Chapter 39

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Today was August 1st. It was Val and Jenna's rehearsal dinner today. They were having it at a church in Hollywood. We were all there today running through how tomorrow would look. Laura, The weeding planner, Had Val and Jenna stand on the alter and told everyone else when to go. Maks and I went first, followed by, Shai and Peta, Alan and Emma, Sasha and Brittany, then finally Jordan and Hayley. Maks would he holding Jenna's ring and I would hold Val's because they weren't having a ring bearer or flower girl.

"Okay, Guys, This is perfect" Laura says. "Jenna, Are you wanting to put Camilla in the wedding too?".

"No, Sharna is going to look after her" Jenna answers.

"Okay" She says.

"Are we done?" Val asked. I knew he hated rehearsing for things like this. He probably would have rather eloped. He and Yasmin eloped when they were together so this was the only wedding Val was actually going to have.

"Yeah. Yeah, We're done here" She answered. "I'm going to decorate a bit more and you all need to get dressed for pictures". They had decided to be different and take the wedding pictures today with everyone in the wedding party. She didn't care that he would see her dress before hand.


After everyone got dressed we went a took the bridal party pictures. After that was done, Everyone went outside and took any pictures they wanted too. Maks and I took a picture together because we were the best man and matron of honor. Alan and I took one where I was looking at the camera but he was kissing my cheek. One of my favorite ones that we all took was one of all the married couple standing together and kissing each other. Val and Jenna, Maks and Peta, Emma and Sasha, and Alan and I all stood together and took that picture. Of course we all had to post the pictures. Alan posted the one of he and I together and captioned it saying: "jenna makes a beautiful bride, but my eyes always seem to find their way to this girl.". His captions were always adorable. I posted the one of Maks and I. We had formed a close friendship.

"big thanks to this great guy @maksimc for walking me down the aisle".

My favorite post of the entire night was thw one that Val posted of Jenna holding Camilla.

"i cant wait until tomorrow. tomorrow i get to become the husband of this beautiful, amazing, perfect woman. we get to live our lives together forever raising our beautiful, amazing, perfect daughter, camilla nicole. it took me a while to realize what i actually wanted in life. but, from the moment you and i got together i knew exactly what I wanted. i wanted you. im only ever going to want you and im only ever going to need you. i love you, i love our daughter, and i love us".

Sappy captions like that always made my heart melt. It made my heart happy seeing Jenna happy. Especially after all that she went through before. I was so happy for her and her little family.

***Alan's POV***

After a long day of wedding rehearsals, The guys and I all went to a hotel and the girls all went back to Val and Jenna's house before the wedding tomorrow. Sasha, Michael, Asher, Jordan, and Shai had all went to sleep and Val, Maks, and I were all sitting down by the pool. It was almost 12am.

"It's almost time for you to get married" Maks says to Val looking down at his watch.

"I know. I can't wait" He says.

"Girls think they get nervous, but I don't think rhe understand that guys do too" I say.

"How did you feel when you saw Danielle walking down the aisle in her dress for the first time?" Maks asked.

"My God, When those doors opened and I saw her there...I-I felt like I just got hit in the chest with a brick. She looked so beautiful and perfect, it actually made me lose my breath. All I could do was look up to the sky and thank god that he put her in my life and that she was going to be mine forever. I looked at her and realized that I've never loved anyone more and I was never going too. I knew I found the one. I knew she was my forever" I answer.

"The relationship You and Dani have is amazing"  Val says.

"You and Jenna have the same thing" I say. "So do Maks and Peta".

"When I look at Jenna, I know I'm home" Val says.

"That's how it should feel" Maks says.

"When you're with the one you love, everything feels right" I say. "I'm happier just holding Danielle's hand than I am when I'm out having fun".

"I know how you feel. Peta is my happy place. Shai is my pride and joy. They make me happier than anything else in the entire world" Maks says.

"Jen, Jordan and Cam make me feel that way. They always have. Just being with Jenna and my children is the best thing ever".

"A good wife and amazing children are all I ever wanted" I say. "Now I have the best wife and children anyone could ask for".

"I second that" Maks says.

"Me too. I can't wait to marry that woman tomorrow".

A/N: cutesy chapter! QUESTION: are you excited for the valenna wedding?! I am! Comment Below! Love Yall! ❤

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