Chapter 27

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It was Monday, March 6th. We were in Austin, Texas tonight and this was the first show that Jenna was back. Doctors told her to take it easy and if she was on stage for anything like fan questions or to talk during the intermission, she needed to be sitting on a stool. They also gave her two different pain medications. One to take before the meet and greet and shows and one to take after the show that would make her sleep better. We had to do the meet and greet and meet and mingle after the show again so nobody knew Jenna was back.

We had ten minutes before the show started. I was in my costume and went to go meet Alan out wide the boys dressing room so we could walk to the stage. Jenna was going to be waiting off to the side so she could come out and talk after the opening.

"My beautiful wife" He says getting me. He takes my hand in his as well walk down the hallway.

"How are you?" I ask. I hadn't seen him all day.

"Better now that you're in my arms" He answers. We took our places on stage and just waited for out intro music.

"I'm ready for this show" I say.

"You seem happy?" He says.

"I am" I say. I was so glad that Jenna was back on the road with us. We had this show tonight. One tomorrow in Houston and we had to cancel our second Houston show so instead we were doing one in El Paso.

"Good, I hate seeing you unhappy" He says and kisses my cheek.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" He whispers in my ear. Our intro music started playing. We did our opening number and then Alan and I got our microphones.

"Austin!" Alan yells into the microphone. "Welcome to the Dance With A Bersten Tour! I'm Alan Bersten!".

"I'm Danielle Bersten" I say. "Were so glad you chose to spend your night with us...and we have a surprise for you". Nobody knew Jenna was back. I motioned for her to come out to the stage. The whole crowd screamed.

"Make some noise for this girl!" Alan shouted. The screamed got louder and then settled down.

"Hey Everybody" Jenna says into her microphone. "I'm so glad to be back with you all".

"A lot of people know that Jenna suffered an injury and we had to put the tour on hold because of it, but we're happy to let all our friends here in Austin, Texas know that she has made a full recovery and is going to finish the tour with us" I say.

"I want to thank everyone for being so understanding and supportive. I won't be dancing in the show tonight because of a few reasons, but I'll be out here to talk to all of you later, does that sound good?" She asks. The crowd screams. "Alright, Whose ready to see a show?".

"Let's do this!" Alan shouts. We all walk backstage to change and go on with the show.

***Jenna's POV***

Because I didn't dance anymore because if my pregnancy, I always went and told stories during the intermission and just talked to the fans. It was something to entertain them and keep them all busy before the second half of the show. I walked out on stage and sat on the stool Alan had placed there for me earlier.

"Have you enjoyed the show so far, Austin?!" I yell into the microphone. Screams ignited throughout the theatre. "Well, Since I can't dance because of this little one" I say and put my hands on my stomach. "I get to talk to you all before the second half. So, We're going to send someone around with a microphone and let you all here ask me some questions. Raise your hand of you have one". Half the crowd raises their hands. I pint at a girl towards the front and one of our set designers take her the microphone.

"Hi, I was just wondering what your favorite routine to watch is and to dance is?".

"My favorite routine to dance in is the opening number because I get to dance with everyone, but my favorite dance to watch is Alan and Danielle's contemporary or Jordan and Amelia's Tango because I choreographed it". Another fan took the microphone.

"Is it hard to be on this your while being pregnant?".

"Not really. The hardest part is when we're travelling over night and it gets really hot on the bus. I usually have to sit in the back and crank up the air conditioning" I answer.

"Who is your best friend on tour?".

"Danielle. She's my best friend no matter what".

"Who do you not get along with very well?". I laughed at that question.

"Me". I look over and see Yasmin walking out to the stage with a microphone in her hand. "It's me because I'm a Mexican and not a white girl like she is". The crowd laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Okay, Okay. We've gotten into one fight" I say.

"Were fine now" Yasmin says. "It's love this girl. She wraps her hrsma round my shoulders and squeezes me.

***Danielle's POV***

After the show we did the meet and greet and meet and mingle then went out to the buses. We had a long drive ahead of us to our next stop in Houston. Hannah, Amelia, and Yasmin immediately passed out on the bus in their bunks. Emma wanted to watch a show that was premiering tonight. Jenna, Addison, and I were in the lounge. We were looking through gifts that fans gave us at the meet and mingle.

"This is so cute" Jenna says and holds up a baby onesie that said 'Team Chmerkovskiy' across it.

"Look, Someone made us these shirts" Addison says and holds up a tank top that said 'Team Bersten'. "Must he from the same person because everyone got a shirt like this".

"They're cute" I say.

"Mom, Will you bring me my phone from my bunk so I can take a picture?" Addison asks. I was the closest to the door. I got to her bunk and couldnt find her phone. I moved around the blankets and still didn't see it. Finally I raised up her pillow. I didn't see a phone, but I saw something. Under her pillow in a little baggie were three marijuana joints. I grabbed them and ran back to the lounge.

"What the hell is this?!" I yell.

A/N: Cliffhanger. Because I write a story with teenagers in it I decided to put in a problem that I know teens struggle with. I've never Dien drugs of any type so I don't exactly know the correct terminology for everything so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong lol. QUESTION: how do you think everyone is going to react to Addison smoking pot? Comment below!❤ Love Yall!

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