Chapter 41

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The next day we got to leave at 12:00 that afternoon with Amos. We met everyone at the church Val and Jenna were getting married in and got ready. I kept Amos with me and the entire time. Thankfully, He slept most of the time.

"So, How did it feel last night having a new little one?" Peta asked. She was doing my side bun.

"It was amazing" I say. "I didn't have to do anything".

"What?" Sharna asks. She was back there with us too.

"Alan held him in his arms all night" I answered. "Talking to him and rocking him. It was a perfect night".

"Sounds like he's a perfect dad" She says.

"He is. Oh, He is" I answer.

"Alright, It's time to get my dress on" Jenna says. She had Camilla in her arms, who was wide awake.

"Give her to me" I say. I held both Amos and Camilla in my arms. Amos was awake now and he and Camilla just stared at each other. Camilla was beginning to get very expressive so she smiled a lot. Peta was done with my hair and I was already in my dress so I sat in the chair with both of them. "Are you smiling at your new best friend?" I ask Camilla knowing she couldn't reply. She just looked at babbled. "Yeah? Yeah you've got a new friend, don't you?".

"Dani, Check instagram" Sharna says. She was sitting in the makeup chair across from me with her phone in her hand. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had been tagged in something. Sharna took a picture of me holding the two babies smiling down at them. She captioned the picture saying "bonding time".

"Nobody knows that you went into labor yesterday and you didn't announce it so maybe we can make everyone wonder" She says with a smirk.

"They're definitely going to wonder" I say and hold Camilla out in her direction to take her so I can get up. I walked to the men's dressing room to find Alan.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see you" I say. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Dani, Alan, He's beautiful" Maks says walking over to us. Shai was walking with him.

"Was I that little?" Shai asked.

"Yeah, You were" Maks answered.

"You grew up quite a bit" I say. He smiles. "Do you want to hold him, Shai?".

"Oh, I-I dont know how to hold babies" He says. I knew he was just nervous.

"It's okay, You won't break him" I say.

"O-Okay" He stammers. I placed Amos in his arms.

"Was Camilla this little?" He asks.

"No, Camilla was bigger when she was born" Maks says.

"He weighed 6 pounds and she weighed 8 pounds" I say.

"He-He's so tiny" He says and smiled up at me again.

"You know, I remember when we got the call about you being born" I say. "Maks called us and said to come see Peta at the hospital and we did and Maks would barely let anyone hold you until you were a month old".

"Why?" He asks.

"You were what I waited so long for, I didn't want anyone to touch you" Maks says. I loved how pretceove he got. He was becoming one of my best friends.


It was time for the wedding. Sharna kept Amos with her during the wedding too. I was about to walk down the aisle. All the memories of Alan and I on our wedding day were coming back to me. I walked down the aisle and stood in my place. In the next moment, It was Jenna's turn to walk. When Val saw her he was all smiles. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

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