Chapter 42

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Today Jenna and Val were leaving in the house honeymoon to Paris. She didn't know where they were going, but he told me last night.

"Alright, Take care of my girl" She says to me before kissing Camilla's cheek.

"I will" I say and hug her right before she gets into the car.

"Bye Baby!" She says and waves and Camilla.

"Say 'Bye Mommy'" I say waving Camilla's tiny hand in Jenna's direction. She got into the car and Val pulled out of the driveway. I walked inside and sat Camilla in the swing next to Amos. Alan was at the Dancing With The Stars studio rehearsing for the upcoming season. It started next month and he was going to be in the troupe. Jenna and I decided to sit out this season and just spend time with the babies. Emma, Sasha, Michael, Hannah, Addison, Amelia, and Jordan went with him. Asher and Shai stayed home with me. Shai stayed the night with us while Maks and Peta went back to there home in Beverly Hills, which was about an hour away from where everyone else lived. It was 9:00 in the morning and the boys were still asleep. They crashed last night after they spent almost half the day outside in the pool. I decided to make them breakfast them wake them up. I made their favorite fruit salad while the kids were asleep in the swings. I
When I was done, I put the two bowls on place mats at the kitchen island.

"Boys! Breakfast!" I yell up the steps. Asher was like Alan and hated to be woken up. "Asher, Shai, Get on down here". I stood across from the two bowls in the island against the kitchen counter sipping a huge mug full of coffee. The two boys grogily made their way down the steps..Both of them were still in their swimming trunks. "Well, Good morning".

"What time is it?" Asher asks. They sat down and began eating.

"9:30" I answer.

"Did Val and Jenna already leave?" Shai asks.

"Yeah, They wanted to leave early" I answer.

"Where did he take her?" Asher asked.


"Paris?!" Both boys exclaim.

"Paris, France" I say.

"Wow" Shai says.

"So Mom, What are we going to do today?" Asher asks.

"Well, Until your dad gets home, we're just going to hang out here" I answer.

"Pool Day?" Shai asks Asher.

"Pool day" He says. Both boys shoot up off the stools.

"Whoa, Wait. Tonight we're all going out to dinner at six o'clock. Shai, I know you have stuff over in your room at Yasmin's house, Right?".

"Yeah, I do" He says.

"At 4:30 I want you all to get out of the pool and start getting ready for dinner, okay?".

"Yes Ma'am" They say in unison before running out to the patio and diving into the pool. Amos and Camilla were still asleep so I decided to clean up the kitchen and take their swings into the game room where they would be away from the noise Asher and Shai were making in the pool. When everything was clean, I sat in the game room on the couch and called Yasmin. I hadn't talked to her in a while.

Yasmin: Hey, Dani.

Danielle: Hey, How's life in New York?

Yasmin: It's good. Vic is at rehearsals right now. I'm hanging out at the apartment. What're you doing.

Danielle: Watching Amos and Camilla sleep.

Yasmin: Joys of motherhood.

Danielle: Yeah, Asher and Shai are swimming.

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