Chapter 40

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***Danielle's POV***

The wedding started at 2:00 this afternoon. It was 10am now and we were all driving to the venue. To keep it traditional, Val and Jenna weren't going to see each other today. The boys dressing room was downstairs in the basement of the church and the girls were upstairs. While everyone was getting dressed, Addison, Asher, Hannah, and Michael were doing last minute decorations in the sanctuary, Amelia was setting up the wedding favors for the guests, and Sharna was helping the boys with their hair. The dresses Jenna chose were lose fitting, maroon, and floral patterned. She wanted all of the girls hair up in buns. The boys suits were all black with a maroon vest and tie.

***Alan's POV***

Sharna had just styled my hair the way that Jenna wanted it. Thankfully, Jenna and Danielle both loved when my hair swooped up to the side. Sasha wanted his the way it always was, Maks and Shai both styled theirs up like a cow lick, and Val and Jordan both did theirs to where you could see the fluffy curls they both shared.

***Danielle's POV***

It was now 11:30. All the girls and I were done getting dressed and we were all just goofing around taking pictures together. I noticed Jenna was sitting in a chair in a corner.

"Only a few more hours" I say and sit next to her.

"I know" She says.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I-I don't know" She says. "I'm have this feeling in my chest and stomach". I Smiled.


"Nerves?" She asks.

"Everyone gets nervous before they get married. You have nothing to worry about, I promise" I say.

"Did you?".

"Of course" I say. "So was Emma, and so was Peta".

"Keep me calm where were up there on that stage" She says.

"I will" I say and smile at her. she smiles back at me.


It was five minutes until the wedding. The bots were already on stage where they should be. I could see Alan from a little window in a side room of the church. He looked so adorable.

"Girls, It's time to get lined up" Laura says. Emma, Brittany, Peta, and Hayley walk with her to the front of the sanctuary. Jenna and I followed.

"Almost time" I say to Jenna.

"I know. I'm ready" She says.

"I'm ready for you-AHH!" I scream out in pain and double over clenching my stomach.

"What? What is it?" She asks trying to hold me up. Suddenly, I hear a splash hit the ground. All the girls turn and look at me.

"Um...I think my water broke" I say.

"Oh My God! Okay, Let's get you to a car" Jenna says. Brittany and Hayley tried to pick me up and carry me the best they could.

***Alan's POV***

Something was odd. The wedding was up posed to start a few minutes ago. Everyone was confused and trying to peek out the little windows in the door. I spotted a white figure in the widow walking out the door.

"I-Is she leaving?" Val asks Maks.

"I-". Suddenly, Emma burst through the doors.

"Danielle is in labor! "She shouts. I look at Val and he looks at me.

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