Chapter 15

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***One Month Later***

A month had passed since my parents had died, and since Val and Jenna became a couple and Yasmin and Vic became a couple. Tonight our show was in New York. We were going to Good Morning America to be interviewed about our tour. Alan, Jenna, Val, Emma, Sasha, and I were all going and Yasmin was going to Vic's concert tonight in Pennsylvania so she was going to miss our performance in New York tonight, and the kids were all going to be doing there own interview after the adults did.

It was 6:30 in the morning. Our interview was the first thing they were doing on the show. We were being interviewed by Robin Roberts. The three girls sat on one side of her and the three boys sat on the other side. Before the interview they showed a clip of a dance from our show.

"How talented is that group of brilliant dancers?" Robin asks the audience. They cheered. "Well im.glsd you like then because today I am joined by the cast of the Dance With A Bersten tour!". More cheers ignited "Everyone give it up for Danielle Bersten, Alan Bersten, Jenna Johnson, Valentin Chmerkovskiy, Emma Slater, and Sasha Farber! Thank you for being here".

"Thank you for having us" I say.

"Okay, So my first question is, Why did you chose the name 'Dance With A Bersten' for your tour?".

"It was my idea. I wanted to involve our fans in this tour and dancing with them after every show is a great way to do that and by doing that they are Dancing With A Bersten" Alan explains.

"Usually Alan and I will go to the stage and everyone else will go to different spots in the venue and Alan and I call a fan up on stage to dance with us personally" I say.

"That's awesome!" Robin exclaims. "This next question gets a bit personal, but I hear we have a new couple amongst us?". Jenna immediately started blushing.

"There is" Jenna says. "Val and I".

"Let me tell you something, I'm proud to call that girl mine" Val says.

"Val, I know you were once married to Yasmin Garcia, so what happened with that?".

"Yasmin and I were both not faithful or loyal to one another in our marriage, so we decided that separating would be the best thing to do" Val explains.

"Well as long as the two of you are happy is what matters" Robin says. Everyone nods their heads. "So, Tell me about your children. Alan and Dani, we can start with you".

"Well, We have three amazing children, Addison, Asher, and Amelia" I say.


"Addison and Asher are twins" Alan says.

"I hear that you're daughter is dating Val's son".

"Yes, Jordan and Amelia" Val says.

"Is there any other relationships between your children?".

"Michael is absolutely obsessed with Addison" Emma says. "He's Mine and Sasha's son".

"Young love" Robin says. " I have a game for us to play if you all are up for it".

"Of course" I say.

"Okay, So I'm going to ask you 'Who's most likely to' and you all will point at who you think is the most likely to do what I say".

"Okay" Everyone says in unison.

"Most likely to show off their abs?". Everyone points at Val. "Val, is it true?".

"He's constantly doing it" Jenna says.

"You girls are the ones that are always dressed in sports bras and crop tops showing off your abs". He says.

"That's part of our fashion" Emma says. Val rolls his eyes.

"Most likely to start a fight?". Everyone points to Jenna.

"Oh come on" Jenna says.

"Do I need to remind you about that black eye?" I ask.

"No" She says.


The show started in five minutes. Everyone had gotten into their costumes and took their places in stage. No feeling in the world compared to when the curtain dropped and all you could hear were people cheering for you. After the number, Alan and I took the microphones.

"New York City!" Alan yells. Fans cheer.

"Welcome to the Dance With A Bersten tour!" I shout. "I'm Danielle Bersten".

"I'm Alan Bersten, and we cannot wait to spend the evening with you all" He says.

"Enjoy the show!" I say before Alan and I run off stage.


The show was halfway over, which meant now it was time to answer a few fan questions. Alan, Jenna, and I were answering them tonight.

"Okay, first question is, 'Jenna, Are you and Val planning on having children of your own?'. Interesting question". Alan says.

"Uh...That is interesting. I-I don't about children for us" She answers.

"Next question" I say. "This is for you babe, 'Alan, How did you pick the name 'Addison' to name your daughter'".

"I picked Addison because when Danielle and I first became partners on dancing with the stars, I went over to her house and we watched Grey's Anatomy for hours and we both had the same favorite character, Dr. Addison Montgomery, That's how Addison was named" He answers.

"Isn't that how you named Amelia?" Jenna asks.

"Well, That's how he named her" I say. "Alan guessed both of our girls genders so he picked their names".

"Okay, Next question" Alan says. " 'What has been your favorite tour stop so far?'".

"Mine was Kentucky" I say.

"West Virginia was pretty fun" Jenna says jokingly.

"Let's not talk about that" Alan says and moves on to the next question.

"'Where can you not wait to go on tour?'".

"Hawaii!" Jenna and I exclaim.

"South America" Alan answers.


After the show was over everyone went back to the hotel. I wanted to hang out with Jenna, but she was with Val. She was with him a lot these days. Alan and I decided to sit in our hotel room and watch TV.

"Look what's on" He says.

"Oh My Gosh" I say.

"Grey's Anatomy" He says and clicks on it.

"This is even the very first episode we ever watched together" I say and scoot close to him.

"It's a sign from the universe" He says.

"What does the sign mean?".

"That were meant to be" He says.

"I believe that sign" I say.

"Me too" He says and kisses the top of my head. "I've always believed it was supposed to be you and me".

A/N: This chapter is kind of boring and stupid, but I needed to write something so...yeah. QUESTION: What's your least favorite thing that has ever happened in this story or Dancing Away With My Heart, and Why? Comment Below! ❤

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