Chapter 13

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[A/N: Surprise!!
An early update for everyone to make up for having a very late update of the last chapter. So enjoy~ ^^

P.S This chapter is dedicated to forevermore_218 for always being the first one to vote in every chapter. Here it is as I promised you 😊😊]

Thirteen - Rescue


"Am I seeing this right? A nervous Huang Zi Tao?"

Maeji chuckled as she watched her boyfriend being nervous.

"Am not!" He defended.

Yojeung chuckled along with Maeji. She was quite amused to see him like that. "Shouldn't I be the nervous one here?"

"I'm not nervous!" Tao exclaimed. "Okay. I know I was wrong that night Yojeung so..."

"Don't say it." Yojeung cut him, earning a curious stare from the couple. "I think I won't be able to take an image of you apologizing. As long as we're clear now then I guess it's fine?"

"You weren't mad?" Tao asked with wide eyes. Yojeung just shook her head and smiled.

"Would you mind me being friends with your girl?" Maeji's cheeks suddenly had a pink tint at Yojeung's question. Unfortunately for her, both Yojeung and Tao noticed that.

He smirked at that. "I wouldn't mind. If my girl wants you to be her friend then it's fine. As long as the woman I love is happy."

Hearing Tao say this, Maeji wasn't able to hide it when her cheeks turned beet red. Yojeung chuckled at that, making Maeji want nothing but to get swallowed by the ground as of the moment because of embarrassment.

"Am I seeing this right? A blushing Cha Maeji?" Tao backfired her with her own words, but he was watching her lovingly in contradiction to his teasing.

"Ohh shut it." Maeji covered her cheeks while her other hand slapped Tao's chest, in which he didn't even flinch.

Yojeung had this smile on her face as she witnessed the love between the two and how they showed it to each other. She only wished that this wouldn't change.

"Let's just get going, shall we? They're waiting." Maeji said, trying to escape the situation.

"Since when have you two come back in good terms anyway?" Tao can't help but ask. As far as he remembers, Yojeung wasn't fond of them especially Maeji's stubbornness, added by that night's happenings. Yet right now, it seems as if it didn't happen at all.

"Just yesterday." Maeji shrugged as she walked in front him, having her hand on Yojeung's who was walking beside her. Initially, Maeji had been uncertain if Yojeung wouldnt mind the girly skinship, so she had attempted their first holding hands as a joke. She actually expected Yojeung to tense up or flinch awayany sign that would have showed that Yojeung didnt like itbut just one soft smile from Yeojeung, she knew that it was okay.

"And... Where are we supposed to wait for the others?" Tao abruptly blurted.

"At the pool area." Maeji immediately answered, glancing at him for a bit. "The field is currently occupied by the athletes."

"Wait a minute, hold up!" Yojeung exclaimed, instantly halting her steps.

"Why Yojeung? What's wrong?"

"Why the pool area? I mean... uhh..."

"What's wrong with the pool area? You haven't been there, have you?"

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now