Chapter 37

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It was late after we got home from the show, but we still decided to have the party to celebrate. We let the kids go over to Jenna and Val's to hang out and all the adults, including Alan, Jenna, Val, Emma, Sasha, Maks, Peta, Sharna, Brittany, and Hayley, Stayed at Alan and I's  house. We all sat in the game room on the couches and floors just talking. Jenna put Camilla in her swing and let her sleep.

"So, How's it feel to not be on tour anymore?" Sharna asked. She was sitting on the floor against the wall by Camilla's swing. She loved every should we all had and always treated them like her own niece or nephew.

"I'm going to miss meeting the fans" Jenna says.

"I'm happy to be back in my own house with my husband" I say. I was sitting by Alan on the couch with my head on his chest.

"I am too" He says and kisses the top of my head.

"You know what I'm excited about?" Val asks.

"What?" Maks says.

"Marrying Her" He answers and looks up at Jenna. She was sitting on his lap in the love seat.

"Speaking of the wedding, Have you thought about the wedding party?" Brittany asks.

"Yeah, We want about five bridesmaid and five groomsmen" Jenna answers.

"Well...Who are they?" Emma asks.

"Well, Alan, Sasha. Will you guys be my groomsmen" Val asks. Alan's face lit up.

"Yes!" Alan says. Sasha agreed too.

"Maks, I Want you to be my best man" He says.

"Of course" Maks says. "Are Jordan and Shai going to be the other groomsmen?".

"Yeah" He answered.

"What about you?" Sasha asked Jenna.

"I want Emma, Peta, Hayley, and Brittany" She answered.

"That's only four" Peta says.

"Yeah. Dani, I'm going to need a maid of honor" She says.

"Really? Of course I'll do it" I say.

"Whoa. Wait a minute" Sharna says. "What about your family, Your sisters?". Jenna's face goes blank and she looks down at Val.

"Go on and tell them" He says.

"Tell us what?" I asked.

"My...My family is...refusing to come to the wedding" She says.

"What?" Almost everyone says in unison.

"Why?" Brittany asks.

"They said because Val and I started a relationship when he was married to someone else and that it's not appropriate" She says.

"Fuck that" Maks says. I could tell her though it was ridiculous.

"So, Now I'm not going to have any family at my own wedding. The only one I've ever had" She says.

"Hey, Yes you are" I say. "You have us".

"Yeah"She says. I could tell she was upset by having to bring it up. In that moment, Camilla started to cry. Jenna picked her up and took her into the living room to rock her back to sleep.

"She's not okay" Peta says.

"Well, would you be if your parents weren't coming to your wedding?" Sharna asks.

"Not really" She answers.

"I'll talk to her" I say standing up. I walk into the living room and sit beside her in the couch. She had gotten the baby back to sleep and was just sitting there. "You good?".

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