Chapter 5

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Five - Thinking of you


The stars are now twinkling in the night sky as the sun went down and the moon rose up. Suho went out and watched them as they showed off their beauty to everyone beneath them. From his terrace, he can see a glimpse of the busy streets of Seoul. He let out a sigh when someone entered his mind again.


Their encounter this afternoon was still playing in his mind. Despite her cold aura, for him, she was adorable. And though he felt bad about it, he found Yojeung cute when she was sobbing while trying to hide the fact that she was. A smile crept on his face when he replayed the moment he hugged her. He was so happy that he was able to do something for Yojeung.

But it still bothers him though. He badly wanted to know why it made her cry. He wanted to know why she was hurt. He wanted to know what she had been through that turned her into what she is now. He wanted to know everything that was behind her words that moment. He wanted to know the cause of the pain he saw in her eyes.

By then, he can do another set of things he wants.

He wanted to help mend her heart. He wanted to ease her pain. He wanted to help her heal herself. He have witnessed her smile genuinely and he wanted to keep her smiling like that.

As much as possible, he wanted to be the reason why she smiles like that.

Ok that's weird. He told himself. He was wondering why he was thinking such things. He thought it was creepy of him to be like that when he even barely knew Yojeung.

"Are you ok?"

A manly voice approached, cutting into his train of thoughts. He abruptly straightened up then cleared his thoughts before facing the older man.

"Hey dad. You're home." He greeted with a smile.

Mr. Kim chuckled before giving his son a fatherly hug. "Yes. Yes I am. Anyway, is there anything that's bothering you? You seem to be in deep thought." His father asked before standing beside him and placing his elbows above the railings of their terrace. Suho mirrored his father's action.

"Nothing really, dad. Just some school stuff." He answered.

His father nodded at him before facing in front. "I heard your friend D.O found his anima." He suddenly blurted out, making Suho snap his head towards him.

"Uhh... Yes. We met her yesterday morning. Her name is Choi Seolhyun. She's a business woman. That Sunday morning was her only free time so we decided to gather altogether to meet her." Suho explained.

"How was it?"

"Well, it didn't go like how we thought it would. But we're good, dad." Suho personally doesn't like the woman that was introduced to them yesterday and though their meeting never went well, he doesn't have the guts to tell his father about it. He thinks it would be disrespectful of him to say such things without even knowing anything about Seolhyun. And he was also worried about D.O. Having his friend in a situation like this, he can't help but be worried.

"Really? That's good." His father replied. "What about you?"

"What about me?" His father's question got him quite perplexed for a second. His father gave him a smile before giving him another question.

"How's your heart? Is there anyone who got your attention already?"

Suho's eyes went wide. He was shocked to hear his father asking him about it. Honestly, it was one of those topics that always makes you awkward when you have a talk with your parents. And he experienced it sooner than he thought.

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