Disscussion topic: Kaz and Inej's relationship

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We all know how much I love Kanej and how big it is in cannon, and why wouldn't it be? There are tons of little scenes that pull the two of them closer together, but there a few things I'd like to pick around with.

The main item being, we know how Kaz feels, but what about Inej?

Throughout much of the story we hear Kaz's point of view and how much he loves Inej and how much he represses these feelings. But what about Inej? Sure there are quotes that make it clearer and easier for us to say "of course they are in love, she doesn't want him to die! She wants him to heal!" And while that's all true, and I agree and could happily go along my way I noticed a pattern. In many of fanfiction Inej's Love is far more dialed down and secluded than Kaz's, her ways of showing love is also highly contrasting which makes me believe we have a harder time pinning down her feelings. So let's get right to it!

Through most of Inej's chapters, we can see subtle hints she likes him, from the very beginning as she is describing him she talks about him a bit longer than everyone else. But when he has a gun to his chest, she is mad and even a little frantic, but it isn't like she is afraid to lose him, she is worried about what happens to her after he gets shot. Now you can fight me on this, and I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on this but, Inej's wanting of Kaz seems far less than Kaz's for her. This may partially be due to the fact she doesn't know Kaz like we readers do, haven't seen that side of him nor know his background. But when she says she will come back to the city, that she believes she can still fix it and him, she never in her story says she loves Kaz nor wants him... now it has been a while since I re-read the books but if you think about, while Kaz does seem to be Who Inej wants in a sense, it seems she doesn't want him, but an idea of him. Which, yes, is basically the real him but she doesn't know that.

I just find it interesting that despite Kaz being more closed off he seems to have stronger emotions for her, I suppose it makes sense. In any case, when I see some things like Kaz would kill anyone who hurt Inej and Inej would harm who ever harmed him but was not willing to go as far, or that he loved her and she cherished him, man, I'm really torn. On one hand it's like, yeah you go girl, don't need any guy to survive! But it's also frustrating because a relationship is equal. I said it before in a story, Inej's father says the boy who learns about you and brings you the things you love should be the one, it should be the same for the guy. They should also be known by their partner.

Side note: This idea that Kaz is learning more about Inej than she is him can also set off a difference in the strength of their feelings since Inej isn't quite sure if she loves Kaz truly because she hasn't met him truly.

I think partially why this whole feelings uneven balance could be because Inej has never really faced the idea of losing Kaz. Sure, there have been close encounters, but she has never been there for them. She didn't know he nearly drowned in the Ice Court, and she never was placed in a real possibility of losing Kaz like he was with her, this probably puts perspective on each side of the relationship, he has always had control of the situation in cases of endangering his own life. Kaz knows he can't handle losing her, but I don't think Inej has thought on it. But from little quotes like the two of them being "twin soldiers." Walking through the same trenches of trauma, and of being so closely in sync that they don't need words to communicate is a special kind of friendship and relationship.

I feel that if Inej had been placed where Kaz was, if Van Eck cut out the middle man and had his bird people go straight for Kaz, Their relationship would be more evolved and Inej may have to face the fact that she also Wants Kaz. That she needs him, and n in that awful cliché way, I'm talking she loves him and needs him to be alright wherever he is even if she is away. She doesn't give up her beliefs, and Kaz has shown he doesn't want her to for him, he wants her to continue her mission but that mission is large for her to take on her own, I feel as if Inej would need someone familiar, *cough*Kaz*cough* to talk to and scheme with to finish off the slave trade, as they always are best when a team.

Anyway, just some ideas I wanted to throw out! Please comment and tell me your own thoughts and ideas and if you agree or disagree, I'm very curious about your guys thoughts.

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