Chapter One

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One - Julianne Lee



She's finally in Korea.

Though it has been a week since she first stepped in the land of this country, somehow, she can still say that she haven't digested that fact yet.

Living alone is a first for her. All her life, she had lived with her loving and supportive parents. Nothing was wrong. Everything has been perfect and in its right place.

But that was way back then.

Everything is different now, and nothing in her life is the same—not even herself. But she has no one to blame and there is nothing she can do. Past is past, is what they say, so that is what she keeps on reminding herself.

A girl bumping her suddenly brought back her flying consciousness.

"Are you going in the campus or are you going to stay in the middle of the way?" the girl asked with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

"Yeah. I'll go in." Yojeung curtly replied. The girl nodded her head towards the entrance before leaving her. Yojeung followed suit, but another student dropped a folder on her way while struggling to bring more in her arms. Yojeung ran to her to pick up the file and give it to her.

"Oh, thanks!" the student thanked and Yojeung just nodded her head in acknowledgement. She was about to leave when the student called out to her again.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry, but would it be okay if you help me with some of these, please?" Not wanting to be rude, Yojeung backtracked to the student and grabbed the top half of the files awkwardly stacked above her arms.

"Thanks again." She thanked, smiling at Yojeung. "I owe you one. I promise to return the favour some time later." Her smile faltered as she only got cricket sounds in response, so she cleared her throat.

"So... my name is Maeji. Since you're a new face, I'm guessing that you're the transferee?" Maeji asked, trying to make a conversation. Yojeung just nodded and hummed in response.

"I see. Nice to meet you. I am a club officer here so if there's anything you need, you can always approach me. Would you like me to tour you around?" She looked at Yojeung expectantly, but the latter just shook her head. Maeji inwardly sighed.

My enthusiasm is just the exact opposite as her response. She thought to herself.

"Can I ask you one thing? I don't mean to offend you but... uhh... Are you by any chance... a mute?"

Maeji was suddenly taken aback when Yojeung paused and looked at her wide eyed.

"I'm sorry! I--"

"I can talk."

Now, Maeji is taken aback for the second time. "Oh," is the only word she muttered.

"Lead the way," Yojeung said, which brought Maeji out of her state of shock.

This girl is something. Maeji mentally noted.

"Okay. Now that you know me, would it be okay for me to know your name too?" Maeji asked, smiling widely as they started to walk again. Though, this started to make Yojeung really uncomfortable.

"You talk too much," Yojeung mumbled, but made sure that it was loud enough for Maeji to hear. And indeed, Maeji heard. However, what happened next was the total opposite of what she actually wished, much to her dislike.

Maeji started rambling about school and other things not in the range of Yojeung's interests. It's either this girl is really insensitive or really friendly. Either way, she badly wanted Maeji to stop, but she can't tell her. She knows that it may easily offend a woman like her, so she just let her be.

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