Chapter 3

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Three - Lee Yojeung


Xiumin walked back to the building to gather his things from his locker. He then slammed it shut, locked it, and proceed to walk to a nearby park where he knew the others would be waiting since they decided to gather up before going back to their houses.

As he reached the park, he saw that almost everyone was already there except for Baekhyun. He exchanged greetings with them before settling himself at a bench. From a distance he can hear Lay nagging at Baekhyun through the phone, telling him to come already. A small smile formed on his lips. His attention was torn away from Lay as Maeji called for his attention.

"I was wondering," Maeji started.

"No. Actually we were wondering." Gwen added as she heard the conversation starting between Xiumin and Maeji.

"About?" Xiumin asked as he turned his attention to them, placing his elbow on his knee, totally facing them.

"About spending time with Julianne?" Both grinned meaningfully with a teasing stare.

"What?" He asked back innocently. Maeji just eyed him.

"I don't really get you. Tell me what you mean." He asked, flabbergasted as both groaned in annoyance.

"I mean you spending time with Julianne, you know, walking together." Gwen explained which left him more confused.

"I haven't even met that Julianne yet and you're asking me how it went when I spent time with her?" With those words, Xiumin received an 'are-you-kidding-me' look from both Maeji and Gwen, but Xiumin seriously didn't understand this whole situation at all.

"We just saw you walking with her up to the parking lot. You even opened the car door for her, being the gentleman that you are!" Maeji exclaimed which earned everyone's attention.

"What's going on here?" Tao asked as he went near them and sat beside Maeji, as Luhan did the same to Gwen.

"I was just interrogating him. No worries." Maeji smiled at Tao as she turned back to Xiumin, expecting him to answer her.

Xiumin was still dumbfounded until Maeji's words totally registered in his mind making a little flashbacks of the moment when he was with Yojeung.

"Oh. That." He suddenly mumbled, causing Gwen to raise an eyebrow. "You mean Yojeung?"

Maeji's face instantly showed her confusion "What?"

"I wasn't with whoever this Julianne is. That girl with me awhile ago was Lee Yojeung." Xiumin informed them. By his words, a smile creepily formed on Maeji's face.

"I guess I'm in real luck today!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Xiumin asked, still not knowing anything.

"Ok. Oppa, that girl is the same girl I'm talking about. Her english name is Julianne Lee. And because of you, I know her korean name now!" She happily explained with a wide grin. Tao was scared it may rip her face in two.

"Yeah. We get it Maeji. Now why don't you sit and calm down a bit, hm?" he calmly stated as he held her shoulders and gently pushed her down. "Why are you even so eager making friends with that woman?"

"I already asked her that. Duh, I'm here though. If you want a girl friend, what am I doing then?" Gwen mumbled which made Luhan chuckle and pat her head.

"Don't be jealous though." Luhan softly told her that had Gwen pout even more.

"So you're not on my side?" Gwen glared.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now