Chapter 5

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It was Thursday, October 5th. Our first show was Saturday in Louisville. Today we were going to drive to Kentucky. The name of the tour was 'Dance With A Bersten'. We called it that becase we had a special surprise for the audience after each performance, and even though not everyone on the tour was a Bersten, They were still our family.

All the girls were on one bus and all the boys on another. I was interested to see how this all worked out because of the fact that Addison and Jenna hadn't spoken a word to each other in a month. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she was never going to forgive her.

It was 6:00 in the morning. We had a long, long drive ahead of us. But at least we would all be in a your bus instead of an airplane. The tour buses got us at our house and put our luggage in the bottom part under it. All the kids went on the bus to  find their bunks so they could sleep on the way down there. Alan and I were standing outside of the bus.

"See you in a few hours, babe" He says and hugs me tightly.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too" He says before kissing me gently.

"Mom, You're going to see us in a few hours" Asher says from an open bus window.

"I'm not concerned about seeing you, I wanna see my husband" I was obviously joking.

"Rude" He says and pulls his head back into the window.

I get on the bus and walk to the very back where the lounge was at. Emma and Jenna were back there. Yasmin was still outside making out with Val because she wouldn't see him for six months. Emma and Jenna were sitting on their knees watching them.

"He is literally sucking her face off" Emma says.

"She better be careful or she'll end up pregnant again" Jenna says.

"Ewe, Hush" I say.

"Just saying" She says. They both turn around and sit back down on the couch. A few minutes later, Yasmin walks onto the bus and we took off down the road to get on the interstate.

"Did you wear protection?" Jenna jokes.

"What?" Yasmin asks. Jenna, Emma, and I laugh.

"Nothing" I say.

"I can't believe we're going back home, We haven't been there in years" Yasmin says. We also got her parents and brother front row tickets to the show on Saturday too.

"Me either" I say. "All the kids are excited too".

"Jordan definitely is" She says.

"Have you thought about whose going to do the meet and greet that night?" Jenna asks.

"I was thinking probably Myself, Yasmin, and You" I say to Jenna.

"Any of the kids?" She asks.

"Addie" I answer. I was going to put Addison and Jenna together every opportunity I had. "Alan, Asher, Hannah, and  Jordan are doing the meet and mingle".

"Perfect, Now she can hate me while she's near me" She says.

"She is right in there" I say and point to the long hallway where the bunks were at.

"Yeah, She's probably dreaming about things that she can do to murder me" She says.

"Oh, Shut up" Emma says.

"You want to talk to her?" I ask "You got it". I walk into the hallway and pull back Addison's curtain. She was watching Netflix on her phone with her headphones in.

"Come here" I say. She climbs down and follows me back to the lounge.

"What?" She asks.

"Talk to her" I say and point at Jenna. "Please, I'm sick of you two not talking". She crosses her arms and looks down at the ground.

"I have nothing to say" She says.

"Say you don't hate me" Jenna says and stands up.

"No! My parents always taught me not to lie! So, I can't tell you that I don't hate you because I do!" She yells.

"Addison!" I yell at her.

"I'm sorry, Mom, But I do, I really hate her" She says and storms off back to her bunk. Jenna sits down and I sit beside her and put my arm around her. I could tell she was trying to hold back tears.

***Addison's POV***

I didn't really hate her. I hated her for not telling me the truth sooner. I loved Jenna, She was like my best friend. I hated hurting her but I couldn't forgive her just yet. I could hear her crying in the lounge and my mom comforting her. Listening to things she said made me cry myself to sleep. I had been doing that a lot lately.

***Danielle's POV***

"She does not hate you" I say to Jenna. Her head was resting on my shoulder.

"She does!" She yells. "She does and I deserve it".

"She's hurting" I say. She leans up from my shoulder.

"Yeah? Well I am too. She won't talk to me and she is so important to me. I love that little girl" She says.

"I know" I say.

"I-Im gonna go to sleep" She says and goes to her bunk.

After Jenna crawled into her bunk, Addison walked back into the lounge crying.

"Honey, What is it?" I ask. She sits down next to me.

"I-I was so mean" She says.

"Oh, Baby, It's okay" I says and hug her.

"I don't hate her" She says sitting up wiping away her tears. "Does she hate me?".

"Addie, Of course not" I say.

"She knows you're hurting" Yasmin says.

"But, Honey, You have to understand she's hurting too" Emma says.

"Because of me?" Addison questions.


"Would she forgive me if I talked to her?" She asks.

"Of course" I say.

"I'll do that when we go to the hotel tonight in Kentucky" She says. We weren't staying with my parents because there wouldn't be enough room.

"Okay, Go get some more rest" I say. She goes back to her bunk.

"It feels like we've been driving for hours" I say and stretch out on one of the three couches in the lounge. There was one on the right side, one on the left, and a two seat couch against the back wall.

"We've only been on the road for an hour" Emma says looking at her watch.

"I wonder what the boys are doing" I say.

"Sleeping" Yasmin and Emma say in unison. They were probably right. Sleeping sounded nice right now. Before I knew it, I was passed out on the couch dreaming about this tour we were going on. I was so excited and anxious to see what this tour had in store for us.

A/N: Well, Like I said in the message I posted earlier today, This tour is going to create a lot of drama and cause friendships and relationships to be tested to the breaking points. I hope you all are ready! Comment below and tell me what you think is going to happen. (I might even use a few of your guys ideas). ❤

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