Chapter 10

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Today was the funeral. Everyone was here and everyone had their seats. In the first row, Alan, Jenna, Addison, Asher, Amelia, and I sat, and everyone else sat in the two rows behind us. Pastor Ted was doing the service. He stood up at the podium while a song played. Alan was on my right side and Jenna was in the seat on the end to my left.

"Were all here to remember Kate and Steven Cook who passed away unexpectedly on Thursday night. Kate and Steve are survived by their daughter, Danielle Bersten, Son in Law Alan Bersten, and Three grandchildren. Kate and Steven were both incredible people that were taken too early. I knew both of them a long, long time. I married them and I married their daughter seventeen years ago. I never thought I would out live them. Kate approached me a couple months ago with three letters and a DVD. Right now, I'd like to ask the person that this letter is for, to come read it. Jenna Johnson". I look over at Jenna with a raided eyebrow. She gets up and takes the letter from Pastor Ted and then opened it up.

"Dear Jenna, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being such an amazing friend to my little girl. Something she has probably never told you is that one day she called me and she said 'Momma, I don't think Jenna's my best friend anymore'. I asked her why, I asked her what happened. She replied back saying 'She just isn't my best fiend anymore, She's my sister'. You are her sister. You are the other  daughter we always wanted, and you are the sister we could never give to Danielle. You gave my daughter what she always wanted, A sister. And, You  also gave her the other thing she always wanted, A child. You gave me the one thing I always wanted, A grandchild. I am so thankful for you. Keep being the best person you can be and you will go far in life. And while you at it, Take care of my girl.

Love, Kate". Jenna sat back down beside me with the letter in her hand and wiped away tears from her eyes. I took her hand in mine and put my head on her shoulder.

"Love you, Sis" I say.

"The next letter that I received from Kate is for Alan, So, Would you please come read it?" Pastor Ted asks. Alan hesitantly stands up and walks to the podium. He opens up the letter and begins to read.

"Dear Alan, You are something special. Special to my grandchildren, Special to my daughter, and most importantly you are special to me. You are my first and only son in law. You're the man that loves my daughter just as much as I do. When I'm Gone and she doesn't have me anymore she is going to need you more than anything, I don't doubt that you will constantly be there for her because I've seen how much you love her and I've seen how much you care. You, Alan Bersten, Are a great and wonderful man and I thank God everyday that my daughter has a man as good as you in her life . I thank God that my grandchildren have such an amazing father to guide them through life. I thank God for you everyday and I thank you for chosing to be a part of my family for ever. Thank you and take care my my daughter.

Love, Kate". Alan was sniffling when he sat back down.

"I'm going to take care of you" He whispers in my ear.

"The last letter...Is for you Danielle" Pastor Ted says. I slowly Stand up and walk to the podium. I pulled the letter out of the envelope and began to read.

"To my heart, My soul, My love, My life, My daughter, Danielle. Their aren't words in the world to describe how much I love you. You came into this world 35 years ago and changed my life forever. When you were three you became my little ballet dancer. When you were five you started taking ballroom classes. When eighteen rolled around you were a trained professional in ballroom and latin dancing, you were getting married, and you were having children. But in all that you were still my baby girl. I am so proud of you Danielle Nicole, So proud of you. So proud of the dancer you've become, So proud of the wife you've become, and So proud of the woman you've become. But don't you forget one thing, You are still my baby girl and I love you so much.

Love, Momma". I was fighting back tears as I went back to my seat. Alan put his arm around me, and Jenna grabbed my hand.

"One more thing before the end of this service is a video clip" Pastor Ted  says and clicks on a TV. A video started playing. It was a Montage of my parents when they were dating, getting, married, having me, and then it showed pictures from mine and Alan's wedding and when they met Addison and Ashe and Amelia fie the first time, Lastly is showed current pictures of all of us together. The last pciutew was the picture taken the last day I saw them on tour. A message came up at the end "We love you Danielle!". That's when I knew where this video came from, Emma and Yasmin made it. After the service  ended, I hugged everyone that was there and watched everyone leave. Alan and all the boys expect Sasha had to go back to my parents house to fey the tour buses. All the girls went with. Sasha stayed with me to make sure I was okay. We were standing outside on the porch waiting for the tour buses to pull up because tomorrow we had a show in West Virginia.

"How are you doing?" Sasha asks standing directly in front of me. I look up at him with tears still in my eyes.

"I'll get through it" I say.

"Are you sure you're up for another show?" He asks.

"Of course, I'd do anything for the fans" I say.

"Were here if you need us" He says and pulls me into a hug. the hug made more tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"I know" I say and pull away. His face was inches away from mine. In the next moment I had no idea what was happening, but I knew that his lips were on mine and I wasn't pulling away.

A/N: Funeral with a CLIFFHANGER! and just so yall know i hated making dani and sasha kiss, but I do love drama!! As always comment below your thoughts and how you think Emma and Alan are going to react to this kiss. ❤

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