Chapter 20

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***2 Months Later***

It was February 16th. A very special day for Alan and I. We had extended the tour another two moths so we would be done with this tour around the end of May. Jenna was currently very pregnant. Today we were in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Minnetonka was Alan's hometown. We had a show tonight in St. Paul. Alan's entire family was coming tonight. His parents, Melani, Elena, Gene, Isabella and Gabriella.

It was already 2:00 and the meet and greet was at 3:00. Alan, Jenna, Asher, and I were doing the meet and greet, And, Emma, Sasha, Amelia, and Hannah were doing the Meet and Mingle. It was 30 minutes before the meet and greet when there was a knock at the girls dressing room door.

"Come in" I say. Elena, Melani, Bella and Gene and Elena's second daughter, Gabriella walked in. "Oh My God, Hey!". I rush to Elena and pull her into a hug.

"It seems like it's been so long" Elena says and pulls away. I got to hug Melani.

"Because it has been" I say and move on to Bella and Gabriella. "Oh My Goodness look at you two". Bella was now 22 and Gabriella was 17.

"We grew up just a bit" Bella says.

"You know, Eighteen years ago today, You were five years old and you were prancing around the church getting ready to be the flower girl for my wedding" I say.

"I still can't believe you and Alan have been married for eighteen years" Melani says. We all sit down in the dressing room. Bella and Gabriella talk to Addison, Amelia, and Hannah.

"They've been the best eighteen years of my life" I say. "Although, He hasn't said one word about it at all to me today".

"Dani, The meet and greet starts in five" Jenna says and stands up.

"Okay" I say. "See yall after the show".

Jenna, Alan, Asher, and I walked to the meet and greet area and waited for the first fans to walk through. The first fans were a boy and girl, they both looked about Addison and Asher's age.

"Hey!" I chirped. They were both so shy. "How are ya'll?" I ask.

"Good, I can't believe I'm meeting my idols" The girl says.

"Awe!" I say. "Would you like a picture?". They both nod. The girl stands beside me and The boy stood beside Jenna, He was wearing a shirt that said 'Team Jenna' on it and the girl was wearing one that said 'Team Danielle'. They were the shyest fans we had met the entire tour.


It was 6:55, The show started in five minutes. Alan and I were backstage waiting for our cue.

"You ready, Babe?" He asks. He always asked me that before every live show.

"Always" I say. He kisses my lips softly before we heard out intro music. After the opening number, Alan and I grabbed our microphones.

"Minnesota!!!" Alan yelled. "My Home!"

"Im Danielle Bersten and I want to thank you for chosing to spend your night with us" I yell.

"I'm Alan Bersten and it's so good to be home" He says.

"I may be married to this guy but, believe it or not this is the first time I've ever been to Minnesota" I say.

"That reminds me" Alan says walking over to me and putting his arm around my waist to bring me close to him. "Today is February 16th. To most people that's just another day, but to me it's the day that I married my best friend. Eighteen years ago today, I stood on the alter with this beautiful girl beside me and I made a promise to love her everyday, no matter what life threw at us, until the day that I die. Dani, I want to tell you in front of all of our friends and my family that I love you". I hadn't noticed but all the other dancers on tour had came out on the stage. Alan's family was sitting in the front row. "I love the dancer you are, I love the woman you are, I love the wife you are, and I love the mother you are to our three amazing children. I really couldn't ask for a better person to spend my entire life with". By this time I had a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "We've had eighteen amazing years and standing up here today, I want to ask you eighteen amazing more" He says and holds out a necklace, It was a locket that had a picture of Alan and I on our wedding day on one side and then one of our family pictures on the other side. Carved into the heart was the letter 'B' on the outside.

"I love you so much" I say and kiss him.

"I love you more" He says as he outs the necklace on me.

"Come on Minnesota, Let's hear it for the happy couple" Jenna shouts into the microphone. The audience goes nuts. "That's more like it. Now whose ready for the show?". The audience goes nuts again.


After she show was over, Alan and I were standing outside the tour buses with Gene and Elena. All of the kids were off talking by themselves taking pictures because it had been so long since they had seen each other.

"It was an amazing show tonight" Gene says hugging me.

"Thank you" I say.

"We can't wait until the next one" Elena says.

"We better see you in the front row" Alan says.

"Oh, You will" Gene says. We all laugh. "I guess we better go". Everyone hugs each other one last time and then we watch them walk away. It was just Alan and I standing outside the tour bus. Our next show was in South Dakota on the 19th so tomorrow we were going to explore around South Dakota.

"Happy Anniversary Baby" Alan says and pulls me close to him by my waist.

"You always find a way to make me fall in love with you all over again" I say.

"Do you think you'll still be in love with in eighteen years?" He asks.

"I think I might be" I say. He smirks at me.

"I love you" He says before he smashes his lips against mine.

"I love you too" I say. I loved that man more than anyone knew. He was my love, He was my rock, He was my heart and soul. I couldn't imagine my life without Alan in it.

A/N: Kind of a cute chapter. The next few will have cutesy moments and NO drama! QUESTION: This has nothing to do with the story but I want to know who you ship from dwts? Personally, I am a Valenna fan. It's okay if you're not, I just want to know who you all ship. Comment Below!❤ Love Yall!

One Last Dance (Sequel To DAWMH) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora