Chapter 25

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"No!!!!!" I yelled. Alan physically dragged me out of the room and to the waiting room. Val had left after Alan told him. I bawled in Alan's arms as watched the doctor try to resuscitate her.

"Come on" Alan says. He had to pick me up and carry me into the waiting room because I was so weak. He told Val what happened and he completely fell apart. As I cried in Alan's arms for what felt like hours, A doctor walked in. Val and I stood up.

"We were able to get her back, A bleeder in her stomach that we clamped ruptured again and she started bleeding again. We just had to make a small incision to get all the blood out so she would be fine again" The doctor explained.

"W-What does that mean?" I ask.

"Your friend is fine, She's not dead" He says.

"Thank you. Thank you so much" Val says and hugs the doctor.

"Hallelujah" I say and gall into a chair.

"Wait, So she's alive" Alan asks.

"Yes, We brought her back" He says.

"When will she wake up?" Val asks.

"When she wants too" The doctor says. "That's completely on her".

"You can go sit with her, though. We handled everything and she's fine now" He explained.

"Thank you again" Val says and quickly runs out of the room. Alan and I stay in the waiting to for a while.

"She's fine, Babe" Alan says hugging me. I pull away.

"She wasn't. She was dead. I saw my best friend take her last breath" I say.

"She came back, She fought" He says.

"I-Im gonna call everyone and tell them what happened, Go see her" I say.

"Okay" He says and kisses my cheek before leaving. I sit in a chair and oull my phone out. I dialed Emma's number.

Emma: Is everything okay?

Danielle: She's fine now.

Emma: Did something happen? You're sounding shaky.

Danielle: She died, but then they brought her back and she's fine now.

Emma: My God.

Danielle: I saw her die, Em, I watched her.

Emma: Were all coming down there.

Danielle: How are the kids?

Emma: Hannah hasn't stopped hugging Addison since she told us what happened.

Danielle: Bring them all.

Emma: Okay, We'll be there soon.

I hung up the phone and looked up at the sky. All I really wanted to do right now was call my mom and talk to her about this. She'd find a way to make it okay for me.

"Hey, Momma. I guess you know what happened. I bet you were the one that told her to get back down here to us because we need her and so does her baby. I-I don't know what I'd do without her. Like you said, She's my sister and I can't lose my parents and my sister so close together. I count live anymore. Watch out for all of us up there, okay?. I love you". I saw Emma and Sasha walking towards me with Hannah, Addison and Asher. I knew Yasmin would keep Michael, Jordan, and Amelia with her because they all hated to see people they knee in the hospital.

"Dani" Emma says and hugs me. "Are you okay?".

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say and go to hug Sasha. "Val and Alan are down the hall in Jenna's room if you want to go see her.

"Come on, Ash" Sasha says. He and Asher wak out of the room.

"Mom" Addison says with a shaky voice.

"Come here, Baby" I say and pull her into me. "She's okay". By this time Hannah was teary eyed too. I knew it would be harder for her because she actually saw Jenna get shot. I put put my other arm and pull Hannah into the hug. "It's okay, Han".

"Do you want to go see her?" Emma asks Hannah.

"No!" She says sternly.

"I'll go" Addison says.

"Let's go" Emma says and puts her arm around Addison as they walk out of the room. I stod there hugging Hannah who was now sobbing.

"Han, Look at me" I say. She looks up at me. "She didn't go anywhere, She's here and she's the same Jenna she was before".

"I-I saw her get shot. I saw her lying there looking so...lifeless. I watched her blood pour out of her" She says.

"It would be better if you went to see her" I say. "I'll go with you".

"Okay" She says. We walk down the hall to her room, I stop before we walk in.

"She's going to look a little different" I say. "She's going to have an IV and a monitor so they can make sure the baby is doing okay, but she's still Jenna" I say.

"Okay" She says. We walk in and I grip her hand. She walks over to where Emma is standing and looks at Jenna.

"She's okay, Han" Emma says.

"W-Why would somebody shoot another person?" Hannah asks.

"I asked myself the same question" Val says.

"Hopefully the police will find out soon" Sasha says and kisses Hannah's cheek.

"Well, We should let her get her rest. Let's go grab some dinner and then we'll come back" Alan says. Everyone agreed.

"I'll stay here with her" I say and sit in the chair next to her bed that Val had been sitting in the whole time.

"Do you want me to stay?" Alan asks.

"No, It's okay" I say.

"Okay" He says and kisses my cheek before walking out of the room with everyone else.

"Everyone was here. I know you know they were and I know you know the amount of love you have from all of us and you know how much we all need you" I say. Tears were in my eyes. I took her hand in mine. "I need my best friend back and I know it's selfish but if you die I swear to god I'll kill you".

"Some friend you are". I look up and see Jenna wide awake looking at me.

"Oh My God! Jenna you're awake" I say.

"I'm not going anywhere, Dani" She says. "Come here". She pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tightly. She still had upper body strength.

"But, You died" I say sitting back down in the chair. "I watched you".

"I know, but then I remembered that I had the best family in the world and I couldn't leave them" She says. "I wanted to go so bad, but then I remembered that when you had surgery you didn't, you fought and I knew that's what I had to do".

"Don't leave us again" I say. "I don't know what I'd do without you".

"I'm in this for the long haul" She says. I didn't know what to say back to her. I was just glad that she was awake now and talking. I couldn't imagine life without my best friend by my side. We had a long history and I knew that we were done writing the rest of it.

A/N: Of course Jenna didn't die! I couldn't kill a character that's such a huge part of this story. I don't know if I had yall scared or not but Jenna is definitely okay. QUESTION: 1) What do you think is going to be the name of the Valenna baby? 2) How do you feel about this chapter? Comment Below!❤ Love Yall!

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