Chapter 4

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I woke up at 8:00 with a text from Alan saying he had to go to the studio today and meet with the producers for some reason and he'd tell me why later. I went downstairs and to the kitchen and made a pit of coffee. I sat at the island bar and went on instagram while I drank my coffee. As I was scrolling through I saw a picture Asher posted. It was an old picture of Him and Addison from when they were toddlers and he was kissing her cheek. His caption read: "My Girl. My Partner In Crime. My Best friend. My Twin. @addieb I love you dearly sis and I know you're hurting right now but I'm always right here for you!".

His caption made my heart melt. Addison, Asher, and Amelia had always been close to each other.


To pass the hours until Alan got home, I cleaned up around the house. When I was done I sat back in the kitchen. A few minutes later Alan walked in the door and yelled my name.

"In here, Babe" I say. He walks in and sits across from me on the other bar stool.

"I have something to tell you" He says. He was all smiles.

"What is it?"

"Were off the show" He says. I was confused.


"They said that they don't need us this season they're bringing in 12 new pros for their first season" He explains.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask.

"They want us to go on a national tour" He says. Now my face lights up.

"Really?!" I ask. Alan and I had never gone on a live tour.

"Yes,Our own tour" He says. "It would be our tour, Dani, We pick who goes on it, We pick where we go, We Pick the name, Everything" He says.

"Oh My God!" I exclaim and practically jump over the island to hug him.

"Who do you want to come?" He asks.

"Well...Us obviously, and...Jenna, Emma, Sasha, and Yasmin" I say.

"And, Addie, Asher, Amelia, Hannah, Michael, and Jordan" He says.

"Is Val still competing?" I ask.

"Yes" He answered.

"Perfect, I'll go ask Jenna and Yasmin" I say. I walk over to Jenna's and thankfully, Yasmin was there with her.

"I have to ask you all something" I say sitting down beside them on the couch.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"Would you all be interested in going on tour with Alan and I?".

"Really?" Jenna asks.

"Yeah, They're giving us our own tour and letting us chose the dances and people who come" I say.

"I'm In" Yasmin says. "I'm haven't been on a tour".

"None of us have, Since We all got pregnant so young we never had time to go on one because we had the children to worry about, but now they can dance with us on tour" I say.

"I-I don't know" Jenna said. "Addie might not want me there".

"Oh No, You told them?" Yasmin asked.

"We had too, Addie found the adoption papers" I explained.

"And, She didn't take it very well" Jenna adds.

"Poor Addie" She says.

"Anyhow, I really want you to come" I say.

"Okay, I will" She says.

"Great" I say. "I guess Alan and I need to go talk about a few more things".

As I was leaving Jenna's I saw Alan talking to Sasha on his porch. I knew Sasha and Emma would come. I went to the house and waited for him to get back. When he arrived he told me that Emma and Sasha were good to go.

"Great" I say. We were sitting back at the island on the bar stools. I had a notebook and pen to write stuff on. I wrote down who all was going.

"What should we call the tour?" Alan asks.

"Something Bersten relate" I say.

"We can come back to that" He says.

"Okay. Routines" I say.

"Female and Male Dance, A dance for us, A dance for Emma and Sasha and maybe a twin group dance" He says.

"We should do a Dance for a parent and their child too" I say. "Like You and Addie, Asher and I, Emma and Michael, Sasha and Hannah, and Jordan and Yasmin" I say.

"Addie, Amelia, and I can do a trio" He says.

"Perfect" I say.


Before we knew it, It was 5:30 and the kids were all home. We made them sit on the couch so we could tell them the news.

"What's going on?" Asher asked.

"Well, How would like to do your schooling on the road?" Alan says.

"On the road?" Amelia questions.

"Wait, Are we going on tour?" Addison asks. Her face was bright.

"We are. All of us and The Farbers, Along with Yasmin, Jordan, and...Jenna" I say.

"That's awesome" Amelia says. "When are we going to start?"

"When we get costumes, Merch, Tour dates, and A headlining name" Alan says.

"Oh My God, This is going to be awesome" Addison says. "I can't wait".

"So we won't be on the show anymore?" Asher asks.

"No, We're going to be on this tour for half the year, It's in the US, Canada, and South America" Alan says.

"Were going to be world travellers" Amelia says.

"When is the first show?" Addison asks.

"We don't know yet" I answer. "We'll get it figured out".

"Okay" They all say in unison.


After all the kids were sleeping Alan and I still sat up trying to figure things out for this sudden tour.

"Well, It's September 7th today, Do you think we could get all this done in a month and do our first show October 7th?" He asks.

"Yeah, If we rehearse everyday for hours and get everything figured out by tomorrow" I say.

"Okay, We can put Jenna and Yasmin in charge of costumes and Emma and Sasha in charge of Merch, and we can do routines" He says. I sent them all texts saying I needed them to get together the next day to work on what they were in charge of. Everyone texted back saying they would.

"Where should we do the first show?" I ask.

"How about Kentucky?" He asks. "Your parents can come and have front row seats" He says.

"October 7th, Louisville, KY" I write on the notebook.

"Are we going to do and meet and greet and meet and mingle?" He asks.

"Of course" I say.

"Alright, Last thing, A name?" He says.

A/N: Okay, So I know this kind of has nothing to do with the previous chapter, but, while they are on this tour around the world a lot of things are going to happen, I'm making them happen on a tour so they kind of have to deal with it right then and there and can't run from the problems. Also, I really don't know what I should name the tour so PLEASE comment a suggestion that is Bersten related!!! But, As always I want some feedback so comment below! (Also, What I picture Addison always Asher to look like is in the picture in chapter one if anyone was wondering).

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