Chapter 34

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Today was Friday, May 31st. We were leaving Monday to head back to Los Angeles for our final show of the tour. Because this was one of the last days we were going to have in Hawaii that we weren't doing anything, Alan and I decided to take the kids to the same Suba diving place we went to on our honeymoon.

"You all really came here when you got married?" Asher asked as we walked down the dock to the boat.

"We sure did" I say and wrap my arm around his shoulder. When we got onto the boat I was completely shocked.

"Whoa!" Alan says.

"Brendan?" I say. There stood the boy who gave Alan and I scuba lessons eighteen years ago.

"No Way" He says. "Alan and Danielle Bersten".

"What's going on, man?" Alan asks.

"Still working.What are you all doing here?".

"Were on tour right now" I answer.

"You had to come visit me again with your tour mates didn't you?" He asks.

"Well, Actually, These are our children" I Answer.

"Holy Shit! What?!" He asks.

"These are the twins, Addison and Asher, and this is Amelia" I introduced them.

"And, She's pregnant with our fourth" Alan says.

"Well, my god" He says. He started up the boat and took us to the spot. "So, I guess you won't be diving?" He asks me.

"Nope, Just them" I say. He gets them all ready and tells them when to go down. After they went in the water, Brendan sat on the boat bench beside me.

"You're still with him after all this time, that's amazing" He says.

"Four kids later and I'm still in love with him" I say.

"You don't see that too often these days" He says.

"Nope" I say.

"After I met you all the last time, I kept track of you all" He says. "I knew you had kids I just didn't know they were that old yet" He says.

"Addison and Asher will be eighteen in July, and Amelia will be sixteen in July" I say.

"Wow" He says.

"You know, Addison and Asher aren't my children, biologically, they're adopted" I say. "I got pregnant a month after we got married but lost the baby and found out it would be hard for me to carry my own, but, it just so happens  that my best fried was pregnant with Alan's children and then asked me to take them".

"But, Amelia and this one are yours?" He asks.

"Yeah, I got put on this medicine and then I was able to carry Amelia to term, and now I'm pregnant again" I say.

"That's amazing" He says.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy" I say.

"That's all that matters" He says.

"We've been touring all around the United States and just flew here from South America last week, So, I'll be glad to get home" I say.

"You'll be glad to finally get home and hold you're new baby in your arms" He says. I smile.

"You're right".

"Do you know your gender?" He asks.

"No, We didn't want to find out" I say. "But, my best friend is pregnant too, we're hoping for opposite genders".

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