Chapter 18

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"How far?" I ask.

"Almost 12 weeks" She answers.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"Around the same time Val and I got together" She answers again.

"Does he know?".

"If you didn't do you really think he does?" She asks.

"When are you going to tell him?" I ask.

"I was going to tonight whenever they got back, I was going to announce it to all of you, but then Yasmin said he didn't want anymore children and now my plan is pretty much ruined" She says.

"You don't know that, He might not have wanted any more with Yas but that doesn't mean he doesn't want your, He loves you" I say.

"Should I tell him then?" She asks.

"Yes, Of course. Especially if your almost three months." I say.

"Can I still dance on the tour?" She asks.

"Yeah, Just no flips or tricks" I say.

"I don't want the girls to know yet, I think I need to tell Val first" She says.

"Well, It's getting late so they'll be home soon" I say.

"Will you help me tell him?" She asks. "I want him to know before anybody else".

"Of course" I say. "But we need to go back in there with the girls and act like nothing is wrong until they get home, okay?".

"Okay" She says. We walk back into the game room and sir down with the other girls.

The boys had been home for a while when Jenna pulled me up to Her and Val's room.

"I have a sonogram of the baby" She says.

"Do you want to show that to him?" I ask. Suddenly, The door opened. Alan walked in. He immediately saw the sonogram in Jenna's hand.

"Wow, Uh, Congratulations" He says.

"Shh, Val doesn't know, and she's kind of scared to him" I say.

"Well, Dinner's done" He says. Sorry, but why are you scared to tell him, isn't a baby good news?". Jenna looks at me.

"Yasmin told us earlier that Val didn't want to have anymore children" I say.

"Oh Boy" Alan says.

"I want to keep it" Jenna says.

"Keep What?". We all turn around only to see Val standing in the doorway.

"Uh...N-Nothing" Jenna stammers.

"Don't lie to me" He says. Alan and I move closer to Jenna letting her know we were there for her.


"Are you pregnant?" He asks.

"W-Were going to have a baby" Jenna says and holds up the sonogram. Val takes the picture from hand.

"Huh" He says.

"This isn't how I wanted to tell you" She says.

"So...Have you made an appointment to get rid of it?" He asks. Oh My God.

"W-What?" Jenna asks.

"I don't want the stupid thing" Val answers.

"Don't say that" She says.

"Well do you want me to lie and tell you that I'm going to help you raise it?" He asks, his voice was getting louder.

"Your the father, and my boyfriend" She says. I could tell she was fighting back tears. I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"I don't care about what I am. I don't want the damn thing" He Yells.

"It's not a thing!" She yells back. "Its a baby! Our baby!".

"Your not getting rid of it?" He asks.

"No!" She yells. I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

"Then we're done" He says and storms off. Oh Hell No. Jenna fell to the ground. Alan scooped her up into his arms. I ran after Val and finally got him stopped downstairs in the living room.

"Hey!" I yelled at him.

"I'm not talking about this with with you" He says.

"Then don't talk, Listen" I say.


"I am extremely protective over that girl up there that is crying in the fetal position in my husband's arms over you. I'll be damned if I let you treat her like that" I say.


"No, I'm fucking talking!" I say. " I want you out of this house, I want you off of this tour, I want you to go back to California and get your shit off of my property, and I want you to stay the hell away from Jenna". I hear gasps coming from everyone sitting at the dinner table that was right next to where Val and I were standing.

"Fine, I'll stay away from her" He says.

"I don't get why you left your wife for her if you weren't going to stuck by her, That's what you do with people you love" I say. Alan walks down the steps and over to me.

"Yeah, It is" He says. I scoffed.

"Now I get it, You never loved her" I say.

"Nope" He says and leans in close to me. "I just needed a girl to fuck". Before I could reply Alan grabbed him by his short collar.

"You son a a bitch! I want you out of this house now and I want you to say the fuck away from my family!" Alan yells pushing him up against the door. "That includes Jenna". I didn't do anything to stop Alan.


"Shut Up!" Alan yells and decks Val in the mouth leaving him with a bloody lip. I walk up to them and open the door.

"If you ever do anything to hurt her again, I promise that I will bury you so far deep in the ground you will feel the hest from the earth's core". I say before Alan pushed him out the door and locked it. Everyone remained quiet.

"Jenna!" I say and run up the steps into her room. She was lying on the bed. I lied next to her and olled her close to me where her head was on y chest. "I'm so,so sorry" I say.

"I was so stupid, I was so in love with him" She sobs. "Everything was a lie".

"You deserve so much better than him" I say.

"He never loved me, Did he?" She asks. My heart broke hearing her say those words.

"I'm so sorry" I say.

"I'm such an idiot" She says. I could feel tears in my eyes. I hated seeing her so heartbroken over a stupid boy.

"It's okay" I say. "I'm going to be by your side throughout this whole thing and I can promise you that".

"Thank you" She says. I don't say anything back. I let my chin rest on top of her head so she knew I was there for her. I honestly still couldn't believe everything that had happened myself. All those lies Val told me on the phone that night. Everything was a lie. He just wanted one thing from Jenna and she was so I love with him she gave it to him. Now she was In this awful position. I wish I could take her place. I hated seeing her so heartbroken.

A/N: PLOT TWIST! I broke my own heart writing this so if yall are heartbroken now, Your not the only one. QUESTION: What would you LOVE to see happen in this story before it's over and why? AND How do you feel about the plot twist? Comment Below!❤ Love Yall!

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