Chapter 12

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"You didn't have to bring up you and Val being together" I say to Jenna.

"I know, But she just pissed me off" She says.

"That fling was a long time ago" I say.

"Was it?" She asks. Um What?

"What..are you saying?" I ask.

"V-Val cheated on Yasmin" She stammers.

"How do you know?" I ask. I knew what she was going to say.

"Um..Be-Because...I was the one he...cheated on her with" She says.

"WHAT?!" Yasmin yells. We didn't notice that she was standing outside the opened door. Jenna and I shoot up off the couch. "You fucked my husand?!".

"Actually, Your husand fucked me" Jenna says. I could tell she was pissed.

"You son of a bitch!" Yasmin yells and lunges towards Jenna. Before Yasmin makes contact with her, I pulled Jenna back on to the couch.

"Hey! Look we're at our hotel" I say. We had a hotel because we were doing two shows in West Virginia. Everyone walks off the bus.

"This isn't over, Jenna" Yasmin says.

"No, I think it is" Jenna says. Emma, Alan, and Sasha were all looking at them strangely.

"No, It isn't because you had sex with my husand!" Yasmin yells.

"What?" Alan and Sasha say in unison.

"Oh yeah. These two girls here get around a lot" Yasmin says referring to Jenna and I. "Don't they Em?".

"I don't know about Jenna" Emma says walking up to Sasha to face him. "But, I do know that Danielle kissed my husband".

"What?!" Alan yells.

"Alan I-" I was cut off.

"You kissed my best friend?!" He yells at me.

"It just happened!" I yell back.

"That isn't something that just happens!" He yella back.

"Really? Because it seemed to 'just happen' when you kissed my best friend!" I yelled.

"That's different!" He yells.

"Why? Because your the man and think you can do anything you want and can get away with it, but because I'm a woman it's an awful thing for me to do?" I say.

"You know what, Whatever" Alan says and walks away. Jenna stands beside me. We watch Emma and Sasha yell at each other.

"You know, You are such a bitch" Jenna says to Yasmin.

"I told them the truth" Yasmin says. "Your supposed to tell the people you love the truth".

"Well in that case, I guess Val doesn't love you" Jenna says. We walk back on the bus. I knew I didn't want to he around anyone else right now. All the kids immediately ran to the pool. Alan and Emma went inside the hotel and Yasmin and Sasha went separate ways.

"What's even happening right now?" I say as we sit down on the couches in the front of the bus. "I have drama with Emma and Alan. You're having drama with Yasmin. What's even happening?".

"I don't even know" She says. "But, I'm scared to see what happens next".

"I don't understand how Alan can get that angry at me for doing something he did first" I say. " And, I forgave him the next day, I was never this angry at him".

"It's a guy thing. They think they have the right to do anything, but as soon as the girl does the same thing he did, he acts like it's the biggest crime" Jenna says.

"I know I shouldn't have missed Sasha, but I pulled away, I knew it was wrong, and I know that it didn't mean anything" I say. "Alan seems to think I'm leaving him for Sasha".

"Well at least your aren't Yasmin" Jenna says. I smile.

"You really slept with Val when they were married?" I ask. She looked down at the ground. I knew she wasn't proud of what she was about to say.

"Uh..Yeah, Multiple Times" She answers.

"Jenna!" I exclaim.

"Don't look at like that" She says. "Because, now I know how hard it was for you when you first moved to LA".

"What do you mean?"

"I fell for the guy with a girlfriend. Val and I flirted and had moments when Yasmin wasn't around that we didn't tell anyone about, Just like and Alan did. But, The only difference was He wasn't willing to leave her for me like Alan left me for you" She says. "It killed me. Everything... killed me. I literally felt my insides being ripped out".

"Whoa" Was all I could manage to say.

"Why does everyone seem to find love except me?" She asks.

"Don't say that" I say.

"But it's true. I loved Alan and he left me for you, I love Val and he's still with Yasmin. I mean,  it's not like these hookups have stopped either, We...Even did it...At the funeral. He tells me he loves me and I tell him that I love him and...he's still with her".

"You really love Val" I say.

"Dani, I don't even think I loved Alan as much as I love Val. When I'm with him I forget about everything. I forget about dancing, I forget about the sad things, I forget he's married. He takes away my pain, but he causes my pain. He breaks my heart every time he looks at me and I've never felt that with anyone else" She says.

"You do know that you could've talked to me about this" I say.

"The only reason I didn't is because Yasmin is your best friend" She says.

"Hey, No she's not. You are, and you have been for the past seventeen years. I never want you to feel like you can't talk to me about something" I say.

"Help me through this" She says. "I can't do it alone".

"I'm going to be right by your side for your life" I say. "Your stuck with me".

"Thank you" She says.

"Plus you've got to take care of me too" I say. "My momma said so". She smiled and put her head in my lap. Today was only half over and so many things had already happend and I had learned so many things. I learned that Jenna and Val were secretly in love, I learned that Emma and Sasha were fighting, I learned that Alan probably wouldn't speak to me for the rest if my existence, But most importantly,  learned who my true best friend was.

A/N: Just to give you all a bit of background info on the Val/Jenna/Yasmin situation. Comment below thoughts! Question!: Favorite friendship and why? Comment below! ❤

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