Chapter 44

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A month had passed. Val and Jenna had returned from their honeymoon. Camilla was now three months old and Amos was a months old. Yesterday, Val, Jenna, Alan, and I were flying to New York to be on Good Morning America to do an interview about where are lives are at now that the tour is over and talk about our families. It was 7:57 and our interview started at 8:00. We were on eve again being interviewed by Robin Roberts.

"If you are a fan of dancing then you should definitely be a fan of our next guests. After finishing a nine month long tour and having two babies added to their families, Please Welcome Alan and Danielle Bersten, Jenna Johnson, and Val Chmerkovskiy". The audience claps as we all walk out. Alan and I sat on one side of her and Val and Jenna sat on the other side. "Thank you for joining us!".

"Thank you for having us" Jenna and I say in unison.

"So, I was thinking we should start with how the two babies are doing? I understand that you have them with you today".

"We do, They are back in the dressing room with our friend Yasmin" I answer.

"Great. So I understand that Val and Jenna, Your daughter is three months old?".

"Yes. She turned three months old on the 2nd" Val says.

"How was her birth?".

"Well, It happened earlier than we expected. She was born June 2nd" Jenna says.

"While you were still on tour?".

"We were actually leaving that night to fly back to Los Angeles for the last tour stop" Val says.

"How was the birth experience for you, Jenna?".

"It was wonderful. I had an epidural so I didn't feel anything and I had Val and Danielle with me in the delivery room".

"And you got to fly back that night?".

"Yes. Yes, We were in Hawaii and the doctor cleared me to fly back and so I did and the best part was that I got to dance at the final show" She says.

"I bet you're loving your baby girl" Robin says.

"We are" Jenna says.

"She's got me wrapped around her little finger" Val says.

"That's precious" Robin says. "And what is her name?".

"Camilla Nicole Chmerkovskiy".

"Oh, After Danielle?".

"Yes. I chose 'Nicole' because Danielle had been my best friend for years and I obviously love her to pieces and I wanted my daughter to turn out just like her". I smiled over at a Jenna with a tear in my eye.

"Beautiful" Robin says. "Now, Danielle, I understand you have an interesting birth story as well?".

"Well, Yeah. I went into active labor literally right before I was supposed to walk down the aisle as Jenna's matron of honor for her wedding" I explain.

"How was that experience?".

"I was kind of losing my mind. I ruined my friends wedding, I was having a huge contraction, and to top it all off I had on a dress that buttoned up from the back with like 1000 buttons on it that I had to get off before I could get the epidural, so I almost did not get my epidural".

"Alan, Was there ever a moment where you wished you could have gone through that for her?".

"Oh, I tell her all the time that I'd take her pain times 100 because I can't stand to see her hurting" He says.

"He's really good about keeping me calm though, He always holds my hand and will keep his head on mine and it just let's me know that he's there so I feel better instantly" I say.

"Were you guys happy when you found out that your baby was a boy?".

"Yes" I say.

"I was praying for a boy of our own" Alan says.

"And what is your baby boys name?".

"Amos Vlad Bersten".

"Vlad is after Alan?".

"I chose 'Vlad' because I've always wanted to name my son after myself" Alan says.

"How did you get Amos?".

"Well, I was struggling to pick a boy name because I didn't want one that was a own thing you hear everyday. One day on the your bus, I couldn't sleep so I got up and rmeenbred something that both my parents always told me, they always used to say to me "When you need an answer, Go to the Bible". So I flipped to a random book in the bible and the one I flipped to was The Book of Amos and then I knew that my son was going to be named Amos" I explain.

"That's a wonderful and unique name" Robin says.

"Thank you" Alan and I say in unison.

"So, I have a game. I'm going to ask a question and you all say who you think fits the best" Robin says.

"Okay" We all say.

"Who is better at getting the babies to eat?". We all point at Val. "Val, is it true?".

"He won't admit it, but he can get Camilla and Amos to eat when nobody else can" Jenna says.

"Okay. Who is the best st getting the to stop fussing?". Everyone points to me.

"She can't even argue with this" Val says.

"I've never seen one of them cry while Danielle is holding them, and as soon as she picks then up if they are crying, they will immediately stop. But, if I try to get Camilla to stop fussing it will literally take me like three hours". Everyone laughed.


We only had a few more minutes left of the interview when Robin asked us a certain question.

"Alan, What is something that you and Danielle try to teacher your older children to live by?".

"We've taught all the children, even Jordan, Hannah, Michael, and Shai that family is the most important thing in life" Alan says.

"Our children are all homeschooled and by homeschooling them, they've grown up not knowing anyone other than the people in the dancing with the stars family and other relatives that may live in different states or something, so we try to always show them how important it is to keep your loved one close to you" I say.

"My family told me that they wanted nothing to do with me or Camilla after Val and I got married, So Camilla will only ever know this family and Val's family" Jenna says.

"Basically we try to teach them that family is forever and love conquers all".

A\N: one more chapter.....after chapter 45, there will be no more alan and dani, no more of jenna and dani's friendship, no more laughing and crying between the so sad that it's coming to an end, but I think the characters have had a good ride. QUESTION: how do you feel about the saga ending? Comment Below! Love Yall!

One Last Dance (Sequel To DAWMH) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz