Chapter 26

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I called Val and told them that she was awake and talking to me. He rushed back and didn't leave her side. We had a show the next day in Dallas again. We put the rest of the tour on hold until Jenna could travel with us which wouldn't be fore another week. We hated doing it but the fans understood and we couldn't travel without her. She wasn't going to be at the second show tonight and neither was Val, but that was okay because he needed to be with her. The meet and greet was at 3:00. Alan, Sasha, Michael and Asher went, I decided to go to the meet and mingle instead of the meet and greet this time. While we were waiting for the show to start, Emma and I were sitting in the girls dressing room with Yasmin. My phone buzzed and I had a notification from Entertainment Tonight.

"Dancing With The Stars Professional, Jenna Johnson shot at a recent meet and greet? Thursday, March 1st the Ballroom dancer was shot in the lower stomach by a crazed fan at a meet and greet. Alan Bersten, Danielle Bersten and Hannah Farber were also there, but not wounded. Police caught the shooter who admitted the reason she shot Jenna was because she was jealous and wanted to be with Jenna's fiance Valentin Chmerkovskiy, who she is expecting a baby with in the summer. Jenna is now recovering in the hospital and is set to be back on tour in a few weeks".

"Jealous?" Emma says. "That's literally the craziest thing I've heard".

"If jealousy is the reason Jenna got shot then shouldn't Yasmin have gotten shot too?" I say.

"Maybe they just didn't like Jenna" Yasmin says.

"People are crazy" Emma says.

"Nobody deserved to get hurt over that, She could have killed Jenna" I say. "In fact, She did".

"She came back though" Yasmin says.

"Well she still died, I watched it" I say.

"I never thought we'd all end up here" Emma says. We were getting into our costumes for the opening number. 

"Well, We're here" I say. "This is our crazy life".


Alan and I were waiting backstage for the curtain to drop.

"Jenna got shot in this theatre yesterday" I say.

"Don't think about that, Babe" He says.

"It's hard not to think about" I say.

"I know, but you know that she would want you to go out there tonight and perform the best show you ever have, she wouldn't want you feeling sorry for her" He says. He talked like she had actually died.

"I know, but I hate performing without her" I say.

"She's with you right now" He says.


"In here" He says and puts his hand over my heart. "Plus, you get to go see her after the show tonight".

"I know" I say. The curtain dropped and we did our opening number. After the opening number, Alan and I grabbed our microphones.

"Dallas!" Alan shouted. "How are you?". He wasn't as enthusiastic as usual.

"I'm Danielle Bersten and I xant wait to spend this evening with you!" I say.

"I'm Alan Bersten and I hope you're ready for an amazing show!" He says.

"But, Before we start the show we have to take a few minutes to say that one of our very best friends, I'm sure you all know, Jenna isn't here with us tonight. As everyone knows, she was shot yesterday. She had massive internal bleeding and had to get her appendix and gall bladder removed" I explain.

"Were sharing this with everyone because Jenna loves all of her Dana and wants everyone to know" Alan says.

"After her surgery, while she was in recovery...she flatlined, she was gone for four minutes" I say. Tears filled my eyes. "Doctors were able to bring her back and now she is recovering in the hospital. Everything is fine". Everyone comes out on stage.

"We'd like you all here in Dallas to help us with something" Alan says. "We want to take a selfish with everyone to send to Jenna. Do you all think you could help up with that?". Everyone yelled 'Yes'. "Great". Alan takes the picture using her self stick.

"Everyone up here on this stage is going to tweet this photo and post it on instagram using '#selfieforjennasrecovery'. One thing we want to ask from all of you is to do the same" I say. "Can we so this for Jenna?". Everyone yelled 'Yes' again.

"Thank you" Alan says.

"Now, Let's start the show" I say.


After the show, Alan and I went to the hopital with. Everyone else went and got a hotel close by. We were going to be staying at the hotel until Sunday when Jenna was released and it was only Tuesday. When we got to her room, She was sitting up in the her on twitter.

"Hey, How are you doing?" I ask sitting in the chart across from the bed.

"I'm in pain, but other than that I'm fine" She says. "I'm seeing all these tweets about people hoping I recover okay".

"Where's Val?" Alan asks.

"He was tired so I told him to go back to the hotel and get some rest" She says. He had gotten a room earlier that day.

"Do you need anything? Jello? Ice Cream?" Alan asked.

"Ice cream, Please" She says. The doctors only allowed her to have soft foods.

"Okay, I'll be right back" He says and walks out of the room.

"How was the show?" She asked.

"It would have been better if you were there with us" I say.

"I wish I was" She says. "I can't wait to get back into the meet and greets".

"Do you still want to do them?" I ask.

"Of course" She says.

"Okay" I say.

"I thought of a name for the baby" She says and puts her hand on her stomach.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, But you'll have to wait to find out" She says.

"I can't wait to find out" I say.

"Okay, Here we go" Alan says walking back into the room with three ice cream cones. "Two Strawberry and one Chocolate". The Chocolate was for Jenna and the strawberry was for He and I. The three of us sat in that little hopital room for hours after that talking about the shows, talking about things we should do when we're in Canada and Hawaii and South America, and about old memories we had from back when we were younger. We all missed those days like crazy. Now we were all adults and had responsibilities, it wasn't too fun being an adult.

A/N: I'm running out of ideas for this story, but I have two big things that are going to happen in a few chapters. One is good and one is bad. QUESTION: What do you think the good and bad things that are going to happen are? Comment below and tell me! ❤ Love Yall!

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