Chapter 35

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***June 2nd***

We had a flight to head back home to LA at 6:00 this evening. Alan I had had to gone to bed the night before at around eleven o'clock. It was now 2:00 in the morning.

"Dani! Dani! Wake up!" I hear. I flip on the lamp beside Mine and Alan's bed to see Val standing in the doorway.

"What?" I ask raising up.

"Jenna! She's in labor!" He exclaims. Alan shoots up and looks at me and then at Val. "I don't know what to do!"

"Calm Down" I say and get out of the bed and walk past him. "Stay calm so she's calm". We walk into Val and Jenna's room. She was bent over holding onto a bed post.

"Get me to a damn hospital" She says.

"Okay, Calm down" I say. Alan runs into the room.

"I started the car" He says. We had rented a car while we were there.

"Okay. Boys, She can't walk, So you all are going to have to carry her to the car" I explain. They pick her up in their arms and we all start down the steps. We didn't bother waking anyone else up because Jenna didn't want a big crowd when she gave birth. Alan drove to the nearest hospital and Val sat in the back with Jenna keeping track of her contractions. Alan found a parking spot right next to the entrance. He ran inside to get a nurse and wheelchair.

"Alright, How many contractions have you had?" A woman nurse asks Jenna.

"Uh, Like, Three" She says.

"Okay, We're going to get you into the system and get you a room" She said.

"Wait, What about an epidural?" I ask.

"Well, It might be a little late for that".

"What?!" Val exclaims. Jenna screams out in pain, She was clenching Val's hand. "She needs one!".

"Okay, Okay, I'll do what I can, Let's just get you to your room first" She says.

"Dani, Can you call Maks?" Val asked before they took Jenna off.

"Yeah, I'll come to the room when I'm done" I say. Alan went with Val and Jenna and the nurse to a room. I went outside and dialed Maks's phone number. It was 4:00am in California.

Maks: Dani?

Danielle: Maks, I'm sorry to wake you, but Jenna's in labor.

Maks: What?! Really?! Peta wake up!

Danielle: Were flying back tonight for the show on Tuesday, Do you think you could go over to Jenna's and get the nursery ready?

Maks: Yeah, I just got Peta up. We'll go over there and you can just keep me posted on everything. Are the doctors going to let her fly with a baby?

Danielle: I don't know. But, Val has to be at that show.

Maks: Okay, Just...Keep us updated on everything and call me as soon as she has the baby, Okay?

Danielle: I will.

Maks: Alright, Thanks, Bye.

Danielle: Bye.

After I hung up I went to the nurses station and asked where Jenna's room was. They told me and I ran as fast and I could to get there. When I arrived, Jenna was getting an epidural and Val was holding her hands.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Who are you?" The doctor delivering the baby, Doctor Peters, asks.

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