fashion show // gatty (george and matty)

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→ prompt: george and matty are trying on new outfits for the tour and they end up having too much fun in the shop
mostly fluff
(( this is for all the gatty shippers out there bc tbh I know there's a lot lol ))


"G!" matty yelled from the kitchen as he made both of their coffee's, "the coffee is ready."
he heard george's footsteps thump across the hardwood flooring as he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen where his boyfriend was sitting down the mugs and smiling down at him.
"good morning, love." matty was still smiling and he moved the mug over to george as well as himself. "so, do we have anything planned for today?" george asked while sipping on the warm liquid.
"well, we have to go to a few meetings for the tour, then jamie wants us to go pick out some stage clothes at this shop he found we might like." george nodded at the statement and wound his arm around matty's waist, pulling him closer to which he responded by resting his head into the crook of george's neck.
"it's a shame we can't stay here all day." george sighed while matty chuckled at his statement, as much as they both wanted to stay by themselves all day, they knew they had important things to do.
"well, look on the bright side, babe," matty detached himself from george and began walking to the sink to put the mugs away, "we'll have plenty of time later for ourselves." he skipped over to him and placed a kiss on george's cheek.
"cheesy bastard." george jokingly said under his breath, matty heard and his giggle rang through the house.
"get off your bum!" he called from the other end of the house, "we have things to do!"

the couple had somehow managed to sit through four meetings (which were two hours long each, or more since people wouldn't stop rambling), and they were making their way to the fifth. "I thought you said we only had a couple of meetings today!" george exclaimed, throwing his arms up in mock frustration, they were both highly annoyed by that point and just wanted the day over with.
"jamie said that so i went along with it, i didn't know he was going to spring three extra's on us!"
george sighed and put his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder, "i know, let's just get this one over with and then we can go to that shop, yeah?" he kissed matty on the head and ruffled his curls.

"oh my god, finally." matty huffed as they practically ran out of the building, afraid someone would suggest another meeting.
the boys made their way down town, following the directions jamie gave them.
"is this it?"
they walked up to a store called what goes around comes around, ((a/n: I literally just googled "vintage clothing shops in london" and that was like the 15th suggestion and I found it kind of funny so why not use it lol))
they looked at each other, smirking as they made their way into the shop. loads and loads of shelves were piled with clothing, the store was so them, they literally had no idea which direction to go to first.
a women, dressed in a flowery suit and a bun walked up to them, "can i help you with anything?"
"uh yeah," matty said awkwardly, "we're in a band and we're here to pick up clothes for our tour, our manager suggested this shop."
she nodded, leading them to the more fancy clothing, it wasn't to their exact liking but they decided to try every style and see if they could work any of it.
"may i ask what band you're in?" the lady asked, eyes bright and curious.
"the 1975." george replied back, "i play the drums and matty over here sings and plays the guitar, and then we have two more members, adam and ross who play the bass and other guitar."
the lady nodded, "well you two seem lovely, i might give you a listen some time." to that george and matty smiled and thanked her.
"if you need any help finding anything, then just ask for Emma at the desk." the boys thanked her again and began their search for clothing.

"we've been in here two hours and you still haven't managed to find something?" matty was dumbfounded at george, usually the roles are reversed, but it was different today.
"nothing we've looked at so far seems, like it's me."
matty turned on his heel and made his way over to the help desk, "excuse me? could you tell me where an emma is?"
the lady looked up, "that would be me, hello again. are you finding everything alright?"
he scratched the back of his head, "i am, george isn't. he says nothing he's looked at so far suits him."
she nodded and followed matty to the area where george was, who was looking at jackets when they returned.
"i've brought help."
george looked slightly relieved, "sorry if i'm a bother, i'm very picky some times."
emma shook her head, "that's alright."
she then led both of the boys to another section of the store, all while asking them questions about their style tastes, colours and everything else about clothes.
"i think you'll like this section." emma drew back the curtains and revealed shelves upon shelves of clothing. matty actually squeaked because of the insane amount of floral clothing, and black of course. on the other hand, george was having the exact same experience with plain black clothing and bedazzled leather jackets.
emma disappeared back to the front desk, and left the two boys alone.
they took turns modeling for each other, laughing and forgetting about the stress that had built up in them from the day.
george was handing matty a jacket, and laughed when he got stuck inside of it because it was too small, even for him.
"y'know, i'm glad we didn't just skip this stop because i've had a lot of fun." he said through giggles.
matty nodded, "me too." he walked over to hug george before he realized his arms were still stuck inside the jacket and they bursted out laughing.
"oh shut up and help me out of it." matty whined as he struggled to break free, but wasn't really having any luck because he just made it worse by trapping his arms even more.
george shook his head and released his boyfriend, "it's cute when you struggle."
matty just rolled his eyes, "you're such an idiot." he walked over and properly hugged him, "but you're my idiot."

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