Chapter 14

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I woke up at 6:30 in Alan's arms. We made our way to our hotel room after we made up. I peeked into the kids room and saw them fast asleep, Their room connected to ours. Emma and Sasha's room connected to Hannah, Michael and Jordans. Jenna and Yasmin were supposed to share a room, but with all the fighting they had been doing, Jenna just slept on the bus.

I got up and put on leggings and a sports bra and headed down to the gym. On my way down the elevator my phone began ringing. It was Yasmin.

Danielle: Hello?

Yasmin: Can you meet me in the gym?

Danielle: Yeah, I'm on my way there now.

Yasmin: Hurry.

I hung up and phone as the elevator doors opened. I walked to the gym and saw Yasmin on a treadmill. I went to the one next to her and started running.

"What did you need?" I ask.

"Val is going to be here soon" She says.

"I know" I say.

"You know he's in love with her. That's why I've been a bitch" She says.


"Because, I always thought he was the one for me. When we started dating I was completely in love with him, and then we got married and I was still in love with him, We had Jordan and I thought we would spend forever together". She says. "But all the time I was in love with him, He was in love with Jenna".

"You know he loves you" I say.

"You mean he 'loved' me. He doesn't anymore" She says.

"He's always going to love you no matter what, He told me that himself, and who cares if he picks Jenna, that just means you have someone else out there to meet and be loved by" I say.

"I know, I hate myself for blaming it all on her, He had something to do with it too" She says. In that moment, Jenna walks into the gym.

"Well, Why don't you apologize" I say and point in Jenna's direction. She walks over to Yasmin and I.

"Sorry about the scratches" Yasmin says. Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow like she was asking me what to say next.

"Sorry about pushing you" Jenna said. I felt a sigh of relief come over me.

"Can I tell you all something?" Yasmin says. I stop my treadmill and get off of it.

"Sure" I say. We all sat in the middle of the floor.

"I really shouldn't have got so angry at you for...being with Val" She says.

"Yes you should have, Your husband cheated on you" Jenna says.

"Well he's not the only one who cheated" Yasmin says. I shoot a look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"I-Ive been seeing...someone else" She says.

"Who?" I ask. I think Jenna was still in shock to say anything, She just sat there with wide eyes.

"Vic" Yasmin answered. Vic was one of Yasmin's past celebrity partners on dancing with the stars. He was also a member of one of her favorite bands, Pierce the Veil.

"Whoa" Is all I manage to say.

"W-Whe did you start cheating on him?" Jenna asks. I could tell she was probably afraid to know the answer.

"Almost a year ago" She answered. "Why?".

"Oh, Uh...No reason" Jenna says and stands up. "I'm going to go get so breakfast". We watched her walk out of the gym, She looked like she was wiping something off her face, it looked like tears.

"I think I'm going to go change, I need to be ready when Val gets here" She says and leaves. I walk out if the gym and see Jenna walking to the little cade across the street. I ran to catch up with her.

"Hey, What's wrong?" I ask grabbing her arm.

"Nothing" She lies. We walk into the cafe and find a seat. I sat directly across from her.

"Stop lying to me" I say.

"If Yasmin had been cheating on Val for almost a year and Val and I have only been seeing each other for six months, minus the hookups before they were officially together, Then that means Val is only doing it to get back at Yasmin" She says.

"That's insane" I say.

"Is it? He probably knew she was cheating so he found someone he could sleep with to make her just as angry. I guess I'm just easy" She says.

"Stop, You know that's not true" I say.

"No, No it is, Val proably think I'm an easy whore" She says. Tears falk down her cheeks again.

"Will you shut up? None of what you just said it true" I say. "Val loves you, He even told you that".

"I love him too" She says. I notice something behind Jenna that would make her very happy. I begin to stand.

"Well, Why don't you tell him that" I say and smile. She turns around and her face lights up. Val was standing there.

"I think we should talk about something" He says.

"Me too" She says.

"I'm going to go wake up Alan, Excuse me" I say and slip put the door.

***Jenna's POV***

My heart skipped a beat every time Val looked at me. I don't know why he made me feel this way.

"How'd you get those scratches?" Val asked sitting in the seat that Dani was in before she left.

"Your wife and I got into a cat fight" I answer.

"Poor thing" He says and runs his thumb over a scratch.

"Dani got the worst of it, I accidentally gave her a black eye" I say.


"You said we needed to talk" I say.

"I stopped by my lawyers office before I came here" He says snd begins to pull something out of a bag he had with him. "These are-".

"Divorce Papers?" I say cutting him off.

"Yasmin and I aren't meant to be married. We both cheated with different people, and we're both in love with different people" He says.


"Yes. I am in love with you. I am completely and utterly in love with you and I have been for a long time, It just took a phone call from Danielle to make me realize that. To make me realize you are the one I want". He says.

"Val" Is all I manage to say.

"It don't want a lot of things, I haven't asked for a lot of things. But, I do want you and I'm asking for you".

"I want you too" I say.

"Good, Because I'm yours if you'll have me" He says. I stand up.

"I want you" I say. He pulls me into a hug.

"I love you...and I'm in love with you" He says. I look up at him.

"I love you too" I say. His lips met mine and everything felt right.

***Danielle's POV***

Val told Yasmin he wanted a divorce. I knew it broke her to sign those papers, but she loved Vic and Jenna loved Val. Val talked to Jordan about the whole thing and told him that he and Jenna were now a couple and Yasmin and Vic were, Yasmin had called Vic and told him what happened. Val decided to stay on tour with us now since he had just gotten eliminated from the show and so he could be with Jenna more. The best thing that happened put of this whole situation was that nobody was fighting anymore and everyone was happy. Although it would take some time for the divorce to be finalized. But for the most part everything was back to normal. The greatest part of all of this was that Jenna was finally happy.

A/N: No more drama for a while guys!
Everyone is friends again AND new couple!! QUESTION: What do you think should happen with Val and Jenna? and Why do you think that? Comment below!❤

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