and then the meet and greet. Jenna was getting to where she couldn't do any of the dances because of her constantly growing stomach so I filled in for her in her dances, but she always made time to go to meet and greets and come on on stage during intermission to talk to everyone.

It was a few minutes until the show started. I was fixing my hair in my scrunched for the opening number. As I made my way to the stage I saw that there were way more security guards and police men than usual at our shows. I walked over to Alan for the opening number.

"You ready, Babe?" He asks.

"No" I say. "I have a bad feeling about this show". Before he could reply we heard our intro music and did the opening number.

"Dallas!" He yelled into the microphone after the opening number. "How are you all tonight?". The crowd cheered.

"Welcome to the Dance With A Bersten Tour! I'm Danielle Bersten and I can't wait to spend my evening with you".

"I'm Alan Bersten and are you all ready for a fun show tonight?!". They cheer again.

"Alright, Let's go!" I yell and walk behind the curtain. Before I can get to the girls dressing, Alan grabs my arm.

"Babe, What do you mean?" He asks.

"Nothing, I-It was just nerves" I say.

"Okay" He says and let's my arm go. I walk back to the dressing room to change into my next costume for the next number.


After the show everyone had to change quickly to get to the meet and greet. This time it was going to be Alan, Jenna, Hannah and I. We had met several fans already. It was getting late and everyone was getting tired. We had one last fan left to meet, but, then we heard a commotion out outside the curtain.

"No! Stop! You can't go in there!" A security guard yelled. Seconds later a guy dressed head to toe in black came in with a gun. The next thing I knew, There was a shot and Jenna was on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

"Jenna!" I yell and fall into my knees next to her. Tears immediately rushed down my cheeks. The police men had got the shooter and paramedics came to where we were.

"Can one of you come with us in the ambulance?" One asked as they put her onto a stretcher. 

"I will" I say. I told Alan and Hanna to go tell the others and have everyone meet us at the hospital.

"Okay, We need to move quick" The female paramedic says. I follow them out to the ambulance and get in. I sat on a bench and let them do what they needed to do.

"Who is she to you?" The female asked.

"She, Uh, She's my best friend" I say through tears.

"Was that her husband in there? She has a ring in her finger" She says.

"No, No. That's my husband. Her fiance wasn't in there with us" I say.

"Okay, How far along is she with this pregnancy?".

"Five Months" I answer. "Is the baby okay?".

"Im not sure. I'm not a a fetal doctor" She says. We pull into the hospital  emergency entrance and they take her into a trauma room. I asked a nurse where I could wait and she directed me to the waiting room. As I waited for the others to show up or for a doctor to come talk to me, I prayed. I prayed to god that he wouldn't take my best friend away from me. I needed her.

A few minutes later I saw Val and Alan running to the waiting room. I stood up.

"Where is she?" Val asked frantically. He had been crying.

"A trauma room" I answer. "Nobody has come out and said anything yet".

"W-Where did she get shot?" He asked. I could tell he really didn't want to know the answer.

"Uh, Lower stomach" I answer.

"God" Val says and punches the wall. "God Damn It!".

"Hey, Hey, It's okay" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. As he hugged me back he started to sob and that caused me to sob. Alan was close to tears as well.

"I-I can't lose her, Dani" Val sobs. "I'll die without that girl".

"I know" I say.

"She's your best friend, You can't lose you either" He says. I finally pull away. Alan pulls me close to him.

"Listen, She's strong. She's the strongest woman I know and I know she's going to get through this. She's going the fight, she's not going to give up" Alan says reassuring Val and I. A doctor walks in.

"Are you here for Jenna Johnson?".

"Yes" Val answered. I gripped his hand. "Is she okay?".

"Were taking up to an OR. She has massive Internal Bleeding and she has to have a appendix, and gall bladder removed" He answered. Val fell into a seat with his head in his hands.

"Um, W-What about the baby?" I ask.

"The baby was protected by her uterus and the bullet was stopped by her appendix so the baby is fine" He answered. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you" I say.


Jenna's surgery room four hours. They said they had stopped the bleeding and removed her appendix and gall bladder. Emma, Sasha, Yasmin and the kids didn't want to come and see her, but Val, Alan, and I did. Val went into her room to see her first. He sat by her side and held her hand and just cried. When he came out, Alan and I went in. I gripped her hand tightly, The doctors said even though she wasn't awake she would still know we were there.

"I know you can hear me in there" I say. "You've got me worried sick out here. You've got Alan and Val worried too. You've got to wake up soon, We have a tour to finish and you have a baby to deliver and a wedding to plan. Plus, I need my best friend and my sister back, I mean who else am I going to sit in the back of the bus at 2:00 a.m. with splurging on ice cream? You've got to wake up because I need you". By this time I was sobbing. "I need you, Jenna Johnson. I need my best friend. Please wake up". Alan pulls me into a hug. Suddenly, The monitor starts beeping rapidly and a nurse runs into the room.

"You've got to go" She says.

"Why?" Alan says. She didn't speak back. The room was dead silent and then there was a flatline. Jenna was dead.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN! big twist! 😭😭😭💔💔💔. I hate myself a little rn. What's Dani going to do without her best friend?! What's Val going to do wibtout the love of his life? What are we going to do without Jenna?! QUESTION: How do you feel about this chapter? Comment Below! ❤ Love Yall!

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