Chapter 36 - Hope for the best, plan for the worst

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It's a bit late, but I was on a trip so I couldn't update earlier. Anyway, I'm happy for the interests you all showed for this story! To be honest, I like reading all the comments! I read all of them and is ever grateful. They hype me up to write more! I don't reply to every comments, but I really do read all of them! I usually reply to a comment when it asks for a clarification or is a question.

Oh yeah, and this is IMPORTANT to the story: Kobayashi Hideyoshi, Teikō's Principal is stated to be fifties to sixties, I'm changing it to late thirties to suit his part better. That's it!

Pairings : Undecided
Warnings : Teikō Middle School Days.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 36 - Hope for the best, plan for the worst

It was another day of Summer in Tokyo, the air was chiller than the day before but as always, it was a relatively hot day in Tokyo, which wasn't a good news for the students of Teikō. The school's gate was open despite it was Saturday to welcome the armed students with various cleaning supplies on their person.

With minimal uniforms of only a paleblue-buttoned shirt and black pants for males, with few wearing their black ties to complete the set and same shirt for females, only with a black bowstring around the collar and a black skirt, the students were all scattered around the field before the school building. Most of the them forming small groups as they chattered away.

With approximately 315 students each year, segregated into 8 classes with around 39 students in each, the crowds gathered in one place was indeed quite a surprising view with the grand numbers. It wasn't until the clock struck exactly at 7.00 in the morning did the noises died down.

"Ehem. Good morning to all of us; my proud students and teachers. Today, we assemble here to maintain our beloved school, Teikō. As your Principal, I have to say I am pleased to have nearly the whole student body present. Thank you for your participation students. And of course, the teachers are all in perfect attendances. Good work."

The man stood in his well-tailored suit, his ashen brown eyes sweeping past every students who had broken up from their little groups soon after he called for attention. Kobayashi Hideyoshi was quite a handsome man with his hazel almond-shaped eyes and matching coloured hair neatly styled to accentuate his features of a man in his prime; late thirties, and women would still swoon for his charisma.

"Without further ado, let us now proceed to the main event. Students, you know what to do; follow the student representative of your class and your homeroom teacher who will show you to the designated areas for each class. Teachers, please guide our students through and ensure all is well. Best of luck to all of us."

Applauses echoed covering the whole field, some teachers giving affirmation nods at the quite young and freshly-elected Principal. Kobayashi had just taken up his office five years ago and this was his sixth year. It was expected that he would head the institution for at least four more years and another five if his work dynamic was proven to be remarkable, thus; fresh.

As the well-groomed man backed away from the slightly elevated ground, his sharp gaze watched as the hundreds of students slowly began to form lines according to their class, with four or three students from the same class standing at the very front, as well as each class' homeroom teacher to round up the students and for head counts.

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