Moutain climbing

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"Yes, lets climb a mountain.." Kaz snarled as he stabbed the mountain with an ice pick. "It will be so much fun they say!" He growled sarcastically. Inej rolled her eyes, the annoyed cripple was making good time. Jesper, Wylan, and Nina were all far below them. Inej was on Kaz's right, Matthias on his left. The bulkier man said nothing, just keeps to clambering up.

"You act like you didn't have a choice!" Inej told the still grumbling Kaz. He shot her a look of disbelief. "I would never be able to live it down! Ghezen, just think of what Jesper may have said." Inej looked over at Kaz to say a witty retort but stopped.
Her eyes looked at his hair, nearly white with frost and snow, his eyes flowed with vicious sarcasm, glowing like gems in the sparkling light. Outlining eyelashes crusted with snow crystals and with his ivory skin he looked like a version of Jack Frost.

"We should stop sometime soon, it looks like the storms going to get worse.. and the others should catch up." Kaz nodded, Inej could tell by his grim expression that his leg wasn't in too good of condition. It took a few hours, but the first three made it to a small cave. It was narrow but then slipped into a large dome. It was dry and warm, insulated from the cold. Matthias went to help the others find them. Inej and Kaz explored. Kaz was leaning heavily on his cane but tried to hide it.

"Will you just sit down Kaz, you clearly are in pain." Inej told him sourly. He huffed, pulling himself onto a shadowed ledge where he dangles his feet over the side. Inej followed his example, snuggling closer to him for warmth. "How's your leg?" She questioned, he shrugged. Inej whispered his name ever so softly and felt the way her lips moved as she spoke it. Kaz turned, slowly. His eyes were sharp and clear, pools of amber and gold curled into a perfect circle.

The musty scent of the cave was disturbed with a fresh stroke of clean air, the aroma of winters crisp water on it. His hand curled around her, spikes of cold causing warmth to flood wherever his touch went. Inej leaned closer, a small smile tugging at her lips. He slowly curled his hand at the nape of her neck, his thumb stroking the hollow of her throats where her pulse beat wildly. Their foreheads touched, their eyes closed in sync and the silence was like dew drops around them. The soft whistle of the wind could brush it off and yet the silence was there.

Their lips met, soft and tender, gently kissing the others. Inej's hand moved up his back and into his raven(now frosty white) colored soft hair. She brushed the ice crystals out of it, felt his eyelashes brush her skin as he opened his eyes, she felt him smile. She couldn't resist also smiling, why had she waited to do this?

Kaz let his hand slowly fall, pulling away just a little. He smirked at her, she blushed. The silence flowed through them, complete and finishing. Their thoughts in each other's heads and their eyes locked. His fingers clasped hers, their wasn't a single ounce of awkwardness in their first kiss. It seemed, as if, they had done it a million time. Kaz's thumb now caressed Inej's hand, gently stroking it.

The kiss had passion, but no hunger, not yet. It held both desires and fears, it was another way of communication. They stayed like that, a perhaps centimeter apart, due to heavy winter clothing. Inej didn't feel him shiver, despite he almost felt like he was touching her flesh. When Jesper and Wylan called to them neither moved. Neither ashamed of being next to the other.

"You should rest, your leg will need it." Kaz nodded in agreement. "The storms doesn't look like it will be stopping anytime soon." Matthias grimly agreed with Wylan's comment. "Then we will be staying here in the cave. Fresh air comes through a tiny crack in the cave in at the back" Inej informed. "Sticks and stuff are all collected their, plenty for at least a weeks fire."

They huddled together for warmth, even Kaz was forced to sit beside them near the fire. The days went by, eating add water food and complaining how crappy it was, stretching sore and stiff muscles and telling stories, sharing their lives. Even Inej got Kaz to spit out his backstory.

An then they were on their way, back up the mountain and down, complaining and groaning and arguing the entire way, but Inej and Kaz would always lean on one another when wary, because they knew the other would carry them.

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