Chapter 41

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Forty One -The Search pt. 2


The screeching of car wheels were heard, then were later on followed by footsteps of the people who came out of the vehicle.

Finally, they reached the Bonds Cliff. The place that Sam had stated they used to go for hiding or whenever they wanted to swim or go cliff jumping. The place was indeed a bit isolated. It was obvious that not so many people knew about the place, hence it provided some privacy despite being outdoors and a wide, open air. The five minutes of their way there almost felt like they were already in the forest and once they reached the end, the scenery of the shore with gentle waves, as though trying to reach them, finally came to view. The air was so fresh that Sehun can't help but let it pass through them for a few minutes with his power-- of course without letting Sam notice.

They were admiring the scenery for a while until distant laughters were heard. Luhan caught sight of few teens not too far from them.

"There are teenagers over there." he said, pointing at northwest where they stood.

Tao immediately recognized them as the civilians in his vision who were caught up in their issue. He even remember the tallest guy as the one Yojeung will throw off later on if his vision was indeed about to happen.

"We have to get them out of here." Tao declared. "Now!"

"Okay, what is going on? Why do we have to get them out? I mean, let them be. They're not disturbing us." Haru asked in which Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Gwen nodded in agreement. Everyone aside from Xiumin, Maeji, and Suho gave him a look of confusion.

"Just do it. We have to evacuate them."

Kai's eyebrows met each other. "Evacuate?!"

"If you want them safe and alive by the end of the day, we better do it." Maeji answered sternly.

Lay went ahead and talked to Sam in English. "They said we have to get them out of here. Can you help us?"

"Huh?" Sam's right eyebrow raised. "Why? They're not doing anything to us."

"I don't know too. But please. Just trust us. We have to get them out." Lay answered, pleading.

"I'll handle it." Sam nodded before heading towards the teens.


"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Yojeung mumbled a small "Sorry." and continued. She had been walking so aimlessly that she didn't know where she was already . She just let her feet lead her to anywhere. To a place where there will be no people around.

With every second that passed by, she was becoming more and more out of control. And with that every second, she became more and more terrified of herself. She was starting to see herself as a monster.

She was scared of what will happen, of what she may do, or what she may cause. She was scared that the important people of her life might get hurt because of her. Or worse, lose them like she lost Gab. All because of her.

She was scared that she might be exposed. Her and her powers. She was scared she might blow up the Hellions' cover that they have been protecting all this time. She was scared of what she can do with all of this inside her.

She coughed a few times and again realized how dehydrated she was already. Her lips were so dry and she was sure she looked awfully pale by then. One child that she met along the way even thought she escaped a hospital and even asked the mother to help her go back but she ran even before she got near. The last thing she wanted to happen was let someone get near her and get hurt.

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